Don't hate me because I drive a car...
Thread started by
neverclever at 04.22.08 - 4:52 pm
Some article in the
LA Times blog...
Don't hate me because I drive a car
Bicycles are no match for cars and trucks. But on L.A. streets, it seems like growing numbers of bike riders are taking on many of the most arrogant and annoying habits of their gas and diesel guzzling counterparts. The blogger known as
El Chavo on the Eastside Blog describes an unpleasant encounter with L.A.'s new "Bike Kulture" while driving very slowly behind a rider on Monte Vista Street in Highland Park.
"She proceeded to reach into her backpack to look for something, slowing down to a crawl as she pretended to rummage through her stuff for that one thing she needed immediately. Even though she could have easily pulled over to the right (there weren’t even any cars parked on this stretch) she stayed in the middle of the traffic lane as if to prove some point, and never pulled anything out. Yeah, I get it, I’m the chump going 5 mph because you hate my transportation."
El Chavo, also a bike rider, is quick to point out that many bike advocates wouldn't condone this kind of behavior. But El Chavo fears inconsiderate bike "idealogues" will ruin it for everyone.
"If you’re trying to get people out of their cars, doesn’t it make sense to play nice and share the road with the rest of us?"
-- Jesus Sanchez
Funny yet true. Like I've said before ...."There's one in every group, even Ridazz".
sc_nomad04.22.08 - 5:10 pm
It don't matter to Jesus.
Joe Borfo
04.22.08 - 8:08 pm
"fuckin' pederast dude"
HANDBONE04.22.08 - 5:15 pm
Does the author of this article really think these bag-searching bikers are out to prove a point? They're probably just looking for their garage door clickers or something. That doesn't make it any less irritating ... it just makes it less of a conspiracy. As in, not a conspiracy. Less malice. As in, no malice. Just good ol' fashioned inconsiderate behavior.
My conspiracies tend to be a little further-reaching.
katiepoche04.22.08 - 5:18 pm
yeah, i was just gunna say im not even gunna lie, i'm a rude biker.
then i just realized i'm an unconsiderate one.
HANDBONE04.22.08 - 5:20 pm
you can't fuck with the jesus
steph04.22.08 - 5:21 pm
Only insofar as you always know the next day when you've consumed some.
katiepoche04.22.08 - 5:36 pm
it's my lane and i do what i want!
Yes I know people like that.
I won't say anything more cuz I'm trying to get out of the house and ride my bike.
marino04.22.08 - 5:40 pm
EPIC FAIL04.22.08 - 5:53 pm
EPIC FAIL04.22.08 - 5:54 pm
EPIC FAIL04.22.08 - 5:55 pm
i'm gonna have to agree with hartwick here...
improper use of the letter K = EPIC FAIL
canadienne04.22.08 - 6:00 pm
i don't hate you because you drive a car. i hate you because you're an asshole that drives a car.
indigis04.22.08 - 6:02 pm
EPIC FAIL04.22.08 - 6:03 pm
redridinghood04.22.08 - 7:18 pm
no reason, just cause all the other kids are doing it
sexy04.22.08 - 8:07 pm
EPIC FAIL is epic fail for being annoying and not funny.
Solution: Joke School. And
maybe Joke University afterward. But frankly, I doubt you're college material.
PC04.22.08 - 8:53 pm
I'm I going to be the only one who completely agrees with everything El Chavo had to say?
Just today while riding to work, a gal was going the other direction and taking up an entire lane that had absolutely zero reason for being taken. The line of cars behind her was easily 20 deep and if I hadn't been running completely late, I would have turned around and passed by her on the right in an effort to show her that there's plenty of room for both cars and bikes.
Just the fact that there's a conversation dedicated to weather or not a lane should be kept open really illustrates how far a lot of people who comment on here have their heads up their asses when it comes to sharing the road. It's just complete idiocy to be that self centered.
