Thread started by
KiMS1 at 04.13.09 - 9:51 am
sarah, jeff, ayla, krista, and whoever else that's involved.
i have great news.
send me your email addresses.
kimsoner [at] hotmail dot com
admin [at] valleybikery [dot] com
danya04.13.09 - 10:06 am
check the valley bikery group and read.
it is the email i sent to ayla regarding all our stuff.
KiMS104.13.09 - 10:09 am
man, motherfucking google groups.
here, ill just copy and paste here.
this is the email i sent out earlier regarding wtf ive been up to
this is the email i sent ayla earlier. read it please.
hey hey
so good news.
i've been talking with the Sustainable CSUN group which is headed by the environmental sciences and urban planning dept and they are here to back us.
I have to find 4 other folks who are current CSUN students and I can make it into a legitimate club at CSUN.
They will help us with funds for tools and most likely a space on campus where we can have a stable bike garage for repairs, meetings, etc.
I am trying to meet up with the club people sometime this week so we can go over the details on what we need and what forms we have to fill out.
at the meeting last week, krista and i made of list of priorities we need to take care of.
we need to clean up that list and have a legitimate game plan so i can work with it and submit it with the clubs committee at school.
also, i need to make sure that we are ALL okay with this being a part of/backed by CSUN.
I apologize for just assuming and going ahead in this direction. I figured we need as much help monetarily and by a stable organization.
also, regarding earth day festival/events.
CSUN holds an annual earth day campus wide event. it is on april 22nd, wednesday.
what it is, is a huge collection of booths and canopies where "green" companies and local activists congregate to bring in new ideas and attract students and community members on how to live green, keep things sustainable, etc etc.
if we want to set up a booth/section for the bikery, we need to work on this NOW.
we need ways of attracting students/community folks and tell them who we are, what we're doing, and we expect from this.
if we can get a basic set of tools, we can tell people to bring their bikes over so we can give them light tune ups and maybe a few small tutorials on how to fix things on the go such as how to fix a flat.
we also need things to give away as small take home objects and maybe even a small raffle.
we can make simple things such as a checklist card on what you should bring when you go on a ride (tube, pump, patch kit, levers), ben was talking about how we can DIY make small reflective pant leg supporters, etc.
what would be also really nice and hopefully not to hard to scrounge up are patch kits, bumper stickers, tire levers, and other small knick knacks.
one more thing is that we need to have all of us with all our bikes, nice and shiny. yes, it's a bit shallow, i know, but if we can attract people on how motherfuckin cool we look, it's a huge plus.
if we can get all this set up for earth day, it's going make us look incredibly good for CSUN to fund us with higher budgets and it can easily catch the eyes of other groups and companies at the event. perhaps with collaborate with them. and keep in mind that federal and state depts will also be there, such as the EPA and the dept of parks and recs. oh and the last few years, KPCC and KCRW was there reporting on this, so hey, we might even be able to get our cause out over the radiowaves.
let me know what you think and please forward this email to everyone that is on board with this.
oh and if you can give me your phone number, and everyone else's contact info that would be great.
have a great breakfast, lunch and dinner.
KiMS104.13.09 - 10:12 am
haha, it's moderated. I just approved you to always post without approval, though.
danya04.13.09 - 10:24 am
what do you think?
okay with it being backed by csun?
KiMS104.13.09 - 10:26 am
cool, i have that wednesday off :)
66604.13.09 - 10:43 am
I have nothing to do with this but I will give you my opinion.
I think it would be great way for you all to start with some backing such as CSUN. It will make completing your mission so much easier if you don't have to worry about paying the bills.
After getting established and making connections with the community around, you will always be able to break off on your own if things don't work with CSUN. It will be much easier then starting fresh without being known who you are and what you are doing.
If it works out that you don't have to charge people for stand time, I would always remind people how great it is that you don't have to charge. If in the future you move to location where you would have to charge for stand time it will be easier in everybody's consciousness
If I don't know what I'm talking about then disregard this message.
