Urban Double

Thread started by
shauners at 10.28.08 - 7:35 pm
Hey, this is the biggest, longest ride I've put on and could use some help. So I'm starting a forum to discuss the event, training, route, support, logistics, and sponsors.
First item of business: 5am is way to early to wake up on a Saturday morning and ride 200 miles. All in favor of changing to 8am start time say Aye ... All opposed go screw yourself. The Eyes have it.
Ride info here:
shauners10.28.08 - 7:37 pm
I wish I could go, but I am in a land far, far away! Have fun. I'll be following this thread to see what everyone is talking about.
tern10.28.08 - 7:38 pm
The first leg out east needs some help. Danny Zuko mentioned the Jedi route. Does anyone remember where that is buried in the MR site?
Does anyone have a better idea? First rest stop will be on the eastern board of LA county. I was thinking Super Mex or some other landmark.
shauners10.28.08 - 7:43 pm
shaun, this is Wayne. Not sure if you remember me. Refresher: Only brotha on the dark century ride...LOL Dude, we need to talk. I wanna do this ride and I know you need help. Hit me up and let me know where you are with this.
ridetime11.11.08 - 11:33 pm
Yo wayne, we're scoping out the route on saturday nov 22 around lunch time, leaving from scoops. Email me if interested. If we have 2 cars, we can have a forward and a reverse scope team to save time.
shauners11.12.08 - 2:19 pm
I'm so down for this ride...lemme know if you need help with scouting or anything (though i don't have a car).
Lance K11.12.08 - 5:17 pm
yo Shauners I forget about this. Sounds dope. Not sure if I'll be around to ride it, but if anyone is thinking about it there are some training ideas posted
on this thread from a little while ago.
200 miles is a long way.
bike punk11.12.08 - 9:46 pm
This ride is car free and supported by bob trailers? Sick!!
Brian11.12.08 - 11:22 pm
Hey...so I'll be providing SAG support for the ride.
Other than having a floor pump, tubes and water, are there any special requests?
katerpillar11.18.08 - 5:08 pm
massage table, pizza, just kidding,
and oranges
anything with salt on it, that's it.
dannyzuko11.19.08 - 10:38 am
Thinking of going in on a box of cliff bars or something from smart and final. I would love to get Hammer involved but it's kinda late thinking.
Hey, scoping the route out at 1pm today
shauners11.22.08 - 9:01 am
Shauners: Are there any support stops?
Let me know if I can help.
bike punk11.24.08 - 9:40 pm
Bikepunk, we have seceral stops and could very much use your help. Most critical support will be needed on the nasty climbs in Malibu, but other stops could be manned as well. Email me (see addy above) if you are serious.
shauners11.29.08 - 2:41 pm
word. just getting on here again now. will email you! how many people are doing this? Looks epic. I think this forum should link the
double prep forum cause there is good info on there.
bike punk12.1.08 - 2:53 pm
yep, hope ur ready for a mondo ride this SATURDAY. We have 3 SAG vehicles and many many rest stops. Good things are happening.
shauners12.2.08 - 6:03 pm
OH SHIT! Why did i think this was in two weeks?!
Boy...only 5 more days to prepare, how do i even begin preparing in so little time?!
Lance K12.2.08 - 6:43 pm
I really wish I could ride this one with you guys...like I've said so many times before. But, as you know, I live a long way away, for the time being. I have been putting in miles, though. And the coastal winds here almost make up for the lack of hills on the island....the kick up every afternoon like clockwork. So, I am jealous. Good luck everyone. Good luck Lance....I think you pull this one out.
tern12.2.08 - 6:47 pm
Lance are you doing it on year geared bike? It';s wednesday. Try a hard ride like Root Run or something fast today. Tomorrow and Friday, just take it easy and stretch yourself out. We have support that will help keep you going all along the way.
shauners12.3.08 - 5:09 am
Shaun what is the head count for the ride
indigis12.3.08 - 6:54 am
I know a few of UTAC Velo peeps are coming out to ride for sure,
Alex (san pedro)
Upstate (i think)
dannyzuko12.3.08 - 10:04 am
If this stomach flu ever goes away, I want to at least start with you guys and put some miles in, but I've got my work Christmas party to go to at 7pm, and need to get ready for that, etc... I'll take a look at the route and figure out what's feasible.
canadienne12.3.08 - 10:33 am
Hey all I'm not riding, was just offering to help out. I havent been on my road bike since 508 and honestly am not up to it for a few other reasons/excuses. But everyone else should ride it! Shaun has put a lot of work into this and the route is amazing. You will be well taken care of. Go for it. Maybe I'll see you out there at some point.
bike punk12.3.08 - 11:16 am
:( I don't think I'm experienced enough to do this. I'd really like to but I'm not as fit as I used to be and burn easy.
