NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Not going to call people out but I sincerely don't get why someone would not post a ride on facebook and not post it on MR as well.
And matt- as far as I know every CMOB has been posted on MR? Or am I mistaken?
Personally, I do not get why someone would not use the calendar here, even if the forum part isn't really that usefull of a source of info with all the fun pointless threads and meaningless yet entertaining banter.
The vast majority of ppl I talk to that aren't active on the forums still come to check for rides & gallery photos. So why wouldn't you post a ride on Facebook & MR? Why wouldn't you cover all the bases? I dunno, nor would I really get upset about it!
@ bicycle-turtle you really dont have a clue.RBI is a pretty funny guy,a little crabby but whatever.i think the thing you have aginst him is he is usually hard as that is for me to admit,his observations are generaly spot on.
exept when it comes to music of corse. HAWKWIND?? WTF?
hawkwind always reminded me of GONG or CAMEL.
i just never "got" prog-rock.
my favorite was allways dark 80's music.cure,sousxie,smiths,love&
rockets,gary numan,bauhouse,cocteau twins,this mortal coil,
dead can dance.......guess i'm a closet goth
camel ruled in the 70s. then they cut their hair and wore sportcoats in the 80s and it just sounded like bad muzak. gong is mediocre. 80s goth stuff is whatever. i used to listen to a lot of wax trax stuff.
I find it really hard to get up the desire to come to anymore. Too many fake accounts too many shitty trolls. On facebook I can just delete the assholes, I wish I could do that here.
If i have "wall" photos posted on facebook but then I add an album, can i add my wall photos to the album or do i have to upload them from my computer again? is the only sanctioned website for bike riding.
bikeboom does not exist
lafixed does not exist
facebook does not exist
your phone does not exist
club rides do not exist
bicycle racing does not exist (except WP all city)
keep people you don't want off the ride your having.
such as thief, hijackers, and liters-bugs. I'm sure you could think of some other things such as ridaz who stab each other, those that like to talk to shit to cars while corking, and those that want to ride against traffic or not allow cars to pass.
I only want to go to facebook exclusive rides these days. I hate to say that I have become like the OG's of this place, but i have. I don't want to know these thugs, I don't want to be around them and I don't to be at rides with them. Like the other night when this rida just randomly kicks out a side door mirror on this car. No reason, just to do it. Probably rocked the owner of the cars world with a $100+ in damages. Yes I don't want to see that person again and I don't want to be on a ride with him. Nor do I want to be on a ride with thieves (bikes, convenient stores, Nicole's bag, etc) There is some wack-ass lame people around here, and I don't want to know them or be around them. They ruined what a great thing that we had.
I also don't want to ride with that person who bad mouth Raquel after she got banged up by a car.
"keep people you don't want off the ride your having.
such as thief, hijackers, and liters-bugs. I'm sure you could think of some other things such as ridaz who stab each other, those that like to talk to shit to cars while corking, and those that want to ride against traffic or not allow cars to pass. "
all the assholes in LA keep showing up to MR rides and tearing this community apart.
tomato responding to a comment by sexy
08.25.09 - 5:11 pm
What Midnight Ridazz is NOT:
-Mean Spirited
-Non-inclusive <--- you already answered this question here...
Debut213 responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.25.09 - 6:54 pm
i don't know, but a timestamps in the fucken PRESENT would be nice. It's really annoying how today's rides disappear from the upcoming rides column at 9 pm and after 9 you have to search through that horrid (no offense) calendar to find info on the ride. anyways. just sayin. you know I love
Do you think MR should have the cycling equivalent of country clubs so they can socialize without having to deal with the "undesirables", or do you think people should socialize with EVERYBODY and work to better provide some basic understanding of what is and isn't acceptable behavior?
JB responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.25.09 - 9:40 pm
MR is almost like free ad space for someone who wants to start a ride. Anyone can post even without being approved a la lafixed, and people show up at the ride (or not, haha).
