Saddle sores and pubes

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digablesoul at 02.1.07 - 2:55 pm
Ok.. Now that i've got your attention. I've been trying to ride more often. 12 miles every other day. I'm riding a road bike w/ a Brooks saddle that still needs to be broken in. It's level and I think has a proper height. Knee slightyly bent. Cycling shorts (no underwear), lube gel, Question is, I've been rubbing myself raw in the 'nether region' and I'm curious if it's because my seat is too high causing my hips to rock too much or... if it's the friction cause pubic hair rubbing on the skin? Do most cyclist just clean up that area? Last thing I want is for it to get worse. I stand up at times, change positions while riding, but it's always that same spot. I had the same Brooks saddle on my MTB and never had the problem. I guess the road bike makes me lean forward which puts more pressure on that area. Man... this is frustrating. Thanks in advance...
your seat should actually point down a little bit. not too much so that you slide right off onto your top tube, but just a little bit.
ruinedbyidiots02.1.07 - 3:57 pm

It's pointed down a bit. Maybe my seat is too high causing the hips to rock. But... do riders shave down there? Also, if you are rubbed raw and now have a skin abrasion... I heard Bag Balm is good to treat the abarasion? But then I'm reading Erythromycin Topical Gel is recommended. Or even Acne medicine? I know rest is important but shiet... this sucks.
digablesoul02.1.07 - 4:32 pm
Don't shave. It sucks. I learned the hard way... don't judge me.
Joe Borfo02.1.07 - 4:36 pm
which part is raw?
you shouldn't be rocking so much and creating so much friction...
perhaps before when this seat was on another bike, you were not rocking so much?
might want to figure out why you're rocking and rolling...there will be some hip movement...but it sounds like you have a LOT
either way, if it's raw, let it heal a bit...
all this scratching is making me itch...
adrian02.1.07 - 5:32 pm
Couple of guidelines about seat height. First get on your bike with the shoes you intend to ride with. Position one of the pedals at the lowest point of the pedal stroke. At this position your leg should be slightly bent, around 30 degrees.
To adjust the fore and aft of the seat. With the pedals perpendicular to the ground, take a yoyo or somtehing that can act plumbum, put the end of the string to the middle of your knee joint. The middle of your knee should be in line with the middle of the pedal.
Again this is just a guideline and adjust in small increments accordingly. It might be uncomfortable if you change the seat position drastically but this should be the most optimal position.
Also have you considered bike shorts and nut butter.
sc_nomad02.1.07 - 6:13 pm
If anything, your pubic hair would be reducing friction a bit, so I wouldn't suggest shaving. I'd agree that your saddle might be too high, or it may need to be tilted a little in one way or the other (sometimes it helps to tilt the nose slightly UP, so that you're sitting back on the wide part of the saddle and not sliding down onto the skinny part).
My Brooks was a little hard on me at first, but after about four treatments of Proofide (in the last four months or so), it feels much better. I was worried about making it saggy, but I guess they need a few good coatings to really break in.
angle02.1.07 - 7:35 pm
Adrian... It's the 'taint' area. The hot spot. I'll try out the seat guidelines that nomad advised. I guess it's just I was so comfortable on my Brooks B.17 on the MTB that when changing it to my road bike... it just messed it up. So I got to keep adjusting little by little like nomad said. Btw... I wear cycling shorts... no undies... use lube... I heard touring peeps slather in Bag Balm. I'm going to invest in some decent outer seamless shorts. I'm not into the roadie look yet. Nothing wrong with it... it's just I wouldn't look to good in my present overweight situation. Thanks for all the input everyone.
digablesoul02.1.07 - 7:50 pm
BTW, it is not untypical for a Brooks saddle to take around 6 months to break in. But once it does, it will be the most comfartable seat ever.
sc_nomad02.1.07 - 9:52 pm
My Brooks saddle needed about 350 to 400 miles before it really began to fit properly. After that, it was heavenly until it broke from mountain biking and weather.
If you're on a budget, "petroleum" jelly costs less than Bag Balm and works pretty well.
Screw the appearance factor, bib tights are godhead for comfort.
Spend the dollars and reap the benefit of proper engineering.
Back in the day, real Chamois leather was fantastic but you had to moisturize it and clean it carefully.
Wild Bill02.4.07 - 1:14 pm
So is it the seat that eventually adjusts, or is it your Balls that adjust?
I'm speaking metaphorically; For Women it would be, "The Sha-nay-nay".
Joe Borfo02.4.07 - 4:12 pm
Dude, it's the seat.
The leather is just the right thickness to mold to your skeletal anatomy. Try to locate the saddle fore and aft like SC Nomad suggested so you're sitting towards the rear of the saddle. You'll be using the front of the saddle often enough for seated climbing and that extra punch of power when you're sprinting back to the front after corking.
Remember that the Wright Brothers were the NASA of the day and the bikes that they sold had leather saddles.
High quality cycling shorts complete the "package".
I wear Pearl Izumi and I'm usually comfortable the whole ride. My brother has some Castelli bib shorts that he swears by. They are expensive but totally worth it.
I keep a small tube of lube handy for when I need it. I have suffered with lower quality shorts so I'm trying so save you some discomfort.
Wild Bill02.4.07 - 6:30 pm
wasnt "saddle sores and pubes"a band from the early 90s?
mandingo02.4.07 - 9:05 pm
I learned some interesting things in this thread. I too have had some minor taint pain. I will be purchasing a Brooks B17 this weekend and adjusting properly. Wish me and my taint luck.
Richard_Colossus09.20.07 - 7:08 pm