Gav12.3.08 - 4:07 pm
Don't worry, i got my training regimen down, i just thought i had one more week 'cause i'm dumb. I'm SUPER STOKED, this looks like a great crew to attempt this with...we'll be missing you, tern!
Lance K12.3.08 - 4:21 pm
Speaking of ... a lot of the ride has been inspired by tern. Thanks, bro.
Some good nighttime reading before the ride, courtesy of Hammer Nutrition. I told him about what we are trying to do and he wrote me a super long email with great pointers.
Shaun -
For the most part, the body is pretty adaptable. However, when it's under duress, like it most definitely is when exercising, athletes have to be a little more cognizant of what they are putting in their bodies, and how much. Basically, the reason why we are so against simple sugars (any of the "ose" sugars like glucose and sucrose) is for a couple reasons:
(1) They provide a very short-term energy supply... it's what many athletes call a "flash and crash" type of energy.
(2) They can't provide sufficient amounts of calories on an hourly basis. The reason for this is because for simple sugars to match body fluid osmolality parameters (think of osmolality as being the "chemistry" of body fluids) and be digested with any efficiency, they must be mixed in calorically weak solutions. Simple sugar-based fuels (ones that have glucose, sucrose, dextrose, or fructose as their primary carbohydrate source) have to be mixed in weak 6-8% solutions (which yields very few calories) in order to digest efficiently. Complex carbs, on the other hand, can be mixed as high as 18% concentrations (which provides a greater volume of calories)... even in this seemingly too-high concentration, complex carbs will exit the GI tract as efficiently as normal body fluids. Why? Because they match body fluid osmolality parameters (180-303 mOsm).
When athletes drink too-concentrated simple sugar-based fuels OR when they consume simple sugar fuels with or within close proximity of complex carbohydrate fuels, digestive functioning is drastically delayed, which increases the potential for stomach distress (bloating, gas, nausea, etc) to occur.
I discuss this in more detail in the article "Proper Caloric Intake During Endurance Exercise" (http://www.hammernutrition.com/za/HNT?PAGE=ARTICLE&ARTICLE.ID=1275). Another article that has some good tips in it is "15 Simple Ways To Improve Your Athletic Performance Right Now" (http://www.hammernutrition.com/za/HNT?PAGE=ARTICLE&ARTICLE.ID=2227). The second article is, I think, provides a lot of good "easy to understand and apply" information.
I realize that things don't always work out perfectly, meaning that one is not always going to be able to avoid simple sugars completely. With that said, my suggestion for those riders who stop at a grocery store is to try and select foods that are as low in sugar and saturated fat as possible. It may not be easy because a lot of the stores stock donuts, cupcakes, and similar stuff. However, some of them stock fairly healthy (by comparison) breakfast bars... I'd definitely go for that over donuts. By the way, you'll know how much simple sugar is on the label... first will be listed "Carbohydrates" (or "Total Carbohydrates") and underneath that on the label "Sugar" will be listed... it is that figure that tells you, of all the carbs in the product, how much are comprised of simple sugars.
If the riders are using mostly Perpetuem and Hammer Gel for the calories, Endurolytes to take care of their electrolyte needs, and additional water to take care of hydration needs, those are the ones that I believe will have better performances, and will most certainly have less incidences of stomach problems.
I hope you'll find this information helpful but if you need more assistance please let me know.
Steve Born
Senior Technical Advisor
Event Sponsorship Coordinator
shauners12.3.08 - 7:37 pm
them there is a lot a big wurds.
cut to chase: don't eat crap
indigis12.4.08 - 8:31 am
I wish I could... you have no idea.
Stomach flu still in full effect. Have fun tomorrow dudes!
canadienne12.5.08 - 5:21 pm
spaghetti and maple syrup for breakfast...mmm
speedbump12.5.08 - 10:30 pm

And they are off. Eleven or twelve hearty souls. Think of them out there riding when you go to sleep tonight!
bike punk12.6.08 - 11:33 am
Um, yeah.