I've had my share of close calls and very near misses on the road but if you can change your attitude about riding it can go a very long way. You wouldn't believe how much better a smile works than a middle finger or how happy a driver can be when you're waiting at a red light and give them some space when you can see they want to make a right. At 8am a little bit of kindness like that can really make someones day.
Ever since I went on my first ride way back in '04, I tried my hardest to convince others that sharing the road is a good thing. But mob rule eventually took over and that's a big part of why I've only been on two Midnight Rides in the last 2 years.
I'm sorry but it's ridiculous for anyone to argue that bikes get equal rights to the road when a ride is chock full of wanton and willful law breaking.
It's like that dude who got tossed in jail over the weekend. You'd think Tiananmen Square was reinacted in WeHo on Saturday night. You really can't cry foul when things went down as a result of misbehavior. I'm friends with the Rusty, the only cop who seems to get any respect on here, and one of his favorite quotes when he's telling cop stories is "the only people who go to jail are the people who deserve to go to jail."
Sometime if any of you can get up before noon on a Saturday, you should really go check out the Montrose Ride (if you don't know what it is google it.) Sure a few 4 way stops get rolled through but as a whole, a weekly peoloton of nearly 200 riders sure does a great job of stopping at red lights and making sure that everyone stays in the same lane so that the roads we all pay for can be used by everyone.
chunk04.22.08 - 9:08 pm
Even the Montrose ride has been policed. I remember a couple years ago a few riders were stopped and ticketed after blowing through a stop sign.
sc_nomad04.22.08 - 10:00 pm
EPIC FAIL04.22.08 - 11:51 pm
EPIC FAIL04.22.08 - 11:51 pm
You know, if this tweedle-dipshit doesn't want to crawl like a snail, then he should leave the person be and go around.
I mean, if there's no traffic, or you have multiple lanes to dick around with, then exercise your freedom of choice.
I'm thinking about putting together a smoke-discharger system for my bike.
If you don't want to get off my ass, then choke on this home-skillet!!
bentstrider04.23.08 - 5:50 am
^^^ @ chunk
yes. you are absolutely right. you are going to be the only one who agrees.
indigis04.23.08 - 7:05 am
Au contraire. I agree with Chunk. Arrogance and discourtesy are not ways to engender good will towards cyclists.
hatehills04.23.08 - 7:55 am
I agree with chunk, some cyclist don't have a clue.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 8:37 am
I think the unspoken fact that is lurking in this thread is that there are only a few ridazz here that don't own or at least occasionally drive cars. I have the greatest admiration for those people, but let's face it: most of us here are motorists AND cyclists. In my case, I put about the same number of miles on my car and on my bike last year. This year, I'm aiming for more miles on the bike.
I've said it before, but I'll repeat it: if more people rode bikes, even once in a while, they might have more consideration towards cyclists when they're driving.
Maybe it's creeping old fogey-ism, but I'm constantly dismayed by all the "me first" attitude that I see all around me these days, and not just on the road. I'd like to believe that in order for a society to function, there has to some empathy and consideration for others.
If you'll pardon the pun, it's a two way street. Until the Bicycle Utopia arrives and everyone is on a bike, we're all going to have to learn to share. Even if riding a bike makes you morally or ecologically superior, it shouldn't be a rationalization for selfish behavior.
mr rollers04.23.08 - 9:09 am
this girl riding the bike, it was just fluffa with a wig on!!!
speedybrian200004.23.08 - 9:13 am
@ Chavo & Chunk
It's not all the fault of the members of the "Kulture" that we have some idiots who ride bikes too.
If you're an impatient driver, take a drive through Glendale some day and then tell if me nobody else in a car drives like a rocket scientist.
Joe Borfo04.23.08 - 9:15 am
Rollers is right. If more people rode bikes, even on the weekends, there would be more consideration for the bicyclist.
As a bike rider and car driver, I see all too often discourteous behavior by car drivers. Yet I rarely ever see such actions taken by a lone bicyclist.
Anger and frustration seems to be an inherent condition when seating in an enclosed metal box driven by an internal combustion chamber, powered by petroleum.