We already know it works great for that, and it will only get so much better with subforums and a proper calendar because there will be a delineation of information to digest- rather than everything ALL AT ONCE YEEHAW HOLY SHIT
As far as worrying about "private" rides, meh. Let them exist outside of any kind of userbase within this website. Email prolly works just fine, or facebook.
Back to JB-
Different rides have different personalities and different goals that fulfill different needs. Nothing wrong with doing a ride for close friends and not wanting to advertise it here... i.e. it's not the least bit snobby to want to kick it with good friends, just as long as it doesn't get bragged about to the masses. Who the fuck cares, anyway? Let's have a good time on our bikes.
I'm in a bad mood and this thread is asking for it in a bad way.
I don't post ROBOTZ or BEAR CAVALRY or anything else really here because I don't care what you think. I don't care what RBI or User1 or MD2 or any other trolling jackass has to say about my rides. I'm not interested in drama or flame wars about my rides.
And that's what you get when you post a ride or a thread about a ride on MR. You get a whole lot of nasty shit. Now some people might be able to ignore that stuff, but me, I get sucked into it. I read it, I get upset, and I get involved in the argument. It makes ride organizing suck. Hell - I think it even hurts the riders experience of the ride - they read this shit and now, because they wanted to go on a ride, they got involved in some nasty online hate.
What do you get in return for posting it here? You get like 10 cool ridazz, and then like 10 jerks like User1. No thanks - that's not a good trade.
I do care what some riders of my rides think. But not all - some people's opinions just aren't that well thought out or that well informed. In that case - don't care.
For me, it's just better to stick to Facebook, where if you don't want to go, you don't go, but there's little-to-no capacity to start shit.
Also, fuck Facebook. In fact, great daggers in my eyes for the entirety of "social media." It's slowly turning the internet into a boring macrocosm of junior high.
Junior High was a lot of drama and nonsense, and the nice thing is I can, in large measure, opt out of a lot of that drama in social media. If there are people causing me distress, I just set up my preferences not to show them. Problem solved.
For me, social media really is awesome. Lindsay poked fun at it, but I like being able to be in touch with my friends and acquaintances from any terminal. I'm not trying to have a deep conversation with every one of them, but it's nice to hear and be heard. I don't have to be in person to do that, and so I think, for the same reason telephones have made for far flung families to be tighter knit, so Facebook has allowed us to connect with more people, more of the time.
The thing social media won't do for you is set priorities. It's still important to seek out more intensive relationships. Social networks can't do that for you - it's more important than ever to make deliberative choices about who you want to be close to.
I like FB as a tool for promoting rides because it provides me a passive tool for growing a network and it helps me measure the effectiveness of that network at getting the word out. If any other social network were used widely and offered similar functionality, I'd have to try it out.
Bill Clinton said its a lot easier to tear down a barn that it is to build one.
Organizers have to spend all this time and effort putting rides together. Then comes along some schmuck with ill intentions (conscious or unconscious) and it doesn't take him/her much to throw politics and drama and drown the initial message and intent of the ride.
Its exhausting on organizers in all communities. So some organizers find a venue where they can still do their organizing and limit the amount of those negative elements that stand in the way of them putting on something great.
When I used to walk around Crank Mob and introduce myself to people, and tell people who didn't know about the site. I suggested to them to stay away from the forums, what they read there isn't true representations about what goes on at rides. If there were other ridazz around me, they'd agree.
jonnyboy is totally correct when he said different rides have different goals, and they certainly have different ways of achieving them. So yea, let organizers do what they have to put on rides, its their time and effort.
I dont care what Alex Thompson or any other well known popular figure has to say about what i have to say about rides.
Why are forum posts taken so personal? Do the same people who act like "jerks" on the forum and rides (and why are you calling people jackasses, thats kind of jerk-ish)?