I knew I was only planning on doing the first bit of the riide, but I figured people would be pacing themselves at something a little less than 16-18 mph.
Fortunately the wife was still running errands nearby when I found I was alone and waay behind the pack, so my wounded pride and I rode across Pasadena to meet her and headed up to the next rest stop.
We drove home, ~8 miles up Foothill, I barely had time to get my 3-y-o in shoes and up to Foothill to greet them as they rode by. I saw Indigis and about 3 otherszip by before we even made it to the corner, and that was it.
While waiting a moment for anyone else to go by, Alice did yell out "Ride On!" to some random teen heading the other direction.
She tried.
Bellman12.6.08 - 2:49 pm
SPOTTED! two packs of ridas, tight and steady pace.
rolling past my work in Calabasas, @3.40 - asked a rida how many miles in - 80 so far
good luck...
Cranktankerous12.6.08 - 3:48 pm
latest tweets:
mark: WHAT THE FUCK. I am in the midst of the SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS. So many trees! 87 miles.
randy: Rest stop 3 right on mullholland, it's getting colder and darker.

ephemerae12.6.08 - 4:31 pm
latest tweets:
randy: This is getting scary and dangerous. Waiting on pch to hopefully regroup some cyclists and ride behind of.
mark: OHMYFUCKINGGOD. Climbed Mulholland to Kanan Dume to PCH. The hardest climb EVAR.
And I am at 102 miles, which is INSANE, especially when you consider I'm HALFWAY DONE.
liz: mark, YOU ARE A MACHINE! You guys keep safe and stuff... I'm so proud of you guys!!
randy: The guys are past the century mark, half way done. PCH not as bad as expected.
Doing sag for this crew beats anything else going on this evening, they are amazing and I <3 them. :)
ephemerae12.6.08 - 6:38 pm
I heard from markedge on twitter about a half an hour ago. He made it! 205+ miles. So, who else made it? DETAILS!
How many starters?
How many finishers?
Who made it?
How did it go?
tern12.7.08 - 6:03 am
thank you to our support crew Kat, Mrs V. Randy, Jose, Ruben and Van oh and John too I guess, thank you for keeping us fed, hydrated and alive,
everyone had a great time, thanks Shauners for putting this together this was my first double.
five completed every mile in 20 something hours,
dannyzuko12.7.08 - 7:57 am
I'm both totally floored by your achievement and super jealous that I couldn't join you. I'm starting to feel better now, so I'll be climbing hills with you again very soon!
High fives all around!
And hugs for all of you who helped support this ride... wow... just wow.
canadienne12.7.08 - 11:58 am
Thanks to everyone for putting together such a great ride. Starting to wish I had just stuck it out. Sleeping was pretty awesome, though.
singlejointed12.7.08 - 12:47 pm
WOW! Insane! Congratulations to those who even tried, especially to those who finished! Im inspired!
coolassmike12.7.08 - 2:49 pm
I was super ready to quit at one point when i rode those 35+ miles by myself 'cause i can't count...really glad i didn't. Though being at work now sure sucks! :)
THANK YOU to shaun for the organization; all of our sag crew for their time, their food and gas investments, but MOST importantly their moral support (I didn't realize what a huge difference the LOVE factor would make until mile 150 or so); and everybody who came out and rode...there is no way to describe that experience but EPIC.
Everybody who came on this ride, even the people who had to cut out early or sag'd a little, are MONSTERS. CYCLING MONSTERS.
Gotta toss some extra props to mark for doing every mile FIXED, including climbing over some mountains, bombing the same on the other side, AND handling the PV terrain.
Lance K12.7.08 - 4:36 pm
I am overwhelmed by everyone involved in this ride, both support and the riders themselves. THANK YOU Shaun for organizing a thoroughly tight, professional event. 200 Urban miles can be insane in just the city/traffic issues alone but this route not only covered dozens of cities but did it with only minor city road hassles. Kat, Ruben & Van were there when we needed them. John even showed up at 2AM to cook us quesadillas in a shopping center parking lot. Brian Hodes stopped by at 11PM in Palos Verdes to say hello and drop off energy bars.
