Scratched Car
Thread started by
secretragingcow at 07.27.09 - 1:02 pm
So my bike rack scratched my friends car and it's going to cost $400 to repaint because they have to do the entire panel. The actual scratches are only in two small spots. Does anyone know a car painter that can do this for cheaper?
Sorry, but what kind of friend would make you pay for that bullshit?
Joe Borfo07.27.09 - 1:04 pm
yeah dude, its obviously an accident. you shouldnt have to pay something like that. its just a blemish. its not like u broke the door off.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.27.09 - 1:09 pm
repaint the whole panel? that's a joke. call around for sure.
but yeah seriously... a scratch? shit. your friend isn't going to get laid ever again.
neverclever07.27.09 - 1:10 pm
Buy your friend one of those "paint sticks" Billy Mays still hawks even though he's dead.
$19.95 plus shipping and they throw in a free cheap plastic car vac.
Draw over the scratch and presto, scratch is gone!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by bentstrider
07.27.09 - 1:51 pm
Take a pic of the damage. I bet it didn't cause any body damage. If it didn't then you might be able to rub it out. Hard to tell without seeing it.
+1, time to get some new friends!
User107.27.09 - 1:59 pm
depending on the color of the car,
i've picked up these ball point paint pen things at pepboys and teh like.
i have a black car and the paint pen, although wasnt perfect, did help out a lot.
KiMS107.27.09 - 2:00 pm
I only see cars as utilitarian, so I don't understand the need for this question. If you saw my car you'd understand. Call around for scratch/dent removal quotes. Maybe you'll find a decent bargain.
Joe Borfo07.27.09 - 2:09 pm
I'd get a new friend ..much cheaper.
jesus07.27.09 - 2:22 pm
post a pic and ill tell you exactly what to do trust me if you saw my cars picture perfect lol... you can either give the car a good polish and wax which will run you about 80 cheap but good and if is a scratch then u can use the paint pen and polish and wax... some places will try to rip you off because it is true u cant just paint a spot u have to paint the whole panel so it can all look like on if its done by spots then u will see spots painting a car is extrely hard really good paint jobs just for panel can run up to 5,000
(polish what it is it sands down all the blemishes and shit to a point where its all the same with out hurting the paint and then the wax give it that gloss look must be done by a proffesinal or some one with experience if not you can fuck it all up !!!
BLAHER responding to a
comment by jesus
07.27.09 - 10:41 pm
what the heck? Your friend should eat the cost of your mistake? Where does that attitude come from? More to the point, the friend shouldn't even have to ask. You break something, you make it right. That's just common decency. Sure, one scratch amongst many isn't worth worrying about, but if you do damage to the car that results in a noticeable aesthetic change, then you should definitely make it right - to your friend's standard, not to your budget.
If you tripped and stepped through a friend's bicycle wheel, would you not volunteer to make it right? The friend probably spent hard-earned money on that car. And here's a hint for the future - if you volunteer to make something right and your friend is demure and says not to worry about it - do it anyway. Unless it is absolutely, positively clear that your friend isn't just being polite, don't put them in the position of having to accept the damage because they don't want to be a dick about it. It just shouldn't be a question.
ideasculptor07.28.09 - 12:59 am
I dunno, man...I'm seeing a lot of speculation but the OP never really made it clear whether
1) the damage from the bike rack was the OP's fault or the friend's fault; or
2) whether the friend is actually asking the OP to pay or the OP is just trying to help the friend out by looking for an inexpensive fix.
PC07.28.09 - 1:06 am
if you know someone who is Mexican I can tell you a lot of spots
apineda07.28.09 - 3:18 am
Never let me borrow anything, if you have any brains.
Everything I touch gets
Borfed eventually.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ideasculptor
07.28.09 - 8:11 am
the most righteous words i've EVER seen on this website...EVER.
barleye responding to a
comment by ideasculptor
07.28.09 - 9:15 am
Hmm… so OP… you’re saying that it was your bike rack on your friends trunk and the contacts points of the rack rubbed on the trunk? I need to see pics of the damage. I mean… how good is this friend of yours? I’ve seen ppl knock bikes over on rides, ppl pee on others car hoods, but $400 to enjoy a bike ride? I don’t know. If you can fill us in more info… would be appreciated. Again… I think it sucks but I don’t the whole story. Good luck. Oh… and if you buy those little bottles of paint from an auto parts store… a match from a matchbook (the non burning side) is a great way to apply it onto the car.
digablesoul07.28.09 - 9:25 am
Hey Nay sayers. I put about $500 worth of damage from my bike rack on my own car.
Follow Sam's advice, do the right thing. You did the right thing by offering to pay for the damage. Your property did damage to your friends, your liable. You don't have to trade in your friend. How dare everybody on say that person is not a real friend. Only you know that.
Good luck with this situatlon
To everybody else. This should be a lesson that those bike racks do damage to the back of cars. If not the rack, then you take a chance with the bike rubbing against the paint.
sexy08.3.09 - 2:20 pm
That's if you don't know how to put the rack and/or the bike on the car. I never damaged my car (when I was driving) when I used my rack. And I never lost a bike on the car either.
User1 responding to a
comment by sexy
08.3.09 - 2:25 pm
if your friends bike was on the rack its his fail too. Fuck that shit man, no friend makes a friend pay for minor shit like that, unless u full on crashed into his car with your bike on way to putting on bike rack then yeah but a scratch is nothing.
If he does make u pay for it at least draw a big bear dick thats say "im a dick to my friends" then take a photo next to the WHOLE panel.
madmelo08.3.09 - 3:26 pm
depends.... did you guys both use the bike rack to go on a road trip or something? or did you borrow the car and put the rack on yourself?
Roadblock08.3.09 - 3:48 pm