San Diego Midnight Madness
Thread started by
meow at 08.14.09 - 6:01 pm
San Diego Midnight Madness is once a year and that once a year is tomorrow. I wanna go i wanna go! do you? you do! you do! anyone already planning on it?
It's a bike ride btw
meow08.14.09 - 6:02 pm
I'm considering this.....went two years is much fun.....I wrote a review about at the end of this
is that guy going to take his van down?
sexy08.14.09 - 6:48 pm
Pizza Van Wolf carrying our cakey butts to City Down South. 30 minutes minus? maybe one more spot 20$
meow08.15.09 - 5:24 pm
Glad you posted this. That was a good ride, didn't know there were that many bicyclists in San Diego. Got to do it again next year,
mk452408.17.09 - 8:04 am
meow08.17.09 - 1:52 pm
I'm glad you guys did this. Hope you had fun.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by meow
08.17.09 - 1:54 pm
mikeisadumbname08.17.09 - 2:45 pm
Serious fun down in SD! Seemed like there was less noob on bikes and more peeps that knew how to ride. The route kinda sucked with all the doubling back by the water, but for free? Who's complaining? Did buy a t-shirt from them, so I don't feel too guilty.
User108.17.09 - 4:35 pm
Yeah the doubling back by the water got a little repetitive. That was about when we decided to party by the water for a bit!
Then we did the rest of the route on our own time ;)
Then Andres' derailleur explodeded
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by User1
08.17.09 - 4:40 pm
We waited for you guys at several stops. You kept dropping further and further back though. I think they must of closed the course off by the time you guys rolled in.
Next time I'd like to get a hold of the peeps in SD and do something with them too.
User1 responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
08.17.09 - 5:04 pm