Many times drivers aren’t paying attention, chatting on their cellphones or putting on make-up. Bicyclists are annoyed when errant drivers seem to be oblivious to their presence.
It is as if they don’t exist, that therein lies the problem. Car drivers need to wake the f*ck up and start paying attention. More and more bicyclists are taking to the roads.
If the slogan is share the road, then the car drivers need to pay attention and prepare to share.
skd04.23.08 - 9:27 am
@ chunk
please don't ever buzz someone ON THE RIGHT to make a point. not only are you showing off your tough girl/guy intelligence with that statement you'd be endangering a life. yes that girl was wrong to take up the lane when there was room but it shouldn't cost a near life experience. i'm sure none of the cars feared for their life at that point.
also i like how you dislike the midnight ridazz "full of wanton and willful law breaking" yet it's okay for another group? because, they, um, do a good job of it? if midnight ridazz was 200 people would it be different? if they had 1000+ riders would they still be doing a good job of it?
basically yes we all need to learn how to share the road. if a car wants to pass and there is room we tend to yell, "CAR BACK" but OF COURSE that doesn't always happen; we do our best and we have to teach the new riders out there. we're ALL learning how to handle an influx of bicycle activity so i hope you still encourage your friends at least...
neverclever04.23.08 - 9:45 am
C'mon now, if there's one thing that bike-commuting and car-driving have in common, it's tailgaters.
If I'm driving a rig, a rental car, or burning JackInTheBox, I usually treat all tailgaters the same.
Flip of the bird, brake-check, are some of the ways to deal with that nuisance.
bentstrider04.23.08 - 9:58 am
seriously. just throw your milkshake at em next time.
HANDBONE04.23.08 - 10:01 am
I think some people are still in denial, just because we ride bikes do not make us superior in any way. Having a CVC allowing us the right to the street does not mean we have assert it every single time. Safety should be a cyclist's primary guideline.
There are new cyclists everyday and some of them do not have a clue. There are misguided activists who think confrontation is the only way to resolve things. The sad truth is the conflict between two wheeled vehicles and cars is not new and unique to cyclists. Cyclists, scooterist and motorcyclist share a common concern... it is not a fender bender when you collide with a car, it skin and bones. Be aware of your vulnerability and ride accordingly without endangering anyone else (get off the sidewalk).
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 10:35 am
Taking a lane is safer than getting constantly buzzed by cars passing far too close when you're riding in the gutter to stay out of their way. My last ride on Hollywood Way Monday was fucked up until I started taking the lane. It wasn't until then that cars started passing with lots of room to spare.
And, fuck, what the hell do you do when there's a trash truck or street sweeper in front of you? Pass on the right? NO, you go slow until you can pass safely. BFD!!!!! What the fuck is the difference between a cyclist and a slow moving motor vehicle? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
toweliesbong04.23.08 - 10:46 am
Like I've said " Safety should be a cyclist's primary guideline". You need to do what ever will make you safe. You need to use your judgement. If there is an irate motorist behind me, I will let him pass. I'd rather be wrong and alive than dead right.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 11:02 am
Don't get me wrong, I feel as strongly as anyone about uninformed motorist. But I have a very healthy respect for the car since I've buried several friends, who'ved collided with cars, in my 20 + years as a motorcyclist.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 11:10 am
sc nomad is right.we gotta be on the defensive at all times while riding a bike.just cause we got a right to the whole lane doesnt mean you we HAVE to take it.we gotta be smart and think about what we're doing out there.wether its by accident or on purpose,you get hit by a car,youre gonna lose.i always think that if i piss off a motorist out there ,odds are im never gonna see him again.but he'll see another cyclist out there and maybe take it out on him or her just cause of MY stupidity.i guess what im saying is just try to make nice with drivers.they got the upper hand as of now.
mandingo04.23.08 - 11:10 am
I usually treat the potentially, irate with a wave of the hand telling them to go around.
