Current sexiest photo...
Thread started by
bananaphone at 06.17.08 - 7:06 am
Oh lordy. I do believe I'm getting the vapors... *swoon*
What the hell are vapors? Is that some kind of hipster euphemism for a hard-on?
vladster06.17.08 - 7:55 am
Actually, its a old southern saying.
And this is the first time anyone has called me a hipster. Bite me.
bananaphone06.17.08 - 8:13 am
What the hell is bite me ? Is that some hipster euphemism or something ?
HANDBONE06.17.08 - 8:18 am
Isn't that also the name of some old, Biz-Markie song that was later covered by Snoop Dogg?
bentstrider06.17.08 - 8:19 am
So I'm a hipster now!
Dammit, now I have to get a myspace/facebook/*insert blog here*, get a funky asymmetrical haircut, and start listening to Mary Timony while cutting myself.
Anyway, the girl in the picture is pretty fine, that was my point.
bananaphone06.17.08 - 8:30 am
super cres at best.
why does everyone loose their shit when someone drops the h(ipster) bomb?
ruinedbyidiots06.17.08 - 10:30 am
dem porta-potties lined up in da background do nuthin' 4 me
spiraldemon06.17.08 - 10:35 am
dont worry Mike. The sense of humor on this site is srsly lacking l8tely...
but I am going to call you a hip-ster from now on. :) RING RING@##!!
Joe Borfo06.17.08 - 10:36 am
I'm the only hipster on here
hipster06.17.08 - 10:37 am
i masturbate through my pants because im too ashamed to touch myself.
ruinedbyidiots06.17.08 - 10:38 am
oh rbi, your words have such a way of rekindling my undying respect for you.
canadienne06.17.08 - 10:47 am
Speaking of hipster, I wonder whatever became of his arch-nemesis, "hipsters_suck"?
I like the profile image of that Hogan's Hero's dude.
bentstrider06.17.08 - 10:48 am
respect? not desire? i must be barking up the wrong tree.
ruinedbyidiots06.17.08 - 10:59 am
the desire goes without saying... come to burbank.
canadienne06.17.08 - 11:14 am
Southern saying you say? Aren't those the guys who wear trucker hats and plaid shirts and have mullets? Sure look like hipsters to me.
So yeah, I totally agree w/you about the photo. As a matter of fact, I'm getting some vapors in my pants right now!
vladster06.17.08 - 11:56 am
hey lets go get a mochachino at that little coffee shop that no one ever goes to, we can talk about kafka, we can also talk about how depressed we are and how kafkaesque our lives have become, oh my god have you heard the new "___" oh no thats right you haven't, its because you're obviously not as important as me.
My interests include, esoterica, anachronism, and sushi
hartwick, youre a pussy06.17.08 - 12:03 pm
Heh, close vlad... think more "plantation slang".
PS: Jeff eats poop.
bananaphone06.17.08 - 12:05 pm
i am so unimpressed with the sexiest photo list. anyone who would vote for me wearing a
girlie girl red dress is perverted and needs serious mental help
indigis06.17.08 - 1:09 pm
you're the one WEARING the dress.
there aren't enough people wearing dresses on bicycles,
regardless of gender and sexual orientation
spiraldemon06.17.08 - 1:14 pm
i was forced to wear the dress by peer pressure alone. i am weak and easily manipulated. i just want to be liked. by anybody. that is my excuse.
but i want to know who actually voted for that picture!
indigis06.17.08 - 1:40 pm
people will only like you when you're wearing a dress.
therefore everybody must wear one if they want to be loved
spiraldemon06.17.08 - 1:43 pm
i like you when you list all of the things that are wrong with my image... like my glasses, my haircut, and my disproportionate appearance.
...oh wait, no i don't.
canadienne06.17.08 - 2:27 pm
No, no.
What we really need are more tactical load-bearing vests to fit over the dresses.
Look good and pack enough ammo for your P90 on an off-world mission at the same time!!!!
bentstrider06.17.08 - 2:47 pm
I know, right? 7 days of riding and I didn't see that chick once. Leave it to Danny to hunt 'em down. She's got nothin' on our Jo though.
Vote fer Jo! Sexy wolfpack-riding, O-face-making Jo!
canadienne06.17.08 - 2:49 pm
What's that perfume she's wearing called?
Joe Borfo06.17.08 - 3:02 pm
"I know, right? 7 days of riding and I didn't see that chick once. Leave it to Danny to hunt 'em down. She's got nothin' on our Jo though."
I stopped and took pictures (1200+) and got to know the people I was riding with, random girl has a name and she rocked the ALC, she's from San Francisco but plans to ride with us when she's in LA soon,
instead of zooming by with an "on your left!"
I kicked it and smiled allot. Met allot of wonerful people.
dannyzuko06.17.08 - 3:16 pm
sorry I didn't hear you... FWOOOOOOSSSHHHH!!!! ON YOUR LEFT!
canadienne06.17.08 - 3:19 pm
Actually, though, there are a lot of great photos amongst the top sexiest right now. Yay photographers!
theroyalacademy12.15.08 - 10:57 pm
I'm really disappointed the picture of brad never made it to the top, the pic of him with the two girls dressed as gifts. definitely a sexy photo
la duderina12.15.08 - 11:01 pm
I think it
was at the top at one point, but only for a few minutes.
theroyalacademy12.15.08 - 11:07 pm
awwww and i missed it? LAME it deserves a week for his hair alone.
la duderina12.15.08 - 11:08 pm
Three people with great hair!...this photo is just dripping sexiness!! it needs to be SEXIEST
vote for it!!
la duderina12.15.08 - 11:13 pm
Competition is fierce amongst the MR sexiest. What with awkward girl and Chynna and Stillline and nakedlyness.
theroyalacademy12.15.08 - 11:15 pm
P.S. I hope awkward girl, if she's out there, doesn't think I'm making fun of her. Because I'm not. Really.
theroyalacademy12.15.08 - 11:20 pm
yeah Awkward Girl is pretty awesome.
