NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Yo, I don't know if you've heard, but the Pasadena Public Safety Committee just convened to ban the riding of "two or more riders abreast" on any city right of way.
You will need a permit if more than two cyclists are going to ride side by side.
Um - does this strike anyone else as stupid? If cyclists in a peleton ride against traffic - then why not give them a ticket for riding against traffic? Why create a ban on group bike riding? Do we place bans on group car riding?
Phone: 626-744-4295
Staff Rep:
Brian Williams, Assistant City Manager
Committee Members:
Steve Haderlein (Chair)
Margaret McAustin
Steve Madison
If this sample ordinance makes it to the council (which it hasn't, yet) then we really ought to call any Pasadena City Council members we can to let them know how ridiculous this is.
Neither will this. Assuming this actually does pass. It's pretty counterproductive especially considering Pasadena spent time and money on creating infrastructure to make the city MORE bike friendly.
this is very obviously a ban on our types of rides and also of the roadie rides in the mornings that go through there. Does the rose bowl are get affected too? Speak up or forever be harassed by Pasadena PD.
yah this move will be super counter-productive. their city has bike lanes everywhere!! so now bikers will have to DRIVE to the rose bowl to do laps if it's 2 or more people?? or get a permit??! we need to protest this nonsense. fuckers are always trying to make something illegal.
well, from what it sounds like, it only affects riders on roads, so the rose bowl stuff might be exempt.
furthermore, i've lived in dena for about a year, and you dont see to many groups of riders, sure on sunday mornings, i might see 3 or 4 peeps riding together, but thats hardly a large group, hence riding 3 or more wide is kinda dangerous.
i dropped in on the pasadena 'critial mass' and it was all of 6 people, so, yea, not much of a critical mass.
This will also ban social rides, like the RIdazz and others.
From the agenda for the Council Meeting coming up on August 6, 2007, Public Hearings 7:30 P.M.,
Council Chamber, Pasadena City Hall
100 North Garfield Avenue, Room S249:
A guy name Chris Keller has tried to negotiate with the staff in Pasadena, but he says they are using false data and anecdotal evidence to put this ordinance in place.
Where is the LACBC, yo?! Can the RIdazz do anything to affect this bullshit?
Here is where the jedi bike masters in the area are hashing out their plans as to what to do:
We need to call this committe and email them, maybe show up in numbers and calmly let them know that this is a bad law. It will not make the situation at the Rose Bowl any better. It will stifle the right that we have to use the road.
From the comments on this Yahoo! group:
"Bad Laws Make Worse Situation
I agree Harv, and it is even worse than that. While the Bowl Ride is
controversial and problematic, this ordinance if actually followed
would only make things more dangerous.
The complaints I heard were that the bikes are going too fast
endangering everybody, and that the bikes are going too slow blocking
traffic...hmmm. The chief of police admitted that the bikes are going
the speed limit....hmmm again.
So the proposed solution is for the bikes to ride two abreast as
close to the right (and the joggers) as possible in order to
encourage cars to pass at greater speeds than the speed limit. Yeah
right, like that's gonna help improve safety.
I am very disappointed that this ordinance is actually being taken
seriously. It is too flawed to be enforceable and if followed would
result in a much more dangerous situation with cars speeding to pass
a now much longer peloton. What were these people thinking?"
also from this forum:
"It is hard not to imagine that this effort by the Rose Bowl Operating
Company is retaliation for the recreational bicycle riders' opposition
to RBOC proposal to make the Rose Bowl a National Football League
stadium and add retail space to the stadium.
What's with that "bicyclists have caused 14 bike versus pedestrian
reported incidents" in 7 years." I don't see that data in the CHP
summary of traffic injuries. Indeed, they don't even have a category
for bicyclist-vs-pedestrian injuries, which shows how uncommon they
are. (And they don't track "incidents.") For perspective, in one year -
- 2003 -- the Pasadena police reported (to the CHP's SWITRS database)
motorists caused 2,750 property damage only crashes and 1,013 injury
Its even worse than all of the above. The proposition, as currently written, contains these words:
"The proposed ordinance does not affect the right of any individual
bicyclist to use the street; rather, regulates the assemblage known as a pelaton and any assemblage of multiple cyclists riding in tandem and is therefore an appropriate exercise of municipal authority."