About 80% of the time, they know what this means and accept the invitation.
10% of the time, I get a "No, that's okay, we'll wait 'til its safe."
10% of the other time, "No, you get outta the way before I move you out of the way."
At that point, I usually pull out my camera, and snap a quick picture.
That's usually enough to shut them up.
bentstrider04.23.08 - 11:16 am
A clueless cyclist is not the same as an arrogant cyclist making a point. They're just oblivious, and buzzing them (someone said this above) is not the best way to teach them. Why do you reserve your kindness and sympathy for drivers?
I'm a better driver because I bike, and I'm a better biker because I drive.
katiepoche04.23.08 - 11:24 am
Good point mandingo. I was riding back to Tangs on New Year's Eve after I got dropped by the Wolfpack. I was on Sunset Junction when a car, that clearly saw me, pulled out of a driveway and blocked the bike lane and sat there. I could not ride behind him because there was not room and did not dare to ride in front of him since he seemed irate. I waited for about a minute for him to move but he did not budge. I got off my bike and walked behind his car.
I tapped his trunk to make sure that he knows that I was behind his car. That set this man off, he came out of his car screaming and yelling. He got on a tirade about angry cyclists. None of what he was saying had nothing to do with the incident. From what I heard, it seemed that some cyclist pissed him off earlier that week and I was going to pay for it.
I've seen the mob mentality on group rides since I've been there myself (Borfo can confirm). Just be aware that that action will cause a reaction down the line.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 11:30 am
Jesus, Dingo. Since when did you start having an opinion about something in this forum? Are we going to have to endure these long tirade rants of yours now like that of Sexy and User1? God help us.
Joe Borfo04.23.08 - 11:31 am
@sc nomad
That's kinda funny how you mentioned getting "Dropped by the Wolfpack" like it was an everyday thing.
As for that guy in the car, if he started yelling at me after that, I would've slowly put my headphones on, and said, "See you later Miss", then rode off.
After that, he would either tried to have hunt you down and not find you.
Or, he would've had a heart-attack after I insinuated he, was a she.
bentstrider04.23.08 - 11:48 am
I get dropped by the Wolfpack 8 out of 10 rides. Half the time it is because I am slow and the other is because of my self appointed role as the one who picks up the stragglers.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 11:55 am
"The line of cars behind her was easily 20 deep and if I hadn't been running completely late,"
So you know how long the rider was holding up cars? Was it 2 minutes, 20 minutes or 2 hours? I'm sure it was less than 2 hours and I'd bet it was much less than 20 minutes.
Was it a 2 lane road or 4 lane? If it was a 4 lane, sorry, but I see moron drivers keep like sheep to the right lane even when there was a bus stopped in front of them. If it was a 2 lane how do you know the rider didn't yield a minute after you saw her?
Yeah, common courtesy says I'll pull over to the right to let people pass if there is no other way around me. I do this whether I'm riding city streets or driving a mountain road slower than the other vehicles.
toweliesbong04.23.08 - 11:56 am
This old discussion again. I have one thing to add, which I have added on theses threads in the past.
SC Nomad, you ended one post with a "stay off the sidewalk". Some people ride almost as slow as a pedestrians walking, and feel safer riding on the sidewalk. Especially if they never ride. Sometimes I feel like only riding 7mph or less down to the store, and those time I feel it is more comfortable to ride on the sidewalk. It is legal where I live to ride on the sidewalk. So sometimes I due ride on the sidewalk. No harm, no fail. It what I feel is safest and most comfortable for me, in that situation.
I'm not going to go into that old story of the guy who only rides on the sidewalk after getting hit, pie=3.14 etc etc.etc.
sexy04.23.08 - 12:09 pm
I added stay off the sidewalk because it is illegal in some cities, Redondo Beach enforces it. Know your city's view on this. Problem is that pedestrians and motorist are more likely to have LEO on their side.