It just gets a little weird when forum chatter pretends that MR is some kind of Hippie movement, where people dont mess around or whatever. Ive been around since late 2005, and there was a ton of rebellious attitudes on rides... but it was fun and since most were older...they were more responsive to peace. But some kats who ride arent really a bunch of pussies... Ive know some tough mothas that are cool as hell, but will back ridazz up in minute when push comes to shove.... its a blessing and curse (but more a blessing)...
Actually I think the attached ride in dec of 05, ended at the Grasshopper bar on Normandie... didnt a rider kick the front of some Infiniti, and the driver pulled out a gun??? Fuck my memory sucks... anyhow, the point is... MR has ALWAYS had its problems... but internally... the riders have always been cool (as ive experienced), so why trip about a forum post?
Shit, man, I thought the skulls and drugs were here for a reason.
Its all love...(for bikes first).
md2 responding to a comment by Alex Thompson
08.26.09 - 9:22 am
Or email... thats how they did before the website...recall:
"Welcome to the mailing list! Yo, this is the
Ridazz list. Typically there will be only one (1) email sent from
this list a month. It will announce the theme, time, and place of
that month's ride. You will not be able to reply to this list or post
any messages of your own. If you wish to have a list hosted under the
bicycle kitchen umbrella, contact....[monica howe]. Questions?
Comments? mail to the same."
MR is still essentially dope... its changed... but I think theres reason to let others post private rides...after all wasnt it all about promoting bikes, and encouraging others to do their own rides?
I think we should be happy people are loving L.A., and if we can encourage safe riding and suggestions about making rides safe/better... than so be it... Its not like MR started the whole critical mass idea... or else what if San Fran people tried to discourage the MR site, since it was a break from their origins?
Its all love. Ride on, right?
md2 responding to a comment by la duderina
08.26.09 - 9:30 am
Gawd, how many more times am I going to hear about 328? That was a dumb idea and we were BOMBARDED for over a month with the stupid spam for that ride. Killing FUN at the start of summer? Oh, that sounds brilliant!!!! LOL I had no interest in the ride and everything would have been fine till you started spamming the threads! So I did a little spamming myself. :-) For those that may not have known, I changed the schedule and the places for the stops and posted it on the threads myself. At least I wasn't a pussy and do it under a troll account! Any ways that's what you get for spamming us!
And people will go on the rides regardless -/+ postings if it's a ride that appeals to them.
And in regards to your Robotz ride, your probably pissed at that one too. For those that may not know, the one and only Robotz ride I went on, we finished off at Hollenbeck Park and hung out there. After the westside took off, the rest of us went into the abandon hospital across the street. Ended up being a hellalot o fun and was the best part of the ride! Westside was pissed they weren't there, but shit, it was your ride, not mine!
User1 responding to a comment by Alex Thompson
08.26.09 - 12:01 pm
FB works for people that don't mind being marketed and having their privacy invaded upon. I don't like the creepy feeling about everything I put on my account or every link I click is being used to market more crap or expand someone's empire. Maybe I'm weird like that. Seems to work for sheeples, so more power to them. I'm glad they're there and not on MR. Last thing I want on MR is bunch of clueless fucks.
MR is not perfect, but it's far more appealing than FB. I like the fact that I've got to deal with schmucks and undesirables, just like in real life! It keeps things interesting too.
RB pretty much has the right idea about how MR should be run. Other than a calendar section, and few other tweaks, he's hit the mark.
User1 responding to a comment by 0gravity
08.26.09 - 12:24 pm
i hate groups of close friends ride together and don't post about it anywhere! not facebook not MR not bike boom. wtf is that all about? MR is ALL INCLUSIVE. it's in the Midnight Ridazz bylaws! you can't ride with just your friends! i'm bitter!
FB or any social networking site is what you make it. I don’t have an account now and never did, but I am thinking about it because I think some friends are getting sick of me asking them to send out invites via their FB account while I do the old flyer/email/phone thing. you don’t have to check that shit every single minute and only put as much info as you want on it. No one is forcing you to put your entire life history and schedule on there (are they?, User1 I am not sure I cant validate this since I don’t have an account but neither can you, eh?)
