Thread started by
Roadblock at 08.11.09 - 1:27 pm
fucking short notice, but tonight there is a NC meeting to discuss the removal of the Reseda Blvd. Bike lane.
Beckford Avenue Elementary School
19130 Tulsa Street in Northridge.
I use Reseda all the time and I'm going to be there to make my comments. I hope y'all can join me. The removal of the lane carries the precedent for othe bike infrastructure to be removed in favor of CARS. Get out there if you can!
It’s only a bike lane.
But removing it would establish a dangerous precedent, putting every bike lane in the city at risk. And rendering the proposed Bike Plan meaningless, because even existing routes could be eliminated at any time, for any reason.
Mad enough yet?
It’s draw a line in the sand. And fight back.
There is a motion in favor of the Peak Hour Lane proposal before the Northridge West Neighborhood Council Tuesday night at 7p, in the auditorium of Beckford Avenue Elementary School, at 19130 Tulsa Street in Northridge.
If you live or ride in the Valley, I encourage you to join Glenn at this meeting to oppose the motion and fight for your bike lanes. Or if you can’t make it, email your comments to Glenn at glennbaileysfv @ yahoo . com (remove spaces).
And contact your councilmember — as well as councilmembers Greig Smith and Dennis Zine, who represent to affected area — to demand a halt to this misguided, short-sighted plan.
Because it may just be a bike lane. But it — and what it represents — couldn’t be more important.
i'll shoot over after work.
KiMS108.11.09 - 1:37 pm
that would make LA have a net loss of new bike lanes this year right?
What happens when you can't make any more room for the cars? And you can't park anywhere anyways when you get there cause all the street parking is gone? Then what is the solution to this traffic problem that will never end.
I'll be there!
thegodofthor08.11.09 - 2:06 pm
meeting starts at 7? I'm gonna try to make it as soon as I get out of the shop. anyone who rides reseda should be at this meeting
mmaceda08.11.09 - 2:52 pm
YES SIR. This has implications for ALL OF US. please be there!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by mmaceda
08.11.09 - 2:55 pm
i'm putting on my "fuck you, im calling you out you fucking hypocrite" hat.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.11.09 - 3:09 pm
You will get a better response being direct and cordial then being confrontational and calling people names or what have.
Be nice and respectful
sexy08.11.09 - 3:12 pm
goddamn it david.
i'm kidding.
i work with these types of folks at my work.
i can be very polite and also give them a piece of my mind.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by sexy
08.11.09 - 3:16 pm
i'M SORRY in case you haven't figured it out yet....I"m Stupid!
sexy responding to a
comment by KiMS1
08.11.09 - 3:22 pm
Make sure you wear a non ugly mask too.
( u like dat !?)
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by KiMS1
08.11.09 - 3:26 pm
ay ay ay!!!
we're on the same side!!!
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.11.09 - 3:36 pm
any1 riding there from n0h0 or sherman oaks?
getfixed108.11.09 - 3:47 pm
Whhat this isn't on the top
sexy08.11.09 - 4:29 pm
They are going to point at streets like Etiwanda, Lindley, Wilbur, and White Oak and say why not?
They've already eliminated the bike lane and parking along Topanga above Roscoe in favor of additional rush hour car lanes. I don't know whats going on in the east valley but its already happening here in the west end. Owensmouth and last resort, Canoga until they build out the bus/bike lane in the old train right-of-way.
dave08.11.09 - 4:55 pm
WTF?? I know progress in LA has been slow coming, but going backward, fuck that. I wish I could come, props to everyone who goes make their voices heard at this meeting.
GarySe7en08.11.09 - 5:16 pm
Yes. Heading over from Sherman Oaks if you wanna ride. I live just east of Sepulveda between Ventura and Burbank. (six-too six) siix-six-for sevun-for-wun-five
hit me up. Probably leave by 6:15 at the latest..
hybrid rida responding to a
comment by getfixed1
08.11.09 - 5:20 pm
Sometimes things have to go backwards for things to move forward..unfortunate as that is
Money quote from the article: "I'm not going to put in a bike lane for one or two cyclists"
-West Valley District Engineer
If that quote doesn't exemplify the height of stupidity then I don't know what does. It is definitely more than one or two cyclists. Let's show em what's up.
hybrid rida responding to a
comment by GarySe7en
08.11.09 - 5:25 pm
How would they know how many bikes use that lane. LADOT will not do a bike count. I do love how they try and sneak these things by.
I wonder if all the residents that live in the Apartments on Reseda between Vanowen and Ventura have been informed of the loss of the street parking.
If we can get this motion pushed back a bit, there are a lot of residents on that street that might care about the change.
thegodofthor08.11.09 - 5:41 pm
Yes, use common sense to catch their sneaky excuses. Go team, go!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by thegodofthor
08.11.09 - 5:44 pm
These fuckin shiesters. Call them up and leave a message.
City of Los Angeles
Department of Transportation
19040 Vanowen Street
Reseda, CA 91335
Telephone: (818) 756-8784
FAX: (818) 756-8204
Business Hours: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Monday through Friday
See you guys at the meeting!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by hybrid rida
08.11.09 - 5:48 pm
No stopping rush-hour lanes are EXTREMELY hostile to bicycles.
People who want to speed constantly pass on the right and often swerve in front of cyclists or pass very aggressively as they attempt to inaproperately speed in the slow/bus/bike/right-turn lane.
I would be there if I could.
If anything - this could be an opportunity to harness their mis-directed energy to install a shared use lane which in my opinion would be a win/win/win.
trickmilla08.11.09 - 5:54 pm
for those who care:
the meeting was very awesome.
ALL of the community members and members of the board backed us.
sexy, RB, ayla, and the guy that owns that one shop on balboa did an amazing job stating our needs and thoughts.
just went swell!
KiMS108.11.09 - 10:58 pm
for 6 hours notice 10 people showed up! plus all of the neighbors from that community. the place was filled out and NO ONE was for the proposal except for one of the council members. the LADOT was not there cause they dont give a FUCK. they really don't.,
the reality is that they are creeping ped and bicyclke friendly infrastucture out of the plans and serving trhe almighty car. the LADOT is mis directed so sorely.
I loved the argument about removing a marked crosswalk. since it is not as safe as it could be, and there is no budget to make it as safe as it can be.... it should be removed!
fucking shiesters
Roadblock responding to a
comment by KiMS1
08.12.09 - 2:08 pm
but it ain'tover yet... make sure you contact the two area council members and let them know you are oppose to this and any plans like this.
PrincesseButtercup responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.12.09 - 2:11 pm
I agree with the poodle! High five dood!
User1 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
08.12.09 - 3:10 pm
just saw this short article regarding this issue:
according to the ladot, the whole issue is just a big rumor... so they say.
stay vigilant!
Donny08.14.09 - 8:53 am
Donny08.14.09 - 9:25 am
that got all heated on the comment section
sexy responding to a
comment by Donny
08.14.09 - 9:36 am