Wish I could be working on this with all of you. I'm proud of all of you for all the achievements that you are all making. Thanks
sexy04.13.09 - 11:10 am
here's the best part about it
csun will most likely give us a budget for each semester depending on our needs.
and with that budget we can buy up tools and if we want use it for rent money on an off campus space.
idk if i stated that up above
KiMS104.13.09 - 11:16 am
what happens if the bike club disbands? What will happen to the tools that we bought with the money?
66604.13.09 - 11:24 am
You just saved 15% on car insurance?
04.13.09 - 12:52 pm
meow04.13.09 - 11:25 am
well if we do it through csun, it would be csun property.
since a lot of us are soon to be csun grads, as we get this thing off the ground, we need to make sure there will be new responsible riders who are csun students that can take care of the club after we are no longer students.
we can still be around to help and work it but to be official it needs to be headed by students.
KiMS104.13.09 - 11:37 am
I only say nay to this because I'm not allowed at CSUN, but I support it 100%.
Graham04.13.09 - 11:39 am
i havent found folks who are dedicated as much as folks who are outside of csun.
hopefully i can find some younger incoming freshman who really are up for this and aren't hyped for the wrong reasons.
KiMS104.13.09 - 12:02 pm
what are you're thoughts on this situation?
anybody know how to get a hold of krista?
i wanna know what she thinks of the csun deal.
KiMS104.13.09 - 12:04 pm
kimds i have her number i'll email it to you.
mattspeed04.13.09 - 12:29 pm
yeah, email me everyone's number if u have it
and tell me what you think of the idea as well.
any suggestions?
any thing that i missed?
what you had for lunch?
KiMS104.13.09 - 12:31 pm
had BK ugh, shouldn't of. incoming email..
mattspeed04.13.09 - 2:06 pm
I can free time to work the booth at CSUN or whatever else you need. Have tools and a portable stand and a shiny bike. I'm also a current student if you need people to join the club
mitch04.13.09 - 2:35 pm
hell yeah dude
email me ur addy and number
kimsoner [at] hotmail
KiMS104.13.09 - 2:52 pm
i'm a student as well, but not sure if i'm gonna take classes next semester
66604.13.09 - 3:20 pm
My high school?
Maybe? I could find people.
rayrayray04.13.09 - 4:26 pm
I'm not allowed at CSUN either but this small formality won't stop me from supporting you guys. I might just be there every day out of the week learning as much as possible and then passing that same knowledge to others.
Mike.... great fucking work man. You're awesome dood!
GodLovesUgly04.13.09 - 5:20 pm
I really don't see you guys getting kicked out, even if you "aren't allowed." Can't remember the last time I saw a cop actually walking around on campus
mitch04.13.09 - 5:42 pm
I have:
loads of used tires
other bike bits
used tools
all up for grabs once you get a space set up, I will even deliver.
I can also order tools for you at cost.
do not call,
just come by Atomic Cycles and we'll work out the details
CSUN alumni
rev10604.13.09 - 6:33 pm
cool! I think my head is going to explode...I need more info on the earth day thing. It sounds cool, is it a daytime thing? I has a job far away from CSUN...I'm going to the googley group to check the updates there.
Paul, that's awesome! Thanks so much!
kryxtanicole04.13.09 - 6:42 pm
What is the valley? Is there where people go to die?
Debut21304.13.09 - 7:12 pm
Why are you always in the valley threads Debutt? Jealous or something?
kryxtanicole04.13.09 - 7:29 pm
the valley is where people get off their ass and make shit happen instead of just going to rides and getting wasted for no apparent reason.
KiMS104.13.09 - 7:37 pm
I'm not in every single valley thread, thats an overstatement. Dont be so defensive krysta.. i only come on here to bust ur ballz...
Debut21304.13.09 - 7:41 pm
I think this is a great idea and applaude every single one of you people for engaging is such a huge project. The valley needs what Downtown l.a already has, about time you guys catch the fuck up..
Debut21304.13.09 - 7:44 pm
Debut 213 please come up to me on the next ride I see you at, I will probably be at RWNN and C.R.A.N.K. MOB, I might not be on my tallbike but I would really like to meet you in real life.
tallcans4tallbikes04.13.09 - 8:25 pm
I'll can assist ya'll with your introductions. : )
P.s. Hey Debutt, who's haytin?
kryxtanicole04.13.09 - 8:58 pm
No problem tallcan ill introduce my self next time.. Im a patch wearing MoM Ridda so i wont be too hard to miss.. ill keep an eye out for that beard of urs...
