abandoned but not forgotten.
Thread started by
popsiclekid at 05.9.09 - 2:51 pm
I am at the time in my young life that i have heard many come to, a i time where urban exploration is something you cant stop thinking about.
when i used to live in london i could go to a park and walk into the woods sit down on a tree and not see a single person or anything to remind me of people and thats one thing i miss and i havnt found in la.
basically i would love to go exploring in abandoned places such as tunnels, subways, factories, air force bases. and others.
I have heard about the nike air base and the UCLA steam tunnels which i will definetly check out, BUTT CAN ANYONE GIVE ME MORE.
imagine how good you will feel to no you led a little teenager into the wild (no money burning and not dieing) to find himself.
the list of abandoned places starts now.
Enchanted Forest - Pasadena
A place were they do animal sacrafices.
rayrayray05.9.09 - 2:54 pm
are you going to invite canadienne to go with you?
sexy05.9.09 - 3:04 pm
Word of warning. Don't go with a bunch of lame fucks that would rather go hangout in bar and drink beer. I'm looking at you Brad, PC, and Kuby!
User105.9.09 - 3:05 pm
You'll be able to cross off one of those places on the list above tomorrow!
User105.9.09 - 3:07 pm
It all looks so fun.
There a a bunch of abandond warehouses behind the NH Station.
rayrayray05.9.09 - 3:13 pm
Have you ever ridden along the 110 bike path? It starts where San Fernando Road goes under the 110 at the North end, and drops you off near Dodger stadium at the South end. It's about a door-width wide, completely overgrown with shrubs, and has some great views of LA.
wiz_vanmeter05.9.09 - 3:21 pm
A couple Monday night rehabs ago we went to the base of Gravity Hill in Sylmar. There's gonna be a part II
rayrayray05.9.09 - 3:23 pm
aww... What made you think of me? Cuz yeah, I totally DO miss being able to hike into a thick wooded area and just lose myself to nature. I used to do that all the time in Missisauga/Toronto/Niagara/wherever Ontario. I'm going to Toronto in a couple of weeks, and I plan on doing some serious hiking then.
But yeah, keep us posted on these little ventures around L.A. I'm in.
canadienne05.9.09 - 3:31 pm
Popsicle Kid e al:
I highly recommend the abandoned zoo at Griffith Park.
If that's too easy, and you're willing to get off your bike and hike, I highly recommend the abandoned compound in Rustic Canyon behind Will Rogers State Park. You have to hop up a muddy riverbed for a couple of miles, but there are weird old concrete structures covered in greffiti and a waterfall (weather permitting), so it's worth a day hike.
If enough folks are interested and don't mind a very SLOW wander, I'd be happy to take y'all out there.
JB05.9.09 - 4:57 pm
Would this be a sort of lock up our bikes really well and go for a hike sort of thing? If so, I'm totally down. I don't have a mountain bike or anything... so yeah.. I'm up for a Walkazz adventure if other people are!
canadienne05.9.09 - 5:05 pm
This would be a "lock up your bikes really well" and/or a "forget it and just carpool to the trailhead" sort of thing
JB05.9.09 - 5:42 pm
PC05.9.09 - 6:02 pm
The abandon compound is the abandon Nazi camp, yes? I've been told I need to go check it out. I'd be up fo dat!
There's also something called the shroom room in da hills. Anyone hear of that?
User105.9.09 - 6:07 pm
"The abandon compound is the abandon Nazi camp, yes? I've been told I need to go check it out. I'd be up fo dat!"
Yes, that's what it is. It's a long and ridiculous story.
(And not very well known, because nobody wants neo-Nazis in the Pacific Palisades (or, well, anywhere).)
"There's also something called the shroom room in da hills. Anyone hear of that?"
I'm guessing that might be one of the concrete buildings in the compound, but there might be another one.
Let's do an afternoon trip a few Sundays from now.
JB05.9.09 - 6:20 pm
They should've opened up the Barker Ranch for habitation, I would've moved into it in a heartbeat.
