NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Oh PEE Cee. I hear you, but it has never worked that way. ROTW can be two hours or 10 days. The choice always flows with the general feel of the board, or somebodies whim.
Another quiet hero.
.and yes ROTW can be a week or just a day or several riders together!!!
Randy still rocks and so does Mr CL!!!!
WHile some were 'heading for the hills' on the last MR ride Mr leather and Mr Borfo were quietly picking up stragglers, fixing chains and getting peeps home.
Mr Leather rules IMHO
Chicken Leather, another one of those guys that five paragraph worth of writing, stuff he has done for me and the community here, will not be enough space to cover it all.
I took to chicken leather, like a chicken takes to peaking the ground. I was never shy when he threw the camera or the tape record in my face. The repor between us just grew, as he asked me, I always had an opinion/answer for him. I had heard of him through a mutual friend in Venice that would show films for free and put on community events. This guy would always tell me, Paul Bacca going to be here, and I would just look at him crooked eye, and think who the hell is Paul Bacca, little did, I know I would become good friends with this guy and he would have such an impact on my life.
Chicken Leather helps everybody with everything. I remember the BikeSummer Graffiti ride, and this young kid, who's mom dropped him off mid-point in the ride, had a over inflated tire, that ended up ripping off the side wall from the bead. Every time this kid's tire would flatten, the kid would automatically say, I got to call my mom. CL would go "no, no, you aint' got to call your mom, let me fix it" because of the nature of the problem CL ended up lining the tire with trash and then ended up taping up the tire and would stop every block to fill the kids tire up at the end of the ride. CL was determined that this kid did the whole ride and not have to call his mom. I think the kid made it most of the ride.
CL backyard resembles something close to one of our bike fixing co-op storage, and every time he would meet somebody, who decided they would like a to start biking or needed a bike, CL would put one together for them. They where always nicer then his own bike.
He was the first one to ever offer me a place to sleep and sometimes would insist on giving me a car ride back to the valley after an all night ride. Mostly I would refuse, but there has been a couple of times, I took him up on a ride.
SpokeN'Dissent would have never have been successfully on the sound end of the ride, if it wasn't for CL. No matter what was going on in his life, he would get his expensive, top quality wire less mic to the ride, so that we could actually have the speaking part of the ride. When i started that ride, I had a co-organizer who was suppose to take care of that part of the ride (i had no knowledge of sound equipment, that guy ended up not being able to do it, after the first ride, and the mics we bought had no distant range). CL was so responsible for making much happen on that ride. When I didn't want to talk, and nobody else would take the mic, CL would take over.
He does so much for so many more in LA, then just the bicycle community. He seem to volunteer everywhere, and for everything.
All the stories I have heard of him letting other take advantage of him, because the other people where in a worse position in life. The guy should be named a Saint not ROTW.
I feel fortunate to call him my friend, and have been lucky enough to share so many meals with him, he is beyond my friend, he is family to me.
Paul, you have made my life and so many others life better, by just being on this planet with us. Thank you.
There is so much more, but nobody is probably reading this now. So I will leave with this, CL rode the LA freeway before many of you snot nose CrimnalMass freeway riders where born.
Chicken Leather KICKS ASSS!!!! Choppercabras was my first MIdnight Ridazz ride/event/whatever. He was first person I met when I got there. Nice as hell and made me feel very welcome. Even took the time to ask and make a bit o vid about my bike.
Chicken Leather's brilliant blowout fix is exactly what I was thinking of when I saw he was nominated ROTW. He's truly a person who makes the world a better place, through his words and his actions.
Such a dedicated Rida and thoughtful human being... I think everyone should strive to be a little more Chicken-Leathery.
Probably the first time I noticed DJCL was when he bum-rushed the mic at the ALL CITY TOY RIDE to promote an upcoming bike event.
Since then I he has recorded at least an hour of tape of me answering his vague questions. I think at lease 55mins of those interviews are of the words : hmmmm, ummmm, and uhhhh.
Congrats Mr. Chicken Leather! You're one of the first dear friends I've made through MR. I felt instant friendship and I knew we were going to be good buds. You show up for so many rides and always documenting as many as you can. Large or small, you treat them all the same. It's never a case where you think you're wasting your time.
It's been a pleasure knowing you and you're girl, Veronica. You guys both have a big heart and want to see the underground flourish. I loved having you guys in town and spending the weekend in LB. You guys will always have a friend to rely on here.
In Case you haven't read the Sins and Sprockets thread ... DJ Chicken Leather proved his mettle (or perhaps his stupidity) and definitely his awesomeness by standing down some young punks who pushed a guy off his bike (at the back of the SnS pack) and tried to ride off on it into the projects.
Chickenleather whet right in there and those busters just stared at him in awe as he grabbed the bike and brought it back to the relieved rightful owner.
Chickenleather is ALWAYS holding it down in the back of these rides to help the newbies on 40lb cruiesers with their flat tire or stuck chain, and now he apparently he is also Midnight Ridazz version of the Fruit of Islam.
CL, you are Ridaa of the Week again cause you just made my (and many other ridazz) week!
chicken leather is awesome. thanks for the dvd. it really means alot that you put it together for me. and really badass that you took care of the shit that happened at the projects.
Chicken Leather is a TRUE HERO, unlike those "heroes" you see on TV (sports guys). Last night Chicken Leather stood up to a bunch of thugs in the projects, on Main, that beat up some poor kid and stole his bike. Chicken leather went after them, got the bike back, and saved the day for the young guy.
Another shining example of the exemplary friends I make. No second rate people in my camp. Only first rate top notch folks that I associate with. Chicken Leather is a Super Hero and he is my friend.
I wish I knew how to take a message from my phone and post it up here. The message Chicken Leather left for me during the Senson Fires would warm your heart and put a big smile on your face as much as it did for me.
I got news for everyone. Chicken Leather is NOT that chill of a rida! As the photo shows, the dude is pretty ruthless when it comes to shooting the same event you are. You guys have been warned.