This means that ALL group rides, regardless of how they are riding (side-by-side OR one in front of the other) will be banned.
The only legal option offered here is riding completely alone.
I'm pretty sure this measure is specifically directed at the Tues/Thurs Rose Bowl rides. I really think they're (unfortunately) more concerned with a peloton of 100+ riders going 30mph than a group of drunkards cruising at 10mph.
"This is ridiculous. My wife and my son and I could not ride together in Pasadena. What utter nonsense. It's anit-social and anti-family."
that is probably the best argument that could possibly defeat this. great argument. OverTheHill we need more family people to speak out on this...
jeez who in the fuck cares if 100 roadies circle the rose bowl what kind of country is this where there cant be a home grown community movement...... I guess if they aren't congregating at the church of shopping malls then its a no-no.
The people arguing for this law want it both ways.
"The peleton at the Rose Bowl is fast and dangerous! They ride around the loop going 30 mph! They ride next to people walking!"
What is the speed limit around the Rose Bowl? 30 mph.
Do cars move that fast next to the people? Of course. In fact, when there is no peleton, cars drive faster than the speed limit allows.
"The peleton holds up traffic! It is too slow! It impedes vehicles from going over 30 mph (the speed limit)"
Bicycles are a part of traffic, and when conditions force them to, they are allowed to make full use of the lane. The public right of way is not a car-only facility.
These cyclists are riding at or below the posted speed limit - so WTF? Is it that they are too fast? Or too slow?
Or is it instead that they exist, and the people proposing this law are idiots who want to control something that makes them feel powerless?
The ride at the Rose Bowl has been taking place for a long time. A really long time. I've heard it started after WWII. Why kill this tradition, and the ability for a family, or a group of friends, to ride together in Pasadena? For some powertripping public employee? Come on.
The mayor's office, and the members of the Pasadena City Council , DO care about stuff like this when people make the care. This is a stupid law.
Call these suckas up and let them know that it is.
"Regardless of your mode of transportation, your freedom to move in the public arena is a civil rights issue, and whenever one user-group gains access at the expense of another user-group, it's a civil rights violation - plain and simple."
Any effort to restrict cyclists riding legally on public streets is absolutely and completely unacceptable and we must speak in opposition.
Any efforts to flame conflict between pedestrians and cyclists must be resisted. We're all in this together.
Regardless of whether how you feel about the Peloton, stretchy pants or group rides in general, your ability to ride the streets is threatened by this effort to "permit" a user group simply based on their mode of transport.
Let's join Rev. Ubray on Monday night for a ride to Pasadena City Hall. We meet @ 5 pm at the Museum Gold Line Station and we ride @ 5:45 pm to City Hall.
The Pasadena General Plan calls for the Rose Bowl area to be considered first and foremost a "recreation area."
The Rose Bowl Loop is designated as a Class III Bikeway. The speed limit is 40 mph on West Drive and 35 on Rosemont, Seco and Washington. The stop signs were removed years ago ('91) to facilitate uninterrupted clockwise travel for the Loop users. (walkers, runners, skaters and cyclists) (BMP III-7)
The Pasadena Bicycle Master Plan of 2000 actually includes design solutions to address the user group conflict. (III-11)
This situation calls for cool heads and a dialogue between City Leadership and the cycling community, not BAD law!
On Tuesday night we will gather at the Santa Monica & Vermont Red Line Station at 5:45 pm and ride at 6:15 pm to the DWP building for the Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting at 7:00 pm.
Our first adventure will be testing the Brown Act (Open Meeting) training that I'm sure was a result of PC's eloquent "I'm a cyclist and I demand entrance!" performance at the last meeting.
Our second adventure will be the review of the agenda and the minutes of the last meeting and the realization that our comments have been stricken from the record.
But most importantly, somewhere in there, we will be challenging the City of Los Angeles to bust loose with the Bike Racks that they have stored in a warehouse in the Valley. They stopped installing bike racks last year because the LADOT Bikeways team (12 people) was too busy working on that network of bikeways facilities. You know, the network...yeah...of bikeways...yeah...that's the one! The network.
Anyway, there's an interesting proposal floating to fund bike racks created by local artists and cyclists which would give us the opportunity to do something cool and practical and doable in the foreseeable future.