There's Victorville, then there's the "Real Desert".
Blue skies, clear nights, and the sound of engines is non-existent.
bentstrider05.9.09 - 7:02 pm
birthday wishes!!!!!!!!
sexy05.9.09 - 7:55 pm
okay... I'm gonna be
that guy and just say LET'S DO THIS NEXT SUNDAY!
(purely for selfish reasons, since I'll be in Canada the 2 Sundays after, and the Sunday after
that is when the ALC team comes back and I need to praise them)
But yes, ride & lock sounds good. Carpool sounds even better.
eep! :D
canadienne05.10.09 - 10:26 am
Let me see how things go. I had tentative plans for next Sunday, but assuming I can get them sorted / postponed, that sounds like a good idea. (You guys don't need a day to recover from crankmob?)
I'll keep you posted. Worse comes to worse, we do this 5 sundays from now when Canadienne gets back into town.
JB05.10.09 - 5:31 pm
There used to be this old, Air Force communications bunker up near Helendale.
Rooms and tunnels going hundreds of feet down, old equipment lying around, I always wanted to check this thing out since hearing about it three years ago.
But, parties and such were always held here, which usually tends to bring out the riff-raff.
Sadly, two kids were shot during a rave out there in '07, and the BLM, along with the USAF, tore the thing
They didn't have to tear it down, but the parents had their heads up the wrong ass and thought destroying it would make their lives better, or something.
bentstrider05.10.09 - 7:34 pm
woooowwwzaaaa thanks everyone for saying stuff...
I now have a great long list of places to visit, I actually remember going to the nazi bunker place when i was 9 with my school, it scared the living fuck out of me.
I love where this thread has gone, and abandoned but not forgotton ride. You all could be on to something here.
tanks tanks and more thanks
popsiclekid05.10.09 - 8:11 pm
well, let us know JB. Either this Sunday or 5 from now is best for me... but don't let me rain on your collective parades if you choose do to this in a few weeks :)
canadienne05.10.09 - 9:05 pm
Let's do this 5 Sundays from now, so I have time to do a test run first and make sure I remember the route.
Wandering around confused in a remote canyon trying to figure out the route while exhausted after crankmob just sounds like a silly idea.
JB05.11.09 - 9:29 am
Starting a closed google group in regards to exploring abandon sites is not a bad way to go. I myself am a bit reluctant to disclose too much since there's no control over who reads it. My apprehension is regarding vandalism. I believe that things should be left as they were found. Not everyone subscribes to that belief. So I would like to see a group where everyone knows everyone and most importantly follows the same creed.
I have a few ideas for places to go in LA and number of sites outside. Would be great to compile a list too.
User105.11.09 - 5:30 pm
I'd like to join the google group or email list or whatever the organizer wants to use.
spiraldemon05.11.09 - 5:31 pm
I think these rides would be small enough that we could keep the vandalism to a minimum, especially in daylight with no liquor stops.
Does anybody know about the Pacific and Electric subway tunnel through downtown?
Supposedly it's sealed off, but it would be pretty sweet if we could get in.
JB05.14.09 - 11:30 pm
dylan hit me up if you ever want me to show you some chill spots. seriously.
HANDBONE05.15.09 - 12:17 am
Yeah those tunnels are sealed shut. There's one entrance that you have to go through this building, and passed this security guard to get in. That's on Hill street I believe. There's other stuff that's pretty cool and downtown that you can go to. Search for underground tunnels on this site. There's a thread on it.
User105.15.09 - 12:24 am
I always wanted to explore some tombs, or some other heinous place where some screwy shit happened.
bentstrider05.15.09 - 12:35 am
How bout camping in an old west graveyard? We're talking a couple of hundred years old, and out in the middle of nowhere!
User105.15.09 - 12:43 am
I've heard of those, they're about 100-200 miles outside of Victimville in those old town-sites that went bust after the goldmines played out about 70-120 years ago..