I still want the brad + 2 sexy ladies to be sexiest for at least a day.
I don't know why I just absolutely love that picture.
la duderina12.15.08 - 11:30 pm
Is this the "awkward girl"?
skd12.15.08 - 11:35 pm
Cause she really isn't awkward. When I took the picture, she tried to give a brave face, but the flash and my position (being right in front of her) probably created difficulty as she attempted to ride off. So if she looks awkward it was my fault. Not hers.
skd12.15.08 - 11:38 pm
No need to try and explain it, that pic of Barleye with the presents is amazing. Better than anything I've ever seen grace the home page. It's a sad day when a picture dripping in sexiness just can't seem to make it to the sexies picture spot (despite injecting it into all the 'sexiest photo' threads, LIKE LAST WEEK@@!!)
Eric Hair12.16.08 - 11:17 am
that is what I am fucking saying I knew there was someone else who felt the same way as me.
I'm going to find as many computers as possible and vote that shit sexy so many times it'll be up there for the rest of the year.
To the library I study? NO to the computer lab to vote brad sexiest photo!! lmao.
la duderina12.16.08 - 12:24 pm
Yeah, that picture of Brad needs to get bumped up. Don't you people know sexy when you see it??
hatehills12.16.08 - 12:42 pm
"Competition is fierce amongst the MR sexiest. What with awkward girl and Chynna and Stillline and nakedlyness.
12.16.08 - 2:15 am
-1 nakedlyness
"Chynna should have it all of the time."
la duderina
12.16.08 - 2:18 am
imachynna12.16.08 - 2:25 pm
I am certainly not a nakedlyness booster. But, you know, the kids seem to love it.
theroyalacademy12.16.08 - 2:48 pm
that is the sexiest sexiest photo I have ever seen. but I haven't seen much.
Has there been sexier photos than this one? I don't see how its possible.
la duderina12.16.08 - 3:10 pm
Bradley's photo is pretty freakin sexy. I voted it as sexiester, I'm sure others did as well cause it's at number one right now.
See, there is a god!
Oh and the girls looked pretty sexy too. But that isn't their sexiester pic. I saw one better of them somewhere.
User112.16.08 - 4:15 pm
Everything gives me the vapors. THREAD NECRO LEWLZ.
bananaphone12.16.08 - 6:58 pm
It's the sunglasses, man. The sunglasses provide that unified front of cool.
nathansnider12.16.08 - 7:13 pm
and I absolutely love the fact that the "nice" present has that cute smile on her face and the "naughty" present has a badass look on her face.
That picture is just so amazing I can't get over it.
la duderina12.16.08 - 10:25 pm
current sexiest photo = cutest fucking couple of all time.
just saying.
but really you guys. It's sickening.
la duderina12.17.08 - 1:29 pm
ahaha! thanks duderina! how did that even get up there? that's an oldie...
canadienne12.17.08 - 1:42 pm
Barleye, what look where you going for? The Fred Flintstone
sexy12.20.08 - 1:43 pm
she makes me want to visit the midnight ridazz page, A LOT.
quanmunist01.12.09 - 9:35 am
Who did that?? Put Katiepouch (or some other pretty girl) back up there
sexy04.3.09 - 7:20 pm
HOT! :)
et06.18.09 - 11:09 pm
dude barleye LOOKS SO YOUNG like if hes 17 in his pic.
The beard makes him look old
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.6.09 - 4:02 pm
i AM old
i was 18 i think...that was way back in 2002.
barleye responding to a
comment by palucha66
08.6.09 - 4:14 pm
i know. You thought I didnt know who was Budd Dwyer
palucha6608.6.09 - 4:18 pm
2002?? Quit smoking rock.
And how the hell did that picture even make it to the front page? I think you're padding the vote.
hatehills responding to a
comment by barleye
08.6.09 - 5:17 pm
Sexy shot man!! Did you have an off camera flash or just an ordinary bike light? Sick!
digablesoul responding to a
comment by hatehills
08.6.09 - 6:51 pm
now who is padding the vote.
larsenf responding to a
comment by hatehills
08.6.09 - 8:59 pm
@digablesoul - Yup, off camera flash. Using a sync cord.
@larsen - Er, I had nothing to do with it. I swear.
hatehills08.6.09 - 9:21 pm
i love the current photo! it makes me happy!
et08.19.09 - 2:38 pm
everytime i see this thread i read:
_iJunes08.19.09 - 2:41 pm
i wouldn't put it past MR to have that thread too
et responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.19.09 - 3:17 pm
OMG. Current sexiest photo=win. I decided to check the site while I was bored in class. It was all I could do to hide behind my screen and keep from bursting out laughing. Is that Vinh at CRANKMAS?
danya10.8.09 - 1:29 pm
its superman at the last barchopz!
666 responding to a
comment by danya
10.8.09 - 2:23 pm
oohhhh.. hahahaha! So awesome. Man, I wish I had gone to at least one of those rides.
danya responding to a
comment by 666
10.8.09 - 2:24 pm
best ride in the valley
666 responding to a
comment by danya
10.8.09 - 2:27 pm
Dang I was going to fish this thread up to say that's an awesome pic.
Well, I'll do it now, that's an awesome pic!
User110.8.09 - 2:30 pm