sick of Bank of America's fees?
Thread started by
tortuga_veloce at 10.1.09 - 12:10 pm
Why don't you just switch banks?
End of story.
User110.1.09 - 12:21 pm
What's everyone pissed about lately, specifically about BofA ?
0gravity10.1.09 - 12:30 pm
if you live in hollywood you can use musicians interguild credit union. It's awesome, it's on Vine and is above all the Jazz musicians recording studio. Credit unions aren't for profit like banks. And they have annual meetings where the share holders (us) get to choose how it is run.
I canceled all banks like wells fargo and bofa.
onemanstrash10.1.09 - 1:01 pm
i was charged $50 from making withdraws from my savings account...BS!! i should be able to do what i want with my savings
Volta10.1.09 - 1:05 pm
yeah but then it's a bitch to find an ATM that won't charge you to use it. I have bofa and while I do have a lot of gripes about it, I never have a problem finding an ATM. although if you are forced to use a non bofa atm they do charge you up the ass, but that is very rare. I haven't paid fees to bofa in idk how long.
la duderina responding to a
comment by onemanstrash
10.1.09 - 1:07 pm
i've had Long Beach Schools Financial Credit Union (LBSFCU) since i first had a bank account and i love it. not only is my checking account free, but i make interest off of my balance there. they are very helpful and friendly, and i've never had issues with them.
the only thing that sucks is that they don't have very many branches or atms... but it's not too bad
snowcone responding to a
comment by onemanstrash
10.1.09 - 1:07 pm
i just get cash back at a super market like ralphs
just buy a twix bar and you're good to go
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.1.09 - 1:08 pm
you can't get $200 cash back.
It was also nice to know that when all those banks were failing, bofa was going to be fine. I mean yeah they're a bunch of money grubbing corporate assholes, but if you know the rules, know what you'll get charged for , it's not hard to work the system.
la duderina10.1.09 - 1:11 pm
'Fred tries to wake the sheep'
hybrid rida responding to a
comment by 0gravity
10.1.09 - 1:12 pm
if not all, many 7-11's have credit union affiliated atm's.
coldcut10.1.09 - 1:16 pm
never needed to withdraw 200, but if i did, i would just pay the fee at another atm and use that... getting charged $2 when withdrawing $200 is not too bad. the interest i make off of my balance more than makes up for it.
snowcone responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.1.09 - 1:18 pm
Fuck banks. I just carry my money in rolls like a drug dealer...
Debut21310.1.09 - 1:34 pm
thanks for letting me know that...
snowcone responding to a
comment by Debut213
10.1.09 - 1:36 pm
You've must of missed the sarcasim. Its ok snowcone, I forgive thou.
Debut21310.1.09 - 2:00 pm
either way... i'd watch out if i were you
i've been known to stab people according to rbi
snowcone responding to a
comment by Debut213
10.1.09 - 2:02 pm
but if you know the rules, know what you'll get charged for , it's not hard to work the system.
here's my story: i deposited my paycheck at a teller on two separate occasions, and they lost my transaction. each time it happened it took 3 weeks and it took even longer for them to remove the erroneous overdraft fees. i stayed with them because their numerous ATMs were "convenient"
soon thereafter, i started putting my savings into an ING account because i was tired of giving my money to BofA. at this time, the minimum amount required in your savings account was $10, so that's all i kept there.
WITHOUT NOTIFICATION, they changed the minimum savings deposit to $20, and charged me $5 and removed the fee. then again, they changed it to $25 and refused to remove the fee, then to $50 and refused to remove the fee.
my point is, you can't work the system, because if you dont have a significant deposit, they will change the rules without telling you. and believe it or not, this is legal! time for some new laws!
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.1.09 - 2:18 pm
if anyone is thinking of opening an ING Orange Savings and Electric Checking account, you can use the ATMs at any 7-11 for FREE.
they'll also pay you $50 to open an account if you're referred by a member. email me for a referral--->
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.1.09 - 2:47 pm
let ME refer you instead!
snowcone responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.1.09 - 2:57 pm
I bank at Chase. They have three atm machines less than a mile from where I live. BofA has two less than a mile away. Chase has two full branches 2.5 miles away, BofA has 6. Chase has free checking, no minimum and they've been great when I over drawn my account. They've reversed the charges just about every time. Don't know how BofA would have handled it, cause never banked with them. Why would I?
Oh yeah, if I ever needed money in the middle of the night, all I would do is find a Ralph's, Von's, or Albertson's. Get cash for free. What's not to like about what I have?
@King Fluffa, you're limited to one god reference per thread. You've gone over your limit.
User1 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.1.09 - 2:57 pm
yes, i get $25, but ING will give you $50. plus, i'll throw in an extra $5!!!!
that's $55!! even snowcone cant beat that!
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by snowcone
10.1.09 - 2:59 pm
i just plan ahead. Luckily the liquor store atm across the street from me only charges 1.00$. There are no fees at the credit union and i'm actually making money for the first time ever off of my savings. I can transfer money from savings to checking or vice versa and there is never any fees! :)
onemanstrash responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.1.09 - 3:02 pm
but wait! i will give you $20 dollars!!! just so you won't help tortuga!
snowcone responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.1.09 - 3:21 pm
I've got an account there and a primary one with Chase.
Chase is cool because they've so far stuck to the low/no fee checking accounts.
BofA on the other hand will sick an account fee that will drain what little money you have in there and charge the overdraft on top of it.
bentstrider10.1.09 - 11:26 pm
It was also nice to know that when all those banks were failing, bofa was going to be fine.
BofA could have gone down like a five dollar whore, and you wouldn't have lost a penny. FDIC, FDR, 1933, Great Depression, Glass-Steagall Act, yadda yadda yadda...what am I, your history teacher too?
PC responding to a
comment by la duderina
10.2.09 - 12:35 am
it's not just about getting your money back
snowcone responding to a
comment by PC
10.2.09 - 12:37 am
ironically, Americans have lost more money since it didn't fail, since BofA has decided to fee its customers up the ass to pay off all those bad loans in excess of what the taxpayers have already eaten.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by PC
10.2.09 - 1:14 am
BofA could have gone down like a five dollar whore, and you wouldn't have lost a penny. FDIC, FDR, 1933, Great Depression, Glass-Steagall Act, yadda yadda yadda...what am I, your history teacher too?
So PC, since the FDIC only has a fraction (10 billion vs 4.8 trillion of funds they must cover) of the money to cover a bank failure the magnitude of BOA. Who would have really lost if BOA would have failed? Who would have had to pay?
sexy responding to a
comment by PC
10.2.09 - 1:27 am
I've got a shelf full of "Borfo Biscuits"!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
10.2.09 - 1:36 am
User1 all of our poking and shit talking aside.
You really amaze me. On one hand you turned me on to the amazingly produced, entertain and informative video analysis of The Stimulator. Then on the other hand you put your money into a institution that screws the people of the world like J.P. Morgan Chase. Even if you have $100 deposited in there, with fractional reserve banking. They can create $900 - $1900 easily with that $100. You must really not realize what these big "tape worm" big financial institutions on all about. (That and your belief that the fluctuation of oil prices where caused by supply and demand and not speculation.)
This money stuff is really important. I encourage you to look into it a lot more deeper.
sexy responding to a
comment by User1
10.2.09 - 1:52 am