Anyway… it’s their ride and they can choose who they want to invite but it is pretty lame to come on a public forum like MR and hype it up AFTER THE FACT. That I do agree with, but it only makes me laugh. Also, FB is not all that private - people add “friends” left and right and those friends can forward that info to anyone.
If you had a dinner party or some shit going on and only wanted select people to join and cum on your birthday cake, would you post it on MR? I wouldn’t!
Hijacking rides is just as dastardly as stealing from stores and tagging.
I personally liked the 328 ride, though I remember the drama here and it really was uncalled for.
If you disagree with the way ride organizers are setting up a ride, disagree respectfully. Don't be a dick. It's like a car driver coming up yelling, "get off the road assholes or I'll run you over." A dick is a dick is a dick. Don't be one. Or if you can't help yourself and you are a dick naturally, expect consequences.
If you are too immature or unintelligent, or maybe you have some psychological disorder, to find a respectful way to put across your differing opinions, then maybe you shouldn't be posting here. Go and seek help from a counselor. Learn to be respectful of others, it will help you in the real world as well as on forums.
Spamming a forum is equally dastardly if not more so. How bout asking the forum if they don't mind being spammed for a month, then these assholes wouldn't get all hot and bothered?
The rest of ur post is juz dum!
User1 responding to a comment by hockeyjockey
08.26.09 - 1:07 pm
See all it takes is a user1 to missinform you a make a ride sound bad. Hundreds of people went on 328 and had tons and tons of FUN who cares what you think. Also I went to that hospitol on robotz, there were plenty of westsiders there.
larsenf responding to a comment by User1
08.26.09 - 1:10 pm
"Junior high" might not be the most fitting analogy. I was mostly thinking of the way that social media is helping the internet along in its long slide into conformity and !@#$?genization, and the social pressures of junior high were the first thing I thought of. Does social media make real-life more conformist and !@#$?geneous? To the extent that it helps them be more cliquish, perhaps. But that wasn't what I was getting at.
Obviously, Facebook is a great promotional tool, and I can understand all the reasons for limiting your ride promotion to Facebook. It's not like I'm offended by any of that. There's a fake account that I can use to see all the Facebook-only rides anyway, so I don't feel excluded.
I probably tend to overstate the case because personally, I just don't like social media. I don't want to devote my time to cultivating and maintaining a network of weak ties, and I'd rather avoid all the self-promotion and self-objectification that it entails. Also, the idea of being (potentially) connected to the broader social network at all times seems like more of a curse than a blessing to me. Basically, it's not my "thing."
Plus, what need do I have for social media when I already put on the most amazing, most exclusive rides ever. Nobody is invited. Sometimes I'm not even invited, but I show up anyway. Seriously, some of the most interesting and unusual situations that I've ever been in have been while out riding a bike by myself. The idea that I might want to get out my cell phone and share the experience with a network of acquaintances never crossed my mind.
I used to care. It bothered me when "public" rides were posted exclusively on Facebook. But only because I wasn't on Facebook. I viewed it as a snub to Midnight Ridazz, and to the people that organize rides on there, and the riders.
Now, I don't care.
I choose not to be on Facebook, that's my prerogative. So knowing that some rides are posted ONLY on Facebook, I will miss them. That's just too bad, you don't get blessed by my presence.
The Bike community in LA is larger than MR and a lot larger than Facebook.
Let's leave this "east-west bullshit" out of this argument. Last time I heard "east-west" talk 2 legends died. The Mosey, of the Chill Chinatown fame, was once a public ride that had it not been for idiot people hi-jacking and acting like fools would never have gone underground. It did so out of necessity. And what a beautiful ride it turned out to be. There was a sense of community and friendship and overall genuine care and trust for those people you were riding with. Is this not something to be admired and desired?