I CANT BELIEVE WHAT IM READING, a sane person would probally say "ONLY ONE LANE" but to say " NO MORE THAN TWO (2) ABREST" is totally fucking stupid, if you read this and DONT attend the meeting coming up, then you should sell your bike! or let someone steal it from you, its a wonderful thing, to ride past traffic on my bike, and i say lets take it to the supreme court, but not the supior court, ha ha ha , see you guys later, happy riding! miss-spellings are not my fault!
Soap Box LA, would you post the street address and office number of the place in Pasadena where public comment will be registered on Monday evening at 6:30 PM? This is important enough that I need to be there, even if by carbon spewer.
who the hell drives through that area anyways.... this is a chance to bridge the gap between Midnight Ridazz and the roadiezz we're all bicyclists. lets show up and rally for this. Soapbox you rule! see you there.
OTH - The City Council Meeting starts at 6:30 but the Public Hearing doesn't start until 7:30. (We'll save you a place and a speaker card, get there at 7:30 and give em hell!)
AUGUST 6, 2007
Closed Sessions 5:30 P.M.
Public Meeting 6:30 P.M.
Public Hearings 7:30 P.M.
Council Chamber, Pasadena City Hall
100 North Garfield Avenue, Room S249
Agenda item #9. ORDINANCES
A. First Reading:
hey guys,
ok, i wanna go on the ride, but i'm not off til 5, so, is theres a planned route your going to take? or some spots where you guys are gonna stop where i can meet up? if worse comes to worse, then i'll just meet you guys at the civic center/whatever. (i'll be coming from the east side of 'dena by the way)
"The proposed ordinance does not affect the right of any individual
bicyclist to use the street; rather, regulates the assemblage known as a pelaton and any assemblage of multiple cyclists riding in tandem and is therefore an appropriate exercise of municipal authority."
I don't know... but isn't this a bit unconstitutional for it violates the people's rights to peaceably assemble?
There are two ways to get where we're going - we can take Avenue 64 over the mountain to Pasadena, or we can ride on streets parrallel to the Arroyo. It takes the same amount of time, considering the hill climb involved with taking Avenue 64.
So, with the route figured out, there is just one problem I haven't remembered to fix: who the f**k is going to open the Bike Oven tonight??
My cell phone is completely useless to me since last week, so I can't see anyone's contact info. DAMN!!
Pasadena has gone too far - their misdeeds have touched on the ELBO. They must pay. Dearly.
First order of business: show them a breast in the city streets. Why ban this important female body part?
Thanks to Soap Box LA for clarifying the mechanics of public civic discussion and posting the needed info in a pinch. The item came up around midnight, so my recall isn't 100% clear, so what exactly, did the motion which passed mean? I've never rode the peloton but have signed up to help it organize, as it seems it must now. A lot of people spoke up. The ordinance seeks to regulate the peloton but as written it will go much deeper than that. The peloton is a public asset and credit to the city of Pasadena.
The Pasadena City Council passed their ordinance to ban cyclists from riding more the two abreast in the public right of way.
They had a motion to postpone the 2nd reading of the ordinance until November (to prevent it becoming law).
I felt sorry for the council having to wait until almot 2 a.m. to go home - but they brought this mess on themselves. They passed an illegal prohibition on group riding - they do not have the authority to regulate bicycle riding in this manner in the public-right-of-way.
The politics of the peleton aside, this law is a bad idea. It will allow the council to designate any (or all) the streets in Pasadena as a street which forces cyclists to ride no more than two abreast - an unsafe proposition for group rides, commuters, families, and kids.
Whatever solution that is reached, this law must be struck down. It was hastily put before the council by the Police Dept. and the Rose Bowl staff, it is based on some highly questionable statistics, and it falsely portrays the impact that cycling has on a public road.
With all that said, it was a painful and yet entertaining way to spend 7 hours of my life. F**k you very much Pasadena City council for keeping me trapped in your cool new city hall building. The peeps in the cycling scene are getting organized on this one.