Debut21304.14.09 - 4:22 pm
p.s krystduhh toon towns haytin thats who...
Debut21304.14.09 - 4:23 pm
check google group for update on csun backing and earth day stuff
i made a quick design for t shirts/ etc for earthday festivities
let me know what you think.
something simple so we can screen print it quickly for shirts
KiMS104.16.09 - 1:57 pm
i just saw the updated website
kudos sarah!
simple yet effective to get us started.
thanks for putting that up!
KiMS104.16.09 - 2:00 pm
that looks good, maybe incorporate a tool of some sort. i went DIY day at woodley park last weekend and they were printing on aprons, that logo on an bike mechanics type apron would look sweet.
mattspeed04.16.09 - 2:00 pm
KiMS104.16.09 - 2:14 pm
i can help out next wednesday during earth day
66604.16.09 - 3:35 pm
put some gears on that bike
mitch04.16.09 - 3:40 pm
earth day fair at csun is on april 22 wednesday from 11am to 2pm
if you can help volunteer, i need to know NOW
KiMS104.16.09 - 3:50 pm
i can help out 12 to 2. i don't want to be alone though <3
66604.16.09 - 4:22 pm
thanks vinh,
you wont be alone, i should be there all day.
and matt
i hope you fucking die.
KiMS104.16.09 - 6:36 pm
Bikery meeting monday night, 7p.m. @ my house. Address on the facebook group.
kryxtanicole04.16.09 - 10:04 pm
hey i want to get involved i got sundays and mondays off well pretty much any day before 5 gotta work that night shift
fatpateatsfood04.16.09 - 10:12 pm
are u guys gonna be having Bike Polo parts too? i hope so.....
davidh608104.16.09 - 10:16 pm
Looking out for the polo crew! With me & Sarah in the mix, you bet!!! But we gotta build up some inventory....right now we have 3 pair/sets(?) of straight bars....and acquiring more tools...
kryxtanicole04.16.09 - 10:22 pm
we need ur feedback on the google groups and/or facebook thread.
let me know what you think.
KiMS104.16.09 - 10:31 pm
basically we have to make a decision on if we wanna do our thang through csun or not.
i posted up a pros and cons kinda thing on the google groups thingamajig.
i wanna know what everyone is thinking.
i dont really care if we do it through csun or not.
as long as we do it, im inzzz.
KiMS104.17.09 - 10:04 am
Does it really matter immediately if we're doing this through CSUN or not? It's nice to have all the information available before we meet, so we can take it all in, but I think we should probably have an official vote when it comes to such an important decision. I personally feel that the only immediate action item on the table is preparing for Earth Day.
danya04.17.09 - 10:17 am
We already decided we would be discussing that at our meeting our Monday, not over the internet.
kryxtanicole04.17.09 - 10:21 am
are we baking too or no?
if yes
i got this mean ass recipe for meatloaf cupcakes.
savoury will beat sweets.
KiMS104.17.09 - 10:34 am
Meeting TONIGHT at Krista's, 5311 Corteen. Punch 004 to get in. We start at 7:00 sharp, so get there a few minutes before then.
danya04.20.09 - 4:22 pm
i won't be able to make it because of work.
either call me and put the thing on speaker phone
fill me in on the deets at tns
KiMS104.20.09 - 4:34 pm
I'd love to have you in on speakerphone...can you answer questions about CSUN that come up, or just listen in?
P.S. The intercom at my gate is broken. Just call me or Sarah or Ayla... Also, no need to lock your bikes outside, I have plenty of room (srsly), bring it in!! A safe bike is a happy bike!
kryxtanicole04.20.09 - 6:12 pm
Thanks for coming out the the meeting everyone, good progress and big plans!
If you want to stay tuned into the station, join the google group.
kryxtanicole04.21.09 - 1:06 am
We're running our first clinic TODAY, at CSUN's Earth Day festival. Come by and support!
danya04.22.09 - 9:22 am
any updates? i couldn't come because of work ;/
mattspeed04.22.09 - 2:39 pm
I'm not on this thing often, but it's awesome to see that a bike-co-op-thingie is happening in the 818!