I bought one of those silly looking SMP selle saddles.... people think I'm a dork.... but I dont get sore on the taint no more.....
Roadblock09.20.07 - 7:13 pm

I hear allot of good things about that SMP $eat,
change the seat,
apply some desitin to the tainted area STAT.
desitin is what you put on babies so you see that baby sleepin? that will be you.
dannyzuko09.20.07 - 8:00 pm
Well I'm not getting any sort of rash or chafing...just a little pain or pressure in the taint area. I'm gonna give the B17 a try...since they have a 6 month return policy.
Richard_Colossus09.20.07 - 9:04 pm

I have a 25 year old suede seat that took its shape many many years before it met my I
taint. (So excited to use new words). It's rough.
I don't use lube until the day after.
Then I use
Some times I wear bike undies. (Nicole has pictures)
Most often I forget.
Real men ride bareback.
marino09.20.07 - 9:34 pm
Thank you Mr. Rollers for a fascinating read. He mentioned this in another thread...great reading.
Richard_Colossus09.20.07 - 10:28 pm

I hope you get better soon Al. Its pretty cool when you come with your cool selection of music to the rides. If you aint healing soon enough, let me know, I know this doctor that can help ya.
fonsoy potatoe09.20.07 - 11:01 pm

This just ain't doing it for me, you're going to have to provide photos.
Joe Borfo09.20.07 - 11:30 pm
if "riders crotch" is not the problem and your having pain in the taint area (perinum) you really should see a urologist.
link to some info on this here:
the baby cream works! trust me it got me though ALC6, that and but butter, and hey we were applying that stuff in front of everyone at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
dannyzuko09.20.07 - 11:33 pm
Thanks for the good word but I'm feeling so much better now... lol. I started the thread in Feb and the advice that others gave worked. I'm good now. All healed and moisturized and ready to groove.
I guess I should do an update since I'm here... I really didn't plan on seeing this topic for a long time just cause of it's... umm... delicate maybe embarrassing topic but it sure helped me out. Since my Brooks saddle was on originally on my MTB and I wanted to put it on my road bike... it took a lot of little adjustments to get my butt bones to sit perfectly where I needed it to be. Now I'm good and can ride for a long time. I bag balm depending on the length of the ride and always wear tights under my shorts.
Richard -
One thing on the saddles... Because you have to oil up the Brooks saddle to soften them up... you might want to wear some black shorts or something dark because the black/brown dye of the saddle or the oil itself will stain your shorts. It happened to me and it looked like I wet myself.
I love the saddle and takes some time to break in but it's so worth it. Good luck Richard and thanks all...
digablesoul09.21.07 - 12:32 am