Another thing that varies from city to city is lane sharing. In California, lane sharing is legal but certain cities might have laws against it. When it comes to bicycles, it is unlikely that you will be cited for lane sharing but in some cities you can.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 12:22 pm
If I remember correctly, the CVC states that bicycles not moving the speed of traffic are to stay as close to the curb as possible. Granted that with parked cars (and a suitable safety zone from their doors) that means the right lane, we should be able to allow cars to pass pretty easily on our left. I keep my own safety a priority over any car's, but I usually will dive closer to the right and let a waiting car pass me and then trail them. Bikes are very agile vehicles, there's really no reason to block traffic.
sezdaniel04.23.08 - 12:23 pm
aww someone commented in el chavos post about ridazz...
"I have talked to some women that have felt groups like Midnight Ridazz have turned kinda macho."
macho?! like ymca macho macho man in the navy maybe.
neverclever04.23.08 - 12:34 pm
It is legal anywhere in the city of Los Angeles to ride on the sidewalks. The only exception is the Venice Boardwalk, and signs are posted prohibiting it.
LAMC 56.15 prohibits the riding of bicycles (or other human power devices) on sidewalks (bikeways or boardwalks) with a willful or wanton
disregard for the safety of persons or property. If you are safe and sane, you can ride on the sidewalk. Sidewalk riding is illegal in the city of Santa Monica,
of course and other outlying cities.
skd04.23.08 - 12:38 pm
Ok Guyth - Let's not make this all complicated.
What RBI Said.
dot com
Joe Borfo04.23.08 - 12:47 pm
This thread is so redundant because it's not taking the course it should be.
Once again, we have another "news" source or editorial voice complaining about cyclists instead of another one praising them. Sure, the girl in the story might possibly be a douche, but if she didn't have a good reason to reach into her bag while riding, it's not because she's a cyclist: It's because she's an douche.
What irks me about this is that douchebaggery and cycling are once again lumped together; that we are douches for asserting our right to the road. Again, not only does the law support me using the full lane ALL THE TIME, but we live in Los Angeles, where we have very few bike lanes, bike signage, and almost no educational awareness being given to automobile drivers. Just taking that into account, I can't imagine anything other than it being imperative that we assert our right to taking up a lane.
I'd rather someone think I was a douchebag than be dead.
But, again, that's still not the point. El Chavo is whining about someone who was inconsiderate. To extrapolate that as some larger issue of the cycling community is bogus and unfair. We're already hated. Stop adding fuel to the fire.
markedge04.23.08 - 1:04 pm
I want to know how that girl was suddenly flexing her holy ideology JUST by being on a bike legally. Was she throwing pamphlets around or yelling CVC codes at the top of her lungs? I don't even want to post into that chavos journal because he doesn't seem to be very objective about anything in the first place.
I bet the girl was pissed some pervert was taking a picture of her.
neverclever04.23.08 - 1:11 pm
he just another blogger. they are a dime a dozen. no need to give dude so much credibility.
Roadblock04.23.08 - 1:17 pm
True, but he's another blogger on a quasi-popular site that's being featured by the L.A. Times. We should discount him, but we also shouldn't ignore him.
markedge04.23.08 - 1:19 pm
yeah normally i wouldn't care but when things are in the la times (albeit a blog) i'm like, oh nuh uh! but yeah...
neverclever04.23.08 - 1:20 pm
Unfortunately, it is the 1% that people will remember. Most motorists, motorcyclisst and cyclists are good, but all it takes is one douchebag.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 1:33 pm
LA Times is quickly becoming an irrelevant source of information. they are having issues of ad revenue, readership and legitimacy and its becoming a spiraling downfall. I can't wait till all media is owned by Rupert Murdoch. more ignorant people = more chaos and fun!
Roadblock04.23.08 - 1:38 pm
Yes, yes, what RBI said x 1,000.
