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This thread is created to list all good things that Obama has done.
Please pay attention to the job our new President is doing.
I will or you can create a thread to list all of the things he is doing that is not in the best interest of our country. I guess we could list most all of his cabinet appointments. There is much that needs to be changed.
Issues executives order that revokes executive order 13233 and establishes a better establish policies and procedures for release of Presidential Records to the National Achieve.
Limits revolving door policy of going from Executive position to lobbyist and vice a versa for two years times in between positions. Creates a lobbyist gift ban for the for the duration of his service as President.
I'm so far watching skeptically over the issue of transportation. Right now the focus of the first wave of stimulus appears to be highway expansion, rather then repair, and short changing sustainable transit like rail, cycling, and pedestrian improvements. I think it would be a grave mistake to rapidly grow our highway capacity when we can barely maintain what we have and all the land use waste that is attached to such a measure not to mention oil dependency, in the interest of short term economics. We need to be building the future, not the status quo.
This org appears to be emerging as a one of the stronger voices for sound transportation policy at the federal level:
Transportation For America
They have some petitions with pre-written letters and other info on transit issues. Obama wrote them a letter outlining his commitment to alternative transportation solutions, but that's not the impression I get so far.
If Obama doesn't do another thing for the rest of his presidency, he would have done more than Bush. But then again, a fencepost could out performed him!
A smart leader has as much to do with who they surround them self with as what they do them self. Whether any particular policy came from him personally or not, he has to sign everything, it's his name on the line. If you had to deal with issues as far reaching as the state of an entire nation, you think you would personally be writing everything?
Props on pledging to set up a donor conference for the people of gaza who are suffering under a crippling 3 year israeli blockade. Obama also asked for Israel to open the borders to commerce and goods and allow the people of gaza a bit of relief.
Let's hope the more than $2 billion a year in aid to Israel gets us more bang for our buck with Obama. I'm all in favor of diverting those bucks to rebuilding the shit they just destroyed!
But remember, it's not just about doing more than Bush, it's about doing less really stupid stuff too. It's about doing better. I think he has a pretty good chance, and he's got plenty of room to go upwards from where we are right now.
hey july, let this thread be about people that are proud to have Obama as president yeah? if you feel the need to say things like that, please create another thread with your opinions about him. this is the "Props to Obama" thread. not the fuck obama thread.
Let us all remember that the true people with power are the Legislative branch.
If anyone is to be fucked, it's the people writing up the various laws and bills that may, or may not make any sense to the rest of us.
If anything, there are too many people up on Capital Hill that have no real experience in anything outside of reading about it, or watching it unfold on TV.
If anything, I'd like to see a wider range of occupational-types taking Senate, or Congressional seats, other than JD's all the time.
Sort of like that Sprint/Nextel commercial with the firefighters running the House.
""The Obama administration announced the creation of a White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families on Friday during a ceremony demonstrating its commitment to the labor community and working class Americans.
The task force, to be chaired by Vice President Joe Biden, will be asked to help raise the living standards for working and middle income Americans. Representatives of labor, business, and advocacy communities will play consulting and advisory roles. In addition, Obama signed three executive orders on Friday, reversing directives issued during the Bush years that made it harder for employees of federal contractors to unionize. ""
"Now, I read the other day that critics of this plan ridiculed our notion that we should use part of the money to modernize the entire fleet of federal vehicles to take advantage of state of the art fuel efficiency. This is what they call pork. You know the truth. It will not only save the government significant money over time, it will not only create manufacturing jobs for folks who are making these cars, it will set a standard for private industry to match. And so when you hear these attacks deriding something of such obvious importance as this, you have to ask yourself -- are these folks serious? Is it any wonder that we haven't had a real energy policy in this country?
For the last few years, I've talked about these issues with Americans from one end of this country to another. And Washington may not be ready to get serious about energy independence, but I am. And so are you. And so are the American people.
In the last few days, we've seen proposals arise from some in Congress that you may not have read but you'd be very familiar with because you've been hearing them for the last 10 years, maybe longer. They're rooted in the idea that tax cuts alone can solve all our problems; that government doesn't have a role to play; that half-measures and tinkering are somehow enough; that we can afford to ignore our most fundamental economic challenges -- the crushing cost of health care, the inadequate state of so many of our schools, our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.
So let me be clear: Those ideas have been tested, and they have failed. They've taken us from surpluses to an annual deficit of over a trillion dollars, and they've brought our economy to a halt. And that's precisely what the election we just had was all about. The American people have rendered their judgment. And now is the time to move forward, not back. Now is the time for action."