@ Danny: I appreciate the article. The only time I have ever noticed the pain was on that recent semi-long (well long for me) ride we did to the Pier and back. It was at the end of both legs of the trip. I think a new seat and some more training will help.
And that article seemed a little alarmist.
@ Digable: Yup. I read about that "oil transfer" thing on Sheldon's website. No worries. Some black Dickies will handle that. Thanks for the heads up though. Also, what kind of oil did you end up using? Baseball glove oil?
Richard_Colossus09.21.07 - 12:07 pm
that was the least alarmist article I found the rest make it sound like we should all stop riding, lucky for me my Dr. is a runner and cyclist so when I told him I was doing the AIDS ride he gave me some tips, also dont skimp on shorts, save up for a good pair with a good pad for long rides or save up for that smp saddle cause I hear some guys dont wear paded shorts with that saddle.
dannyzuko09.21.07 - 12:39 pm
Richard -
I ended up using the Neatsfoot oil that Sheldon Brown recommended. I read his article/website before I purchased the saddle. I'm thinking of getting myself some Dickies as well but when I was in Wal-Mart the other day... I noticed that the seams were a little on the thick side. Anyone here wear Dickies while they ride and if so... does it interfere with the taint area?
One last thing... when you decide to turn your bike over on the saddle when you want to change a tire... make sure you lay it on something soft under the saddle... like a glove or on grass. I scratched the saddle while I was changing and pumping the tire. Since it's leather though... my ass was able to polish the rough spots into a nice shine. You can faintly see where it was scratched up but not so bad so I'm all good now.
digablesoul09.21.07 - 1:36 pm
what i do is place my left nut between my left thigh and the seat and then place my right nut between my right thigh and the seat, this tends to be painful at first, but man i can tell you that it stopped the the rubbing, i spent 11,000 dollars because it turned into an infection, on my thigh, better sqashed nuts, then fucked up thighs!
eddieboyinla09.21.07 - 2:43 pm
maybe move your seat forwards a little, or sit back a little. you want your ass bones to be taking the force, not your perineum or wedding tackle.
ephemerae09.21.07 - 3:15 pm

@ Zuko: Well, I definitely think I'm going to get a good pair of bicycle short it is right now, I am only wearing a pair cut off Dickies with some compression shorts underneath. I think I'll be fine if I get some inserts.
@ Digable: Where can one get this Neatsfoot stuff? Sounds like I'll need to find my local Native American. As far as the Dickies go I've never had a problem with the seams...but I don't know your body size. I'm 5 foot 7...155 pounds.
@ Eddieboy: Thanks for that description on how you avoid the taint pain. I'll leave the " ball wrangling" to the professionals like yourself.
Richard_Colossus09.21.07 - 5:52 pm
i think ur seat was too high. did u make the right adjustments Al?
t.bone09.21.07 - 6:24 pm
I'm good Toni... I was able to fix it and now I'm feeling good.
I was at Supply Sargent Surplus in Burbank (On Victory b/t Magnolia and Chandler) just browsing and then I saw the Neatsfoot there. I think camping places and surplus should carry it. Yeah... I'm a heavier rider... Clydesdale's which I've figured out recently is a name heavier riders are given, but I'm sure I'll be fine w/ the dickies. You know.. I'm going to invest in good quality biking shorts. Just cause... never know when I want to try a century. Every little bit will help.
digablesoul09.21.07 - 6:53 pm

Ahhhhh, good ol' Supply Sergeant. I can get the oil there as well as a new pair of Dickies. Nice!
Richard_Colossus09.21.07 - 9:37 pm
btw, back in the 70's every kid in little league would use neatsfoot oil to break in their baseball glove. I'd bet sporting good stores should carry it to but maybe there is something better they use now. Or do kids just stay at home and play MLB2007 on their xbox?
stevo409.22.07 - 8:40 am
it don't mean a thing...
if it tain't got that swing...
adrian09.24.07 - 6:35 pm