Personal highlights...
climbing over the Santa Monica mountains without stopping after 80 miles and seeing a beautiful sun set over the Pacific. Then breaking my speed record at 49 mph in pitch black going down Kanan Dune.
pulling into the bicycle district at 5:30 AM without pain, feeling good and strong after 200 miles.
getting a full massage on a table in a parking lot next to an in-and-out burger
never thinking, "ok, i want to quit now"
riding with some of my most favorite people in the world!!!
indigis12.7.08 - 4:42 pm
It was great riding with you again craig, it'd been too long...
not to call you out or anything, but those grunts you were making going up those last hills on vermont sounded like pain to me ;)
Lance K12.7.08 - 5:07 pm
Um I don't think I would have made it without Kat and her magic hands <3, thank you big time, other than that, I'm starving, need nom noms.
oh and seeing Bikepunk pick up a doughnut off the ground while rolling was pretty cool. Palos Verdes stretch was awesome, I felt really good at that point so Lance and I pushed it a lil, one of my fav places to ride.
dannyzuko12.7.08 - 5:21 pm
Thanks for setting such a perfect pace through PV, danny - hustling a little with you there was probably my favorite stretch of the whole ride, especially coming off of a very defeatist attitude in Venice.
Some personal stats for anyone interested:
Miles recorded: 202
Hours rolling: 13.5
Real time taken: ~20 hours
Hours awake: 25
Bananas Consumed: 8
servings of caffeine consumed: 1.5 (or about 80mg)
Beers consumed: 0! Probably the first ride ever for that one.
I think it's also very impressive that we didn't get any flats on the road...something like 1800 combined miles...i wish the mosey could get even a quarter that far!
Lance K12.7.08 - 5:35 pm
Epic! Congratulations to everyone who finished. It's quite an accomplishment. Am kicking myself that I did not plan better and be able to ride the whole thing. What was I thinking? Sounds like an awesome experience.
bike punk12.7.08 - 6:12 pm
Yes, while I could have been rolling around in a santa outfit getting wasted, I would never choose that over being part of these guys support team, I wanted to be an eye witness of them destroying this ride, which they did. I was so happy to be receiving all their sweaty hugs because thats why I wanted to go, because from my experience on ALC hugs keep you going... it's amazing but true..
They are hardcore!
I have some uploaded pictures and thoughts on my twitter in case you would like to read:
feelingrandy12.7.08 - 6:16 pm
congratulations, everyone. Welcome to a very small group among cyclists.
tern12.7.08 - 6:26 pm
Congrats to all on this! Sounds like you guys had an awesome time. Was there a route posted?
User112.7.08 - 6:40 pm
Haha....that is a really funny coincidence. My last job was at El Camino Real High school....in Orange County!
tern12.7.08 - 6:49 pm
The Camino Real has 8500+ ft. of climb and a 17 hr. limit. You guys will be up for it..fo sho!!
tern12.7.08 - 6:53 pm
The urban double was a success!
We had a very manageable number of participants. The training ride that was going to include 20-30 people for the first 50 miles did not happen so we left with 12 people, 10 of whom attempted to do the full double. Other than me, none of the other participants had biked more than 130 miles and they were all in for a treat.
We left the bike district around 9am. So much for the 8:30 sharp! Our pace started pretty strong and I was surprised that we were averaging over 13 mph. We chose third street to go to downtown due to it's ease and lack of construction, but as we rolled through it turned out to be a little steeper than I imagined. I was hoping the ride would be approx 5000' feet of climbing, but we were at 6000' by the 100 mile mark and still more to go. Alex has the final elevation figure.
We buzzed through downtown 4th St, a street that is so much fun to ride on without traffic. We were having so much fun that after downtown we realized that a rider got dropped. I called the SAG vehicle and found out it was a rider who was joining us for the first 35 miles. His wife can to get him and we regrouped at the second stop after Pasadena. Randy and Ruben, our SAG crew for that pit, made sure he felt appreciated and we were all totally baffled at the pace of the riders.
We took foothill across the valley and I highly recommend this stretch of road for anyone going from Pasadena to Valencia. Traffic wasn't too heavy and the field started to spread out. Except for a 1/4 mile stretch in Sylmar covered with scrap metal, hack saw blades, bolts, and wires, the road conditions were adequate. We passed by the fire damage and it felt a little like riding in death valley.
At mile 55, we plunged back into the valley on Balboa. It was a super fast decent and something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. I grew up in the area and it was odd to bike through it instead of seeing it as a destination. We hit the lunch stop still keeping at the 13 mph pace and regrouped. Several people ate In-n-out but the SAG crew of Kat and Vanessa made PB&J for those who chose to eat healthy. Both SAG crews met up here and massage tables were set up. By the time we left, the ride was at an 11 mph pace. We made up for it as we traversed the San Fernando Valley.