I'll reiterate, Victorville isn't as rural as it once was.
Just think back to that Pretenders song, "My city was gone" or some shit.
bentstrider05.15.09 - 12:51 am
my followup question is how many Ridazz can sleep on your floor, Adam?
tortuga_veloce05.15.09 - 12:52 am
richtotheie came up here along with Jude back in November of '07.
Then there were the countless incursions by TWBG into what remains of the local, hot-springs that exist in the surrounding foothills.
bentstrider05.15.09 - 12:53 am
My stepdads place is pretty fucking big, and full of acreage to camp out on.
My moms apartment is only 2bdrm and kind of cramped.
bentstrider05.15.09 - 12:54 am
Lizards in Santa Barbara, kinda hard to find, only been there once, but check out the bird cage and the Lizards mouth.
X-Large05.15.09 - 12:56 am
How many hot springs are there in the area? I only know of Deep Creek.
User105.15.09 - 12:57 am
That's pretty much it, but then there's also that little cove by Mojave Narrows where my friend rolled his Ranger four years ago!!
bentstrider05.15.09 - 1:02 am
What's the little cove?
User105.15.09 - 1:07 am
Okay, it's not a cove but this odd-ball train crossing where one goes over, the other goes under.
It's essentially the cheap-skate route onto the lake.
bentstrider05.15.09 - 1:09 am
keep me posted on this ride/hike it sounds really interesting i'd like to go.
there's also this abandoned hotel in pasadena, i went up there with 2 friends once; it was pretty crazy in there.
sshagy05.15.09 - 5:08 am
are you planning on going to the nazi place in the palisades? i used to hike there all the time as a kid. I actually just found some photos from there from about 18 years ago. I would love to go on this hike again.
brassknuckle05.15.09 - 6:45 am
i am also interested in compiling a list... last night went to the mental hospital across from hollenbeck park and then to that tunnel beneath the bike path we went to on Robotz.
steph05.16.09 - 7:02 pm
Here's the place I was telling you about.
Nice, vacant area between Apple Valley and Victorville, right near the Mojave Riverbed.
A chill, place to come sit and think, when the dumbshit teeny boppers aren't tearing shit up on their quads.
Then these odd things...
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
05.28.09 - 7:28 am
This reminds me of this one area where there's a train line that does a complete circle to make a turn. So instead of doing a 90 degree turn, the tracks do a complete circle. Train nerds and terrorists knows where this spot is. I believe it's in California or somewhere in the Southwest.
User1 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
05.28.09 - 12:33 pm
My stepdad's a pretty big, train nerd, I'll ask him.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
05.28.09 - 2:02 pm
YESSSS!!!! i like all this!!!!!... new secluded areas being brought about= new yards for me in the future :) lol
theladiesman responding to a
comment by neverclever
05.28.09 - 2:34 pm
How do you find interesting abandoned places around LA? Well, you follow the
film crews, obviously.
nathansnider05.28.09 - 4:21 pm
Or you consult a location scout (Marino).
User1 responding to a
comment by nathansnider
05.28.09 - 5:17 pm
This place won't be that hard to find. Plus there's a bike trail that goes along there. Do I smell a bike ride/exploration coming on? Those guys cleaned it of all the yucky stuff. You just know they haven't even started sealing it up. Who's up for a bike trip behind the Orange Curtain?
User1 responding to a
comment by neverclever
05.28.09 - 5:52 pm
H & K MP-7, IR-goggles, and handheld motion-sensors locked, cocked, and ready to rock!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
05.29.09 - 2:45 am
404'd, that was an intergalactic waste of time.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
06.2.09 - 9:37 am
I've known about that San Gabriel River camp for years. Ride by there all the time. Lots of those homeless ride bikes around, push shopping carts down there.
alicestrong06.2.09 - 10:19 am
Reminds me of the village from Resident Evil 4, because I'm ign'nt and haven't played 5 yet.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by User1
06.16.09 - 2:11 pm