@ Digable: So I went out and got a Brooks B17 over the weekend...nice fucking seat.
Anyways, while surfing the internets I came across this on's website:
Caring for your Brooks saddle is simple. Please avoid those extreme measures that you read occasionally from sesational writers. Like any premium quality leather product, your Brooks Saddle doesn't like to be wet.
Brooks supplies a nice leather coditioner, Brooks Proofhide , which can retain the softness and shine of your Brooks Saddle to keep its nice shape. Oils will damage the leather and lead to a "swayback" saddle, much as one might soften a baseball glove with oil. Brooks Proofhide should be applied sparingly to the bottom of the saddle to keep the leather moistened with its natural animal tallow and small dab across the top to protect the finish. A tin of Brooks Proofhide should last many years - easily the life of your saddle.
Sure enough, when I went to O20 to buy the seat, Jim offered the same advice. The stuff comes in a little tin can and it's super easy to apply...and the best part is it doesn't transfer to your clothing...
Richard_Colossus10.1.07 - 12:16 am
I'm glad you got the saddle. So you're using the proofhide? From O20? How much? The only reason I never got the proofhide was that I thought it was only available from the Brooks people but if you got it from O20 then I'm gonna have to give it a try. So apply underneath the saddle? So would you have to lay it upside down for awhile then? Tell me how it goes and I'll also give it try the whole transferring is true. Thanks for the update!
digablesoul10.1.07 - 12:30 am

First of all, let me say that in order to find this thread, I have to enter the word "pubes" into the search function. I'm not sure what that means. It's the only word I remember from the title.
So, yes, proofide is being used. Yes, I got it at O20. And it's $12 bucks. Let me tell you, the stuff works like a fucking dream. Applying the proofide under the saddle allows the leather to be protected when the seat is new....from water coming up as a result of the back tire. The proofide is like a saddle soap so it's not really messy and it doesn't drip. I went down to the 99 cent store and bought a package of latex gloves. When I applied to the bottom of the seat, I just turned the bike upside down (on carpet so the saddle doesnt get scratched) applied to the underside and then turned the bike right side up. NO mess.
After a little more research on the interwebs, oil is completely the wrong thing to use. Oil will break down the leather and make it too soft. You still want the saddle to have a bit of rigidity to it. As far as the top of the saddle goes...apply proofide, let it permeate until dry and then polish off. Again, no mess. And it doesn't transfer to your clothing!!!!
Jim at O20 hooked me up proper.
Richard_Colossus10.4.07 - 9:41 am
Dang Sheldon Brown and his messy neatsfoot. I’m going to O20. The funny thing is that I too type in ‘pubes’ myself to look for this thread. Thanks Richard.
digablesoul10.4.07 - 10:27 am
i'm glad for the search function. i just purchased the brooks b17 saddle for women (b17s). i purchased it online at for 77bucks which seems like a good deal. i can't wait for it to come in the mail!
tomato07.14.08 - 2:22 pm
the brooks b17 saddle for women (b17s)
S is for Sistah
(keepin the pubes thread alive)
marino07.14.08 - 2:33 pm