As planned, we hit Mullholland before nightfall and were still one group. We had a quick stop at Rest Stop 3 (Las Virgenes and Mullholland) and then we forced the riders up some of the steepest stretches of Mullholland towards Kanan. This hill broke the riders. At the front, Alex and Alex hammered to the top quickly and caught an amazing Sunset. In the back, Danny struggled with the hill and had to take a break to get his massage cramped out. But every rider rode every inch of that climb and I was very humbled. We planned to have the SAG wait at the top and cheer along riders, but we quickly realized it was safer for the SAG to follow directly behind. Luckily by this time, our third SAG vehicle showed up and Jose was packing energy bars, water, and gummy worms. Once over the top of Mullholland, I heard from Craig this line: "I just got a text message from my girlfriend asking if I was okay; she could feel my heart beating fast and knew I was climbing the toughest hill of my life." After he caught his breath, I saw him grinning large as he hit a new top speed on the plunge down Kanan to PCH. And for dessert, a SAG vehicle had parked there and several riders regrouped.
We started making our way towards Venice but with a long stop at the La Salsa in Malibu, our field increasingly stretched. One rider was 20 miles ahead and another was lost in Santa Monica. It was here that we learned several riders were dropping the rider. Jose's shift was over at midnight and he finished the next stop before taking the riders to the bus/train stops. By this time, we were dangerously in the 9 mph pace. We made up for it as the pack exploded towards along the coast line, around Palos Verdes, and towards San Pedro for an unofficial rest stop at a Chevron station. I stopped riding between Venice and San Pedro to help with SAG and keep my throat from getting worse. The rest stops in between were brief and the riders seemed to be fueling well. The La Salsa break for dinner seemed to hit the spot for everyone.
From PV to Long Beach, we kept together except for one rider (Alex) who was way ahead. Kat made the decision to hold him at the mile 165 point because he was about to get on the San Gabriel River Trail by himself, a path known for its bike jackings and tricky directions. Unfortunately, he had to wait for nearly 3 hours for the pack to catch him. Fortunately, our last SAG crewmember John showed up with the stove in his truck and served quesadillas, oatmeal, and hot cocoa to the riders. We arrived as the bars were closing and saw several fights in the parking lot. After a long break, several massages, and a few power naps, the pack pushed onward up the river trail to Washington Blvd. Just before getting on the trail, several riders almost got hit by a motorist. I am glad that the last 35 miles were on desolate roads. With the lack of stop lights and the beauty of giant sleeping birds in the river below, riders seemed to catch their second wind. The rest stop at mile 185 was brief and we took Washington Blvd back to the downtown area. The home stretch. We no longer felt obliged to stay together as a pack and people paired up.
This stretch of road was some of the bumpiest, which may help explain how my crank arm fell off while riding. Lesson learned: check my screws and bolts before any significant ride. I sagged it to the finish line. The only other mechanical problem during the whole ride was a flat tire at a rest stop. The only medical issue was from the slowest rider on Mulholland who felt a little dizzy and had to eat and hydrate at the La Salsa stop before we pushed on.
After 21 hours, we made it back to the Bike District. By the end of the ride, Danny, Alex, Craig, Mark, Lance, and Drew all came across the finish line having ridden between 195-210 miles each. They all left with the street cred of having done a double, and not an easy one at that. There were stories of toughest climbs ever, fastest speeds reached, new terrain explored, and number of crashes avoided. The other four who did not finish the double pushed themselves to new limits and learned some great lessons on health and pacing.
We had four SAG volunteers who dedicated their energies to the riders for the full 21 hours (Randy, Ruben, Kat, and Vanessa), and another two who joined part time (John and Jose). With their support, the riders arrived happy and healthy on Sunday. We're all a bit wiser on how to pull this off next year, and may try to do a long event some time in between. The crew had a great time and I am humbled by their perseverance and benevolence.
shauners12.7.08 - 9:35 pm
Followed all of the tweets and totally inspired by you guys. Congratulations and i'm glad everyone was safe! Thanks also to the Sweep and support team that came out to provide such an invaluable service!
stevo412.7.08 - 11:59 pm
so jealous. work just plain sucks ass sometimes. i really wanted to give this one a shot. :(
jchungerford12.8.08 - 9:47 am
@shauners, what an amazing ride report! you guys are so awesome! i baked a pumpkin cheesecake, if you want i can roll over with a slice of fatty goodness sometime!
nancine12.8.08 - 10:18 am
Actually, Shaun, I've ridden 144 miles before this. However, this easily smashed it.