The actual reading is "An ordinance of the city of Pasadena Amending Section 10.60.140 of the Pasadena Municipal code, bicycle regulations, to prohibit bicyclists from riding more than two abreast in any public street, where such prohibition is posted at the direction of the city council"
So this means that riding more than two abreast is only prohibited where they post signs saying that it is not allowed. This is primarily targeted as a safety issue at the rose bowl peloton which occupies the roads around the rose bowl for one hour on tuesday and one hour on thursday from March to October. However it is going to effect all cycling activity at the rose bowl. This means that if you are riding next to a friend, anybody that tried to pass you would be subject to citation. Now think about this, what if they applied this ordinance to walkers and joggers? How about people with twins in the double wide strollers?
It is an unfair and unfriendly attack on recreational use at the Rose Bowl and one more infringement on cyclist rights to public roadways.
They will be reading the ordinance again next week, please show up to support your fellow cyclists. And bring a book or a PS2 or something to pass time, oh and eat before the meeting. Although the coucil estimated that they would be reading the ordinance at 830, so hopefully it won't take so long next week.
City Hall
630pm Monday Aug 13
100 N. Garfield
Room 249S
I don't give a care about this... nobody should... Here's why:
If everyone is so insistent on group riding in Pasadena, then let's just pair up and ride two abreast but like 100's of riders long!
No big whoop.
It'll be forgotten in no time anyway, and it'll just become some silly law that'll be printed in one of those stupid "Silly Law" books, right next to "In Florida, it's illegal to molest an alligator."
You think its silly leetard. Ever heard the Flordia tourist council slogan for guys like me "go on Vacation, leave on Probation" that is exactly what happen when I got a little frisky with a alligator one night down there. Don't say "what are you doing with an alligator?" you don't know how cute and charming they can be. Anyways this Alligator, her name was Francis, I think it was a she, while she invited me back to her swamp for some home made shine, and one thing lead to another, and we where....well thats not important, but all the sudden this park ranger is shining the lights on us and she slides down the creek, and I'm standing there all by myself with this Ranger, I'm got no pants on. The ranger ends up giving me this lecture about how the alligators will seduce you into coming down to the swamp with them, and another one will take your money, credit cards, and jewlerly. They leave your id , because alligators know and have respect for how important a persons identity is. So the ranger is first laughing at me when she see my valuables are missing, then she gives me this lecture about how I shouldn't be foolin around with the wildlife in Flordia, and then she tells me about this little law reguarding how "it's illegal to molest an alligator." I'm thinking she full of it, this can't be happening to me. She ends up writing this ticket to me, and now starts playing good cop and tells me she will write the appear date for tommorrow. I'm think, shit, I got to get back to my hotel to get some pants for court and I don't even have any money or keys to get in my car, and the hotel is an hour away. I ask the ranger, where am I going to get some pants, and she tells me about these alligators that have a thrift store down the bend.
I walk over after have recieving a notice to appear from the deputy, she smirking the whole time, as I'm walking away. I thinking, how am I going to buy some pants from an alligator thrift store, when I don't have any money, so I walk into this all night thrift store...............anyways, I got to court the next morning and they let me go with a fine and a suspended sentense.
Sorry I had to leave last night, for those of you that haven't been to a city council meeting, you got a difficult lesson on how those things work. When a big issue comes up, those things can go til 3:30am.
Thanks to all who came out, for caring and taking the time to be part of issue that is important to all of us.
then see if you can encircle the whole rose bowl...
not letting anyone get in or out...
not letting anyone pass through...
especially the golf carts...
and block me in too, if you have to...since I sometimes I play roller hockey in the parking lot...
here's my two cents:
the peloton, while it can be a scary, fast beast, has always been mindful of pedestrians, and slow cyclists, and walkers who stray into their paths...sure they scream and hoot and holler, but that's to give loud and fair warning to everyone
and the peloton itself certainly has been victim to cars that cut in front of them also...or pedestrians that aren't paying attention that run or walk into the car lane, while the peloton is approaching...
yet, I don't hear them complaining about banning pedestrians or cars...(do they?)
I thought the idea was to SHARE this recreational area...
Well this is targeted at the big pack training rides around the Rose Bowl. It is targeting the cyclist because they have indeed caused accidents with pedestrians. I used to run there everyday after work for several years.
The cyclists often stray in to the WALKING path. I have been hit by cyclists while jogging in the walking path with out any accident, but it does happen.
This ordinance is an over-reaction, the Rose Bowl sits in a very upscale 'hood and the homeowners around it have quite a bit of sway with the city council. This is one of the big reasons there is not pro football team there.