Make Marajuana legal and tax it as they do alcohol and set an age requirement No more Federal harrasement if the States sapprove it and allow liscening and growing your own so the big drug cartels will stop sucking out all out wealth and that would lower crime,and put the money back in the local communities.
Put his back against the wall
and call him on giving away so much of nations wealth (alright putting us heavy into more debt) putting the same people who got these private banks into a financial mess the ability to give away our money to line the investor and executives pockets. WE ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT.
Obama yesterday said that he will take full responsibility for what happens. That like the kid who does thousands of dollar of damage to your property and say he will take care of it. HOW? He ain't got that kind of money. What is Obama taking responsibility for billions to trillions of dollars being given away going to do about to pay it back. Pay for himself?!!?!!! YEAH RIGHT We are going to pay for it.
I would love to see Sexy pinning Obama down with "the facts" in a townhall meeting.
Lets face it. The dude inherited a gigantic shit pile and now he's tryin' to figure a way out of it. We will see what happens. But clearly given the choice I think obama would love to be spending those billions on stuff that people would appreciate and enjoy like health, education, and a functioning infrastructure, rather than cleaning up somebody else's shit pile.
But then again ... what good is all that stuff if we have total bank collapse ... I mean ... I wouldn't mind personally, I am already, broke,... but I think it would create the kind of economic/societal breakdown that would be really destabilizing for the entire world and get in the way of a lot of other advancements.
But we will see what happens.
The bailout started before Obama got in office and its up to him to make the most of a fucked up situation.
The hubbub about bonuses is really based on the fact that most people think those wall street fat cats get paid too much anyway.
Now when the company is completely failed, to the point that the general wisdom is that if the company went under the entire financial system might collapse, and to avoid bankruptcy (which with nullify any contracts/ bonuses) and systemic collapse we infuse it with tax money to help it survive and the same dunderfucks are trying to cash in ... people are rightfully and appropriately pissed.
maybe its bad foresight or naive on the part of whoever wrote that package to not try and figure out a way of preempting bonuses. but to assume that it was the PLAN of the Obama administration for the bonuses to go out then protest ... seems farfetched at best.
I'd have a hard time swallowing that without some seriously compelling evidence. I don't think even Rush Limbaugh is bothering to assert something so absurd.
I hope we can all make the distinction between supporting a bailout of a bank (even if we disagree that it should have happened in the first place) and supporting the mis-appropriation of the intended purpose of that tax money.
Now as for Mr. Hair's assertion that Obama's friends and cabinet members do not currently pay taxes and that Obama some how benefits from that, I would also need to see some evidence of that as it would be in my mind justification enough to end the entire administration in a cloud of shame. It seems like with would be tough to prove though since the members of the obama administration won;t be filing taxes for there work in the Obama administration for another 13 moths.
Maybe you are referring to the fact that 2 nominees to his cabinet had some tax issues prior to joining the cabinet. Of course ... I do expect that law enforcers should be held to the same standard as the rest of us. Its my understanding that those people had to pay restitution for their mistakes. But lets be real here.
Pretty much everybody I know trys to slide on taxes whenever possible. People do under the table work, hire domestic help with out paying social security taxes, buy and sell used items without paying sales tax, give and receive valuable gifts to/from friends and family without paying tax. buy, sell, and trade weed without paying sales tax, lie about if they are gonna eat their whole foods for here or togo, etc etc.
i would be absolutely shocked if anybody here hasn't broken at least a few of those laws. The main difference between those Obama nominees and most of the rest of government is that they got caught.
I understand if ya'll disagree with Obama's politix ... i can't imagine more that 10-15% of everybody is going to aligned with any one leader on most issues. But this tin hat conspiracy stuff is just faux news type of stuff, just making silly assertions and assumptions with no basis in fact. And really just a silly distraction.
What is of legitimate concern is that Obama has only rolled back some of GWBs war of terror bullshit and not 100% of it. This we need to push him on constantly.
I read on Huffington Post that when a new president moves into the white house, they are given $100,000 of the gov's money to redecorate. Obama, however, refused this money, choosing to pay for redecoration out of pocket.
Now how about a little prosecution of war crimes?hmm? no? well fuck you
Hahahaha...and then Geithner and Bernanke and the rest of the FPT (Flat Protection Team) come running out there with Groucho Marx masks on, trying to act all nonchalant while furiously working the pump.
Obama has now officially given the word: No federal prosecution for medical cannabis users in states that have legalized weed for that more DEA raids of medical cannabis dispensaries in CA or any other medimar state.
awwww yyeeaaah
*note: illegal marijuana distribution will still be federally prosecuted, for all you fox fucks.