Anyway, NOT THE POINT. Thanks to Shaun for organizing this and for everyone riding SAG: Kat, Ruben, Randy, John, etc. The moral support was wonderful and the food helped so much. And the massage!
If anyone is wondering, doing a double century fixed is just as hard as it sounds.
markedge12.8.08 - 12:53 pm
First of all, Shaun - Thanks again for creating this ride. I feel so honored to have been a part of this epic event and to be a part of the SAG team.
Mark - I still can't believe you did the whole effin ride on a FIXIE!!! You're an animal!!! I can see why your legs were sooo tight! (Btw, let me know when you want another massage...)
To all the other ridazz - Ian, Danny, Alex, Lance, Craig, Daniel, Drew, Alex, Dave, & Shaun: I knew that the ride was possible; however, you guys simply amazed me. You guys were so fast, you totally surprised me (and everyone else, I'm sure). I was so worried that you guys would spend all of your energy on the first hundred miles. I didn't want to see anyone bonk. But nah, you guys kept on and you were determined to finish the ride. You guys are just simply amazing. Inspiring. I'm soooo proud of you guys and so honored to have met each and everyone one of you. I'd be happy and honored to SAG for you any day!
SAG Crew - Vanessa, Ruben, Randy, Van, Jose, & John: Thanks for dedicating all of your time and talent to support all of our ridazz!!! You guys are the best! I would be honored to crew with each of you any day! Thank you for steppin up to the plate, doing what needed to be done, always looking out for our ridazz safety, and for being AWAKE and ALERT during the whole ride!
If you're interested in checking out some pics, go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/katerpillar_5257/sets/72157610921418984/
much love,
katerpillar =)
katerpillar12.8.08 - 4:21 pm
if you plan an urban triple...you have to promise to finish it yourself...then I will buy a plane ticket and ride it with you....lols....it's pretty hard...even in southern CA to make 300 miles 'all urban'...unless you make a spiral or something.
HaHa! Let's call it the spiral demon triple century!
tern12.9.08 - 6:46 pm
In other words...I fully support your idea to plan a triple century. And, I will go.
tern12.9.08 - 6:54 pm
I'm down to provide SAG support for the ride....
And I agree w/Tern...where would you put in 300 miles in just LA County? Uh... does this mean you'd add: Coldwater Canyon Dr, Topanga Canyon Blvd, Malibu Canyon Rd, etc?!?!?
katerpillar12.10.08 - 12:35 pm
urban 300 srsly no,
back to back 200 yes,
400 in 48 hrs can be done
dannyzuko12.10.08 - 10:06 pm
I love you nutty guys!
Mark, 200 fixed? My head spins at the thought of me attempting that. Especially with the elevation you did. Truely amazing.
Thanks, Shaun, for posting the detailed description of the ride. I felt like I was right there with you, in a comfortable, sitting at my computer sort of way.
Creative Thing12.10.08 - 10:39 pm
Definitely missed you on the ride, leslie...
fuck yo' triple! That some dumb sheeit!
(I only say that because i would be forced to attempt it if it was to happen, but DON'T want to do it)
well, If we gonna do that, can we PLEASE go out to the desert or someplace without so many damn stoplights/diesel residue?
Lance K12.11.08 - 3:36 am
i didn't want to do the double. i don't want to do the triple. when do we ride?
where as i had no problem telling my friends about my 200 accomplishment, i'd be embarrassed to admit to doing a 300. that's just plain stupid crazy.
indigis12.11.08 - 9:37 am
If there is a triple that is going to be ridden, it needs to be an 'urban escape' ride, not an urban one!
The LA Wheelman have been putting on double centuries for 50 years. They offer
a triple and a quad (link has maps).
If you want ride longer than that, I think the procedure is to start counting it in kilometers. See
Randonneuring for examples.
bike punk12.11.08 - 1:35 pm
btw, the triple route I had in mind involved the same route, except skipping Foothill Blvd and instead taking Angeles Crest to Edwards AFB and then down to Valencia. That would be the full perimeter of LA County.
shauners12.13.08 - 11:12 pm
Woop woop hope everyone is getting their volume in.
wanted to ask, since it appears as though there are aid stations, is there a registration fee?
