Thread started by
Limeyfly at 04.25.08 - 10:37 am
when does the week start and end???????????
Like everything on this website, when Roadblock says!
sexy04.25.08 - 11:32 am
At 5:30pm every day.
Shut up Sexy. The position of the grumpy old guy has been taken by me and User1. We ain't hirin. Work on your beer gut and apply again when you are past 40.
In the meantime be the smoothtalkin ladieezz man you deserve to be. There's not much time left.
marino04.25.08 - 11:49 am
Can I be a Grumpy Old Guy? I think I qualify.
Sorry towliedong aka cumrag. You are too nice. You don't have much of a gut and you ride a fixie. EPIC FAIL
marino04.25.08 - 12:14 pm
No one's seen my grumpiness yet but I was close last Sunday while packing up.
I gotta beer gut and I can keep working on it.
But the fixie, heh, I ain't getting rid of it.
toweliesbong04.25.08 - 12:31 pm
Yeah! Let's nominate Question again!
Question for ROTW!
I second the motion too!
User110.16.09 - 10:22 am