You folks RULE.
the reverend dak04.22.09 - 4:54 pm
Customized. Its the lazy way to make a cool logo.
Nike: its the cheaper way to make shoes in sweatshops.
MaryZeiser07.23.09 - 2:19 am
Hey that logo looks like a rip off of the Dedicated Cyclist wheel and wings logo ?
come up with something original
we allready have jerseys..........
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by MaryZeiser
07.23.09 - 8:44 am
haha I love the logo
So for people reading this thread the Valley Bikery new location in Chatsworth will be open tuesdays from 4-8 and saturdays from 1-5 (for now... eventually if we have more volunteers we can be open more often). If you want to volunteer as a "Baker" to help teach people how to fix their bikes send an email to valleybikery at gmail dot com. Say what days/times you can volunteer and whether that is just once or on a weekly or monthly basis. You could also volunteer as a ride leader for our Urban Expeditions beginner bike rides that will start in the fall. the opportunities are endless.... :)
Also, we're having a grand opening party on Sunday Aug 9th from 3-7!! There will be food, music, stand time, and a bike ride after!!
Ayla responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
07.23.09 - 1:28 pm
oh one more thing!
we are having a logo design contest!! Send a Valley Bikery logo design to valleybikery at gmail dot com by friday August 7th. We will announce the winner at our party on august 9th and they will win a sweet prize! (and we'll use your logo on t-shirts and stuff)
Ayla responding to a
comment by MaryZeiser
07.23.09 - 1:31 pm
Not a ha ha laughing matter !
good way to get your asses sued .
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Ayla
07.23.09 - 2:02 pm
Do you guys need any more stuff? I have a mess of good used tires...
rev106 responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
07.24.09 - 10:20 am
Why don't you post your design? This way others can see what you're talking about, yeah?
User1 responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
07.24.09 - 10:50 am
Yeah, we could def use some tires. We'll be at the bikery on saturday 1-5 (inside Valley Bicycles on Devonshire just west of desoto) if you want to drop them off. Or one of us could come pick them up...
Ayla responding to a
comment by rev106
07.24.09 - 1:47 pm
I will be at work when you're doing your thing. I'm not going to chase you guys, if you want some goodies, you'll have to make time to come by my shop before I close and we can roll to my pad and I'll load you up. You'll need a truck or van or I can help you take them somewhere after I get off which won't be until 6 pm.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Ayla
07.27.09 - 6:34 am
ive got some ideas for the window painting of Valley Bikery. Hows the logo coming along?
MaryZeiser07.30.09 - 10:29 pm
I think I saw the Tecate sponsored chap on the home pic working at this Bikery when I passed by one day. The orange paint on the walls, isn't there some sort of psychological effect? Just wondering.
tivu07.30.09 - 11:33 pm
i think that if we can get a mini fridge and concession stand going to provide ridazz with homemade refreshments at the bikery, it would be a nice addition.
MaryZeiser08.2.09 - 4:44 pm
my friend made a logo, what do you guys think?
66608.14.09 - 5:09 pm
Make it say 818 on the crankarm and it's good
Destroyer08.14.09 - 5:16 pm
sexay logo. i nominate that as the Bikery's official seal.
MaryZeiser08.14.09 - 7:15 pm
do you have posted hours yet? I want to come by and check it out.
rev106 responding to a
comment by MaryZeiser
08.15.09 - 6:55 am
Tuesdays 4-8pm & Saturdays 1-5pm. We accept donations! Tell a friend about the Valley Bikery.
MaryZeiser08.16.09 - 1:48 pm
I've already given you guy a bunch of crap. Neat cookie.
rev106 responding to a
comment by MaryZeiser
08.17.09 - 12:24 pm
I dumped off a milk crate full of brakes and some toe clips and a few used tires, more as I clean out my mess.
rev106 responding to a
comment by north_valley_critical_mass
08.21.09 - 9:05 am
thank you <3
666 responding to a
comment by rev106
08.21.09 - 10:05 am