_iJunes responding to a
comment by shauners
12.24.09 - 9:12 am
No registration fee this year. All volunteers are working hard for free and I am covering most of the expenses because I get stoked from giving ridazz their first double. If the ride gets legit on the CA Triple Crown website then I may charge a fee and have to get more business-time on this :-P
Also, unofficial training ride = Dark Century VII ... thanks Wayne!
shauners12.26.09 - 9:18 pm
No prob Shaun...100 miles 2 weeks before the urban double will be perfect.
ridetime responding to a
comment by shauners
12.27.09 - 7:33 pm
2 weeks left before the Urban Double and 2 days left before the Dark Century.
Grab those wheaties...Mmmmmmmm.
See Saturdays Dark Century VII Route here:
Dark Century VII Route
ridetime01.7.10 - 3:10 pm
We now have 4 sag vehicles! Who's ready for the BRALA?
shauners01.11.10 - 7:16 am
mentally ready. physically, i'ma gonna be strugglin.
indigis01.12.10 - 12:16 pm
I want to join the riders at some point in the afternoon/evening.
Is the route posted?
I saw one route, but from what Shaun was telling me last Saturday, I think maybe it's been modified.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by indigis
01.12.10 - 12:33 pm
This is the guy on the Riv that rolled the Dark Century with ya. I'm actually feeling pretty good now. Thinking I might do this. But does rain cancel?
Moto-Velo01.15.10 - 11:24 am
If it is pouring buckets then a double century is way harder and riskier than necessary. But light rain doesn't cancel. The 10 day is calling for 30% chance. Ride is still on but we'll play it by ear.
shauners01.17.10 - 12:21 am
Looks like good weather for the ride!
shauners01.19.10 - 1:55 pm
hey, this is the old guy, with old orange road bike at D C V I I. I will give it a shot next sat. Steve rancho cucamonga fixietheworld
fixietheworld01.19.10 - 10:47 pm
3 more days and I swear i'm not ready...!!!
ridetime01.19.10 - 11:27 pm
anyone can do et, just pace yourself,
dannyzuko01.20.10 - 11:49 am
It stopped rainning in rancho just before 7:00, walk the dogs, I`am gonna do 30 miles. something thing better than nothing!
fixietheworld01.20.10 - 8:12 pm
i'm soooo not ready. see you at the start line.
indigis01.20.10 - 10:51 pm
Oh man.
This is going to eat my legs alive.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by indigis
01.20.10 - 11:08 pm
i literally had two dreams about this ride last night.
yes, shaun. you were in my dreams.
indigis01.22.10 - 7:09 am
who's pullin the music trailer? Shaun?
dannyzuko01.22.10 - 2:53 pm
ridas, don't forget lights, electrolytes, tubes, cash, and your legs!
indigis01.22.10 - 6:24 pm
Emergency! Emergency! If anyone has any derailleur cable, can you please bring some. I'll buy it from you. Road bike grade of course.
I was switching out my cassette and while adjusting the Derail for play I frayed the one I have just a bit. I can ride with what I have but I wanna make sure i'm not 75 miles in and POP. I'll bring cash, no checks or credit card.
ridetime01.22.10 - 11:39 pm
Wish I read this earlier, I'll sent some with a buddy that will be joining up with the ride just in case.
ToddAlmighty responding to a
comment by ridetime
01.23.10 - 10:31 am
So what's the story, morning glories?
Still sleeping it off, or can you fill us in?
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
01.24.10 - 7:56 pm
Shaun, words cannot describe how awesome the BRALA-DOUBLE was. Having the SAG support was amazing and everyone involved was top notch. My hats off to you for making this ride a truly memorable one. Thank you!!!.
Major Kudo's to the BRALA- SAG crew
1 - Janet & Arthur
2 - BJ(kats brother) & Tammy
3 - Shaun & Errin
4 - Kat
without them, I venture to say I'd have probably thrown in the towel around the 140 or 150 mile mark.
To all the riders who finished and didn't finish, U get mad props just for showing up.
and last but not least...I have to give a special shot out and a super duper thank you to Steve aka fixietheworld. This dude could have easily finished an hour or two ahead of me but somehow stuck it out with me and literally pulled me from PCH to the END(about 100 miles). Riding with 2 was way better than riding alone.
all in all, great ride.
ridetime01.25.10 - 5:18 pm