I ride bikes and run. I don't have problem with these training rides, I did them many years ago, but the riders might need to police themselves better, I don't know if there is any easy answer.
are a lot of people playing again? like pick-up? balls and round trash cans? dak and i used to play there yeaaars ago and i'd be down to come out if they still play!
This ordinance, as worded, ALSO BANS "TANDEM" RIDING.
"Tandem" == riding in a line
It is not simply a restriction to ride no more than two-abreast - it is a restriction on any group of cyclists of two or more either abreast or in tandem.
Several of the members of the City Council brought up issues on July 30 that cyclists brought up August 6. This is a bad law.
Also of note, on July 30 the Pasadena Police Chief mentioned a similar ordinance in the City of Irvine. Notice that this ordinance makes specific allowances for the safe riding of a bicycle - it allows overtaking, etc. Here is the text from that ordinance:
Municipal Code City of IRVINE, CA
Division 7 BICYCLES
Sec. 4-7-204. Riding on roadways and bicycle lanes.
A. Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except under any of the following situations:
1. When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
2. When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
3. When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions (including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or substandard width lanes) that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge, subject to the provisions of Vehicle Code § 21656. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to travel safely side-by-side within the lane.
B. Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway of a highway, which highway carries traffic in one direction only and has two or more marked traffic lanes, may ride as near the left-hand curb or edge of such roadway as practicable.
C. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway or bike lane shall not ride more than two abreast. (Code 1976, § IV.F-204; Ord. No. 192, 5-10-77)
there seems to be a lot of talk about how the roadies are adversarial.... I've never been on the ride. is it true that the roadies are sometimes aggressive and intimidating to the cars and people who walk through there? or is that just perceived because they ride fast.... do they pound on car hoods et al?
because people dont like it when they have to wait for huge wild and crazy fun packed group rides to go through the intersection they are waiting at. they are already prolly 1/2 - 1 hour deep in their traffic hazed commute and they still need to get to the gym and then home in time for the evening news and American Idol.
i've been in the peleton a couple of times for a short while (who can keep up that frenetic pace?)...
and I see it running all the time...
I've only seen yelling and hollering as warnings of obstacles and people who have strayed into their paths...they're yelling to warn each other...not yelling AT the offending parties, if anything...
I've never seen hood banging or confrontations for that matter...
I'm sure that reporter in that video would have pounced on any incident like that...
I think the speed, the surprising noise, and the internal yelling is what frightens people...
a bunch of skinny guys on bicycles and wearing lycra couldn't possibly be as scary as say... a bunch of motorcycle riding, tattooed hell's angels
i run/walk around the bowl a lot and do enjoy it when the peleton riders are there. it's fun to watch them ride by as i lazily walk (i like how the wind feels - haha).
i never felt threatened at all getting injured by these riders. i am much more terrified of the golfers who can't swing properly which causes their balls to fly all over the place (i've seen it once or rwice) - there is even a sign warning people of getting hit and actually suffering from something serious - even die (DAMN GOLFER BALLS!!!!) - oh yeah, a person driving a golf cart almost run me over once too!!!!
i am also scared of the zombies who walk there at night!!!!!
yup, then it's pretty much about hater motorists that hate on people having fun in unconventional ways. get outta my way I need to get to the mall to rent a DVD so I have something to do tonight!
haha, of course the Police Chief would be worried about this:
"...the pack riders are seemingly unorganized, with no group in charge or in a position of authority to set rules or procedures"
because well you know... someone HAS to be in charge...
Out of curiosity... can people just just join the ride? I see on the pics from the article that all rodie'd out and was thinking if the average Joe can try to hang with them. I'm sure I won't be able to but I'd like to ride with that many people in a group and see if I can do it. I read Team Bearclaw and others have done it... so I think other ridazz have done it too. How long do they do ride? Laps? Thanks... Oh... and it funny how Pasadena PD and others make it seem like these guys are reckless and wild... If that's the case... what would they make of the ridazz?
I did some digging, and went asking some questions.
Apparently, what the city of Pasadena is doing can not be stopped, and is in every right to do so.
My question to them was that if these riders have been there that long on a same schedule as always, why is it all of the sudden a big deal?
As it turns out, some one who was deemed "important" to the community registered a complaint. If I had a name, I would give it to you.