Maybe, if people were to go on rides such as this for their first rides... as opposed to doing the 2nd Friday ride first, these kids might get a better sense of community and the hard work (not that the 2nd friday rides dont have any of this) that goes into promoting and bring such a ride to fruition. Maybe then too, they'll grasp the concept of NO RIDER LEFT BEHIND or HOLDING YOUR LINE, ETC and then apply it to other rides. This is what I do with my friends. I bring them to these "private" rides to show them they're an integral part of the ride and instill good riding/community behavioral skills. I make them aware that by me bringing them on such rides I am vouching for them and their actions. And they get it. A true friend will. They then go on other rides and apply what I've shown them... and the cycle continues.
Private rides can be an extremely helpful tool in bringing new riders into the community for reasons noted above. Plus, I've never been on a private ride where I've been told to leave.
i think there should be more focus on smaller rides of about 10-25 ridazz. How can someone achieve a ride of that size?... by constantly organizing new rides that go on for a while and stop before they get too big.
This is what I'm trying to do. One-of-a-kind rides and short series of rides. I think Mattspeed is doing this and I hope he is having success.
finally they see the light of not overly promoting a ride on this site. jonnyboy has done a really good job at just spur of the moment rides via mass texting or whatnot people in the neighborhood. its not like we are calling these a midnight ridazz ride. its just riding with friends. sometime we pick up people on they way but always we have a good attitude.
I have to admit, I love this about the west side. They come and leave together... and always bring a good attitude. A little too much techno sometimes... but always in good spirits.
That's not saying the east side or north side or the vally or wherever you hail from doesn't do this. Just pointing out the ++++'s of the westside.
Enough with the negativity.
July responding to a comment by larsenf
08.26.09 - 3:11 pm
My playlist and gadget load-out has been sitting up here waiting to be used.
If anything, my horns have been serving their purpose by scaring dumb kids from walking down the middle of the bikelane and getting soccer moms in Tahoe's to bitch at me about waking their baby.
But, I need to unleash them upon the audience they were intended for.
The sound quality in the video is one thing, but once you hear my instruments of mayhem with your own ears, you'll be deaf-struck and slack-jawed!!!
Yes, the true Westside brings the techno and the F.U.N., but the reject from the land of rejects brings tha NOIZE!!!!
Actually Adam... you havent even brought your zombie bitten carcass out in a good minute. What are ya waiting fer? I need my Willie Nelson/Country fix.
I don't have time to read every post in threads that get this big, but on the topic of private public, even if there is not a private ride system, in my ideal MR 2.0 there would for sure be private messages. Not every little concern needs to explode into a public forum. I can't count how many times I knew someones user name but not their real name, wanted to make contact, but didn't feel like doing the ATTN hunt to track that person down and just forgot about it eventually. I think in any social system easy access to both public and private discussions are important, and the MR messages could serve as a buffer between you and you're real contacts until you trusted someone to give other contact info. As it is some people have their e-mails and phone numbers publicly dumped all over MR threads, my self in a few places, but not everyone is willing to do that to reach people or start some thread open to public scrutiny or pranksters.
hey Gary we are going to get things to a certain point with the new version and then we are going to invite people to test and comment on the new site so we can iron out all of these kinds of issues. I like the idea of a private messaging system. it is open to harassment but that shouldnt prevent it from existing... there should be a way to make contact with some kind of voucher system...
we talked about a voucher system for rides as well....
Roadblock responding to a comment by GarySe7en
08.26.09 - 7:06 pm
Have you used LinkedIN? They have an interesting system of connections, maybe that is what you mean by vouchers, so you cannot just message anyone at random, but can get in touch with people through a forward by a mutual connection. I know MR is meant to be all about the all inclusive, as it should be, but some smaller scale communication is I think necessary to keep things manageable.
GarySe7en responding to a comment by Roadblock
08.26.09 - 7:55 pm
Here's my explanation for the over-extended absence.
And as far as the Z's go, I'm doing my best to control them, but I've been pushed to the outer fringes of Phelan.
Ammunition's running tight and I'm down to swords and crossbows!!!!