Meanwhile, I look forward to a day when drivers have soul-searching discussions about being considerate toward bikers, lest bikers get the impression that all drivers are douchebags.
nathansnider04.23.08 - 1:44 pm
It might be an irrelevant but people still read it. Take the tabloids for example, there are people who read and believe that crap.
sc_nomad04.23.08 - 1:44 pm
just thinking out loud. don't bother reading..
i'm now not driving anywhere within the city, so long as I can make my destination on a bicycle within 20% of the time it would take by car. which is basically everywhere, all the time. this has given me the opportunity to experience and consider the issues regard bicycle commuting in metro la.
what i like and appreciate:
designated bike lanes. that means actual wide lanes that are for bicyclists only (santa monica blvd). not bullshit ones where you share a narrow strip of broken pavement with parked cars (washington blvd.)
other bicyclists. it's a counter culture club we're in. and a good one. no matter the reason you ride, it's a good one. and one we all share.
bicycles. they're the most efficient means of transportation EVER made. period. they are beautiful machines that express the personality of the rider.
the feel. wind in my face. the smells. everything about riding feels good. and i just got back from my cardiologist and was actually enthusiastically congratulated by one of the country's top specialists for the dramatic improvement in my heart condition. this was solely from riding.
what I don't like or appreciate:
cars honking at me and my uncontrolled anger around that.
realizing how guilty i've been of being one of those lazy masses in their autos all these years.
potholes and cracks.
knowing that i will probably get crunched under an SUV. eventually.
indigis04.23.08 - 2:00 pm
"What's the difference between NEWS and ADVERTISING?"
uhh. paid placement. next...
indigis04.23.08 - 2:07 pm
@ Dak
Advertising doesn't try to legitimize making craps loads of money by putting on the fesade of portraying biased news that repeats the same three stories ten million times an hour. BTW one news hours = 5 minutes of relavent/useful information. I spend the rest of the time watching cartoons. In the end yor right, what is the difference?
dolamyte04.23.08 - 2:11 pm
"What's the difference between NEWS and ADVERTISING?"
uhh. paid placement. next..."
oh you thought only the advertisements were paid placement? more and more stories we see in the paper on the news are just PR campaigns for whatever they are talking about (garbage)
Roadblock04.23.08 - 2:15 pm
the reverend dak04.23.08 - 2:19 pm
I got it right last night. YAY!
toweliesbong04.23.08 - 2:36 pm
With the above in mind I will begin drafting my weekly entry for Emerald City. Is there anything people would like to "place"?
Alex Thompson04.23.08 - 3:05 pm
And here all along, I'd been thinking that the only difference between news and advertising was the choice of fonts...
nathansnider04.23.08 - 3:16 pm
News = mass marketable crap and hollywood crap
Advertising = paid placement
PR = managing communication to define public opinion
why are we talking about this?
indigis04.23.08 - 4:12 pm
News = misinformation
Advertising = misinformation
This thread is all about misinformation.
News = Advertising
toweliesbong04.23.08 - 4:25 pm
in case it wasn't totally obvious, i was referring to the whole LA Times thing (which is on topic), and comparing it with advertising, by using ...
[drum roll...]
A joke!
Getting all technical with marketing terminology and definitions, kind of ruins it. *sad face*
the reverend dak04.23.08 - 4:29 pm
the only thing i can think of when i'm in my lane-hogging, gas-guzzling suv behind a cyclist is that i wish i was on a bike too.
Cutter04.23.08 - 4:52 pm
PR = stories land on a reporters desk and these motherfuckers are so lazy and or swamped they'll throw a little edit on it and print it.
NEWS = Managing communication to define public opinion so long as it doesnt result in a net negative for the advertisers/owners of the media company
ADVERTISING = CBS blocked a fulll rate paid ad from the Superbowl which means that advertising is not simply "paid placement" as one would think.
Roadblock04.23.08 - 5:14 pm
I get really annoyed at cars. There's SO many. waiting at lights for them ugh! Trying to turn left off of wilshire you might as well just shoot yourself. they just keep coming and coming and coming and it really annoys me. One of the few times coming annoys me.
onelessfixie11.28.08 - 11:50 pm