I see no reason why there can't just be signs posted to inform pedestrians and motorists of the potential passing cyclists around the Rose Bowl. This ride seems more of a tradition now more than anything. Almost a part of the city's history.
Maybe we can get some actual figures from the city on exactly how many complaints have been filed, how many accidents and injuries there have been result of the ride from both ridazz and pedestrians, motorists, stroller pushers, skaters, etc. These findings should be presented to the council. Somehow I highly doubt there will be any of substantial seriousness that would necessitate the need for inventing and enforcing absurd laws that don't benefit the public in any way other than to fill up the city's pocket book.
I noticed that earlier -ubrayj02- posted up a California bicycle code.
The section added on by the city is not part of the State of California's bicycle laws. However the state let's the city add things like this on if the city feels it will better itself.
For instance, under the State of California bmx bikes and skateboards fall under the "hazardous activities" act. SkateParks are considered "Hazardous facilities". However bmx bike riders are not allowed in most parks. Even though the state says that they belong there, the city generally denies them access for safety reasons.
This is just an example. I feel I'm running with this topic, but it is important in the long run. We need to prove to the city that bike riders belong there and do not pose a threat. to safety or otherwise.
Apparently, what the city of Pasadena is doing can not be stopped
Of course it can be stopped. It's being stopped. Pasadena wanted to ban all group cycling, the resistance from the public (including a lot of MR people) was far greater than they anticipated, and now they're talking compromise.
I think it'd be rad, if the Ridazz swarmed the Bowl...riding the OPPOSITE lane... we could FILL up the rose bowl path...with cyclists going BOTH directions!
What I meant was that they are not violating any state regulation, code, or law by implementing a new statute or code to the cycling laws governed by the state.
I'm sure the peloton ridazz would love to have us there... a bunch of beer drinkin, no helmet wearing, rusty bike ridin, noise makers.
But it would be rad if we corked the peloton! ;-)
It's become a semi-organized ride and you have to sign a release/acknowledgement of rules: (click on the "rules and guidelines" link for a copy of the document you have to sign.
It may become an even more formally sanctioned ride, with riders having to pay something like $5 to cover insurance and road closures and things like that.
FWIW, making it more organized is a good thing-- I stopped doing it years ago because it was a rude spazzfest. After smelling burning rubber (from brakes and/or tires) a couple times in a row I decided it wasn't worth the trouble.
Also, any ordinance that pasadena passed specifically regulating bicycle operation would probably be a violation of state law. I'm too lazy to dig it up, but the state vehicle code regulates bicycles and specifies a very narrow range of things that municipalities can regulate (e.g. bike licenses for their own residents); traffic laws aren't among them. An easier way for them to shut down the RB ride would have been to put back the stop signs (they were removed in the clockwise direction something over a dozen years ago) and enforce the stop signs.
It's become a semi-organized ride and you have to sign a release/acknowledgement of rules: (click on the "rules and guidelines" link for a copy of the document you have to sign.
Sounds like the knuckleheadedness that has turned the Victor Valley Bicycle Club into a rich mans, go-fast, carbon-fiber sausage fest.
Luckily, the BMX-establishment has had enough and has just begun to organize monthly rides to garner support for an "mixed-use" skatepark.
Hell, some of these kids seem enthused about making a show of force on a monthly equation.
Sounds like the knuckleheadedness that has turned the Victor Valley Bicycle Club into a rich mans, go-fast, carbon-fiber sausage fest.
Are you familiar with the RB ride? It's been a go-fast sausage-fest for years. The general use of the RB has gone up so much that it was getting stupidly dangerous, too, and there was little or no self-enforcement of the pack etiquette that's necessary when you have 100+ riders going around at 30+ mph in a small group on open (or closed) streets. Requiring riders to learn a little etiquette is a good thing.
I don't believe the city of Pasadena has the right to enact laws applying to bicycles riding on the road. the state of California gives local authorities rights on registration, and the local authorities can enact laws governing bicycles off of the road (bike lanes, paths, sidewalks, etc), but I don't see where it allows this type of law. This is like a city trying to pass new driving laws--it's beyond their jurisdiction.
21206. This chapter does not prevent local authorities, by ordinance, from regulating the registration of bicycles and the parking and operation of bicycles on pedestrian or bicycle facilities, provided such regulation is not in conflict with the provisions of this code.