nice to meet your sistah.
I understand why she's single
spiraldemon07.14.08 - 2:45 pm
Why is she single? I find her rather attractive and since she's attractive, that must mean she has a good personality too, right?
All joking aside, this thread is over a year old- way before my time- but I still think it's informative and good. Trust me, not only guys get sores and hurty asses. My ass still hurts a little after every ride- is that normal too?
imachynna07.14.08 - 3:12 pm
Haha, here is something I bet you didn't want to know:
I decided to shave all my pubic hair for the first time ever the day I went to my first crank mob. I didn't do it right and MAN THE RAZOR BURN SUCKED. But I kept at it and now it's fine and I don't see any problems with shaving down there and riding.
I get saddle burn on the sides of my taint, but the more frequently and longer I ride the less it burns. Bike shorts don't seem to help any. I think I've broken in my Brooks properly, it is very comfortable otherwise.
vladster07.14.08 - 3:39 pm
that sounds really really horribly painful
imachynna07.14.08 - 3:41 pm
i was talking to this guy in huntington beach this past weekend and he was trying to explain to me how he skidstops on his fix gear..
first of at this guy was wasted and he was telling me how i can have more control of my bike with both of my balls resting on the headset!! now i dont lean forward to skidd but i can see why one would. does this really affect my stopping ability, maybe i should get out there and give it a shot.. but seriously.. balls. headset.. what the fuck?
theshues07.14.08 - 3:48 pm
Shaving is fine. What you don't want is stubble! At least, not where your leg can be pressed against your sack. Either shave religiously (which requires a certain immunity from razor burn), or stay away from the crease between your leg and your nutsack. DAMHIK.
I did happen to notice an ad for Balla Scented Scrotum Talc for Men came across my desk this morning, courtesy of Dave Barry:
Click Here
I'm wondering it there is a Scented Scrotum Talc for Women. Is it flavoured? If not, why the "for Men" modifier? Were they concerned that we might be confused about who the potential customers of Scented Scrotum Talc might be?
ideasculptor07.14.08 - 3:52 pm
This thread is HIGHly entertaining. thank you imachynna.
la duderina11.13.08 - 5:08 pm
i hate the issues that come with riding a lot. i want to get waxed but i'm afraid, broke and it would require growing out a little- ouch and ew. ugh. razor bumps are the worst. at least the chamois butt'r provides some relief.
i love my brooks saddle though =)
tomato11.13.08 - 5:52 pm
sooo totally worth it though...I've heard. ;)
la duderina11.13.08 - 6:12 pm
i ride a ton... and the most i ever get is just sore. but after a couple hours... i'm feeling fine.
now about all this pubic hair and what not... lol, can't say that its happened to me. maybe not yet. you probably just need a trim down there and maybe that will keep them from getting caught between the seat and your body.
Jazzy Phat Nastee11.13.08 - 6:33 pm
lol... crap... I really thought this thread was gonna get buried and it keeps on appearing. This is actually a really great thread. Recap... taint is soooo much better.
Hey... do you guys apply the proofhide on top of the saddle or underneath it? My saddles finish is a dull and not shiny anymore. I'm just afraid that if I proofhide it on top.... that i'll stain my shorts/pants.
digablesoul11.13.08 - 9:22 pm
@Al, So your not hurting anymore ?
If so, tell us why it is better. I know from experienced that aluminum bike really takes a toll on the body. I know, I like the lite-ness of aluminum too.
Is a titanium bike frame suppose to ride like steel but be lite as Aluminum? I haven't rode a titanium frame bike since 04 and wasn't really crazy about the feel compared to the Aluminum frame bike I rode. I have been eye-ing this
titanium bike in Ventura. Does anybody have any comment or insight about this bike or titanium frame bikes?
sexy11.13.08 - 9:40 pm
sexy ask Jo (soso) she has a ti, feather light rides smooth,
also robert stansfield rides a ti road bike
dannyzuko11.13.08 - 10:56 pm
I would NOT shave.
+1 Vaseline
+1 Padded Bib Shorts (I use Performance Century Gel Chamois)
I would wash your gooch & sack thoroughly with Dove before and after to help out with any sores you may have before and after. Germs are your enemy. Wash your Chamois. Don't sit in your Chamois longer than you need to (i.e. fall asleep in them)...great breeding ground for germs that will worsen your saddle sore.
I use a Profile Design Tri-Stryke Saddle. The nose is lycra. The padding is Gel. It has a relief cut-out where your gooch is supposed to sit.
Though as many have said before...what works for me may not work for you...everyones ass and sexy hardware is different...
el_spaniard11.14.08 - 12:58 am
Srsly, has anyone had a Brazilian and rode? (Can't believe i'm asking about personal grooming in a public forum...) but googling Brazilian and cycling isn't helping. Does the time it takes to grow out in between suck for riding?
nancine11.14.08 - 10:02 am
Srsly, has anyone had a Brazilian and rode?
yes ma'm. 2 thumbs up.
Does the time it takes to grow out in between suck for riding?
nope. it grows back a lot more comfortably than when you shave (it doesn't get all prickly)... you won't even notice.
Down side: expensive
canadienne11.14.08 - 10:16 am
I tried to answer this question, but it did not work out.
I'm just going to say I've never had a Brazilian per se...but I mean you know a razor is less painful you know...and I don't know I've never really thought pubes had any effect on riding up until reading this thread. I don't know if that helps or not...
But I have another question, y'all ride w/ no britches on under yer spandex?
la duderina11.14.08 - 10:18 am
Al Zesatti,
you should go brazilian. we'll get a fund started for you.
KiMS111.14.08 - 10:19 am
canadienne handled that question very well. lol
la duderina11.14.08 - 10:19 am
you're not supposed to ride with underwear under your bike shorts- seams are so uncomfortable owowowow.
i really want to get a brazilian now- thx ladies lol.
after having some skin issues, i use dove unscented soap and unscented/hypoallergenic detergent for my shorts- my doc is a cyclist and i'm glad he told me this- it's helped a lot.
tomato11.14.08 - 10:26 am
yeah I could see that...its been a while since I wore cycling shorts. I'm thinking leathers and I would never go commando under a pair of leathers...
la duderina11.14.08 - 10:33 am
@canadienne, thanks for the info! i've been putting it off bc i didn't want to do something that would keep me from biking!
@tomato, if you don't mind going to the valley, i used to go to wax poetic on magnolia. it's slightly cheaper than going to a WLA salon and they do same day appointments.
nancine11.14.08 - 11:08 am
+1... wax poetic is the best place i've found so far... some estheticians are better than others though. Unfortunately I'm horrible with names. Oh well.
canadienne11.14.08 - 11:10 am
ijunes11.14.08 - 11:13 am
Does anyone not wear underwear when they bike? Would this help?
speedybrian200011.14.08 - 1:17 pm
If you wear underwear try to wear something with as little seams as possible.
and use chamois butter with lycra...!
adrian11.14.08 - 2:36 pm
wearing undies under spandex is a no no,
I mean the seams people!
butt butter works on long rides, long as in long saddle time 60 plus miles but it does depend on the person, some people never use it, some people learn too late, kinda like the nipples on marathoners, heed the advice on super long rides.
I wasn't kidding about the wax ride,
dannyzuko11.14.08 - 3:45 pm
canadienne11.14.08 - 3:52 pm
^^^ Thought it was Eddie for a second there.
mr rollers11.14.08 - 5:11 pm
See people laugh at you for wearing spandex UNTIL a thread like this comes up and then it's just deer in the headlights....
ephemerae11.14.08 - 10:16 pm
This thread is better than the route for tonight's ride (and I say that after making it up the hill).
Plus, some moron with a can of Boddington's Ale stuck to his saddle just plain stopped in the middle of a downhill turn equidistant from each curb. Almost took out 10 people with that move.
NixonTwin11.15.08 - 12:33 am
I wear hanes underwear with jeans all the time, and I'm starting to get irritated and annoyed.
imachynna11.15.08 - 9:55 am
some shit never gets old!!!
sancho103.31.09 - 12:53 pm
This shit had me cracking up so hard at work. Dammit, I am gonna get fired!
HappyLand03.31.09 - 1:01 pm
let's post pics of our saddle sores
sancho103.31.09 - 1:13 pm
yeah sancho, show them the saddle sores around your mouth.
mattspeed03.31.09 - 1:16 pm
I prefer to tilt the front of my brooks up a little... and sit back like its an easychair :)
steph03.31.09 - 2:54 pm
Maybe its herpes.....??
TAG503.31.09 - 3:14 pm
ass chapstick!!!! hahahahahaha
sancho104.26.10 - 10:33 am
Dang! You really like to mine for those old threads, Juno!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.26.10 - 11:27 am
been having some chafing issues myself
thought it might have been from something else like the crabs or something
until i read this post, now i have an idea of what the problem may be
DIRTY HIPSTER04.26.10 - 12:11 pm
That being said, It sounds like either your saddle is not positioned correctly, or, that you bought the wrong style of Brooks saddle for your type of riding.
The B57 is the model you want if you actually intend to sit on your saddle for the majority of the ride.
They have brands that are not very mailable that are for Velo racing type bikes where you peddle mostly off the saddle.
Good luck!
Girl Power04.26.10 - 12:16 pm
Typo Correction; The Brooks B-17 saddle is the most comfortable one.
Girl Power04.26.10 - 12:23 pm
Do we need another pubic service announcement?
Gav04.26.10 - 8:27 pm
dont worry your seat is fine.. its probably just an STD
keep rollin
Jet-son04.26.10 - 10:10 pm
30 yrs. of riding, and still learning. BUT I would wear reg. paints or shorts and ride, adjust the seat, ride some more, adjust it more to get it just right.(you should do this, not the bike shop) There,you found the sweet spot.Oh... you found the sweet spot on your butt too. Now buy roadie butt pad short. Cheap-one for a ride under 2 hrs. Better ones for the longer rides. You'll love riding all over again. .Next topic.......Butt Rash... next mo.
fixietheworld04.26.10 - 10:21 pm
rockin the reg paints
Jet-son responding to a
comment by fixietheworld
04.26.10 - 10:24 pm