3:05 AM Thread

Thread started by
PC at 05.27.08 - 3:06 am
Wake up and post something to amuse me while I try to adjust the brakes on my new used Surly.
nothing interesting to say or amuse with, but i think you should give me a hand-me-down bike (the de bernardi), now that you have this new one coming. (read in hypnotic voice)
meandmybluebike05.27.08 - 3:14 am
Read this in a hypnotic voice: FUCK YOU!!!!!!
But seriously, whose bright-ass idea was it to put brakes on bicycles anyway?
PC05.27.08 - 3:17 am
It's a fad. It won't last.
PC05.27.08 - 3:17 am
I don't swing that way (NTTAWWT), but I guess I'm curious as to what he's fucking.
PC05.27.08 - 3:21 am
damm annie, I see your into the High end classy type of mid morning porn. Not that "dirty guy with grease on hands from toying with bike in the middle of the night", where in reality its "the bike in the back round that really gets you going" porn. whatever floats your boat girl
sexy05.27.08 - 3:26 am
OK, Sexy David the air-conditioned anarchist, what have you got? Amuse me.
No audio please; I'm already amusing myself with hilariously pompous wartime propaganda on KPFK.
PC05.27.08 - 3:28 am
Yes, thank you. Swoon porn, not wank porn.
PC05.27.08 - 3:36 am
hypnotic voice...
annnnniiieeeee....you will sell me that tourquoise centurionnnnnnn
monovsstereo05.27.08 - 3:40 am
Over twenty minutes now. Whatever the bubblegum Bakunin is coming up with, it had better be good.
PC05.27.08 - 3:51 am
link for the armani bike (2005)
meandmybluebike05.27.08 - 3:53 am
i was eating canned vegetable soup. Let me work on it, you'll like it.
sexy05.27.08 - 3:54 am
"Read this in a hypnotic voice: FUCK YOU!!!!!!"
meandmybluebike05.27.08 - 3:59 am
alright then, you may not like this. but who else can find early morning clean bike stimulation.............
enjoy (I hope this doesn't blow up in my face)
and I did that as Barry White's "Love Serenade" play randomly on my shuffle setting
sexy05.27.08 - 4:01 am
and it did
lets try it again
alright then, you may not like this. but who else can find early morning clean bike stimulation.............
enjoy (I hope this doesn't blow up in my face)
and now, The Carpenters "where do i go from here"
sexy05.27.08 - 4:02 am
How the fuck are you going to restructure society to eliminate all social hierarchies if you can't even figure out HTML?
PC05.27.08 - 4:05 am

shown off the work
sexy05.27.08 - 4:05 am
The Czech girl is sexier, even if she has some slack in her chain.
PC05.27.08 - 4:07 am

the crew just "being" check out dude with the pink shirt, the blue speedo (oh Yeah) and they are all wearing different colored give away carl jr. promotional sunglasses, (he kept his UV sticker on the lense)
sexy05.27.08 - 4:08 am
And of course, when I say "slack in her chain," that's a clever
double entendre meaning that...you know, the chain on her bicycle has too much slack in it.
PC05.27.08 - 4:09 am
I'm almost done. Give me a grand finale.
PC05.27.08 - 4:11 am
we will never get rid of social hierarchies, I think we all strive on that game."It's fun" It's air conditioning in the inland high temperature areas, that I'm working for" F-U Mr. I live by the "cool climate" pacific ocean. Come spend the summer in my house. Even with the newly insulated roof and the swamp cooler, you will see why we in the Valley do the, "no shoes, no shirt" summers.
Lordy lord, I would never trade these hot Summer Valley night for nothing. Bring it on..................
Oh, how approriate Mr. San Pedro. Its now playing Black Sabbath's "children of the sea"
sexy05.27.08 - 4:14 am

what are you looking for? People gacking at a bike
sexy05.27.08 - 4:19 am

something pretty like this?
sexy05.27.08 - 4:20 am

Something pornographic and just something that should only be found and viewed in public like this
sexy05.27.08 - 4:22 am
and viewed in
public private
sexy05.27.08 - 4:23 am
David, you are what they call in show business a "sweat act."
Don't ever change.
PC05.27.08 - 4:31 am
why do you think they film the unspeakable in the Valle? its hot.
GOod one PC, I always do take it as a complement when the girls say "you such a sweaty"
sexy05.27.08 - 4:33 am
Of course Dave is sweaty, he's got a built in wool suit under his clothes.
FuzzBeast05.27.08 - 4:50 am
That was the worst finale ever.
I <3 MR.com so much.
Thank you to all (or both, or whatever) who participated. My brakes work fine now.
PC05.27.08 - 5:08 am
PC come be amused by my 4 shot americano!!1 Time is running out... I think I'm quitting! The pic of Paul attacking the child w/ a rake shows me that there is a HUGE demand for mini ridazz.... dooo ta doo!!!
mixtemotions05.27.08 - 9:02 am
and PC contributed to this thread his usual;
sexy05.27.08 - 10:57 am
I have been to that Groundwork, like, five times in the last month and no Mixte. I don't think you even work there anymore, you're just telling people you do because it's hipper to work at a coffeehouse than at a diner.
PC05.27.08 - 1:18 pm
what!? you come here when I'm not working!! =( I can assure you that I am at Groundwork right now! i just made an iced red eye for some fool. srsly!
mixtemotions05.27.08 - 1:48 pm

PC isn't the only one that's stopped by and no mixy. I've been by on two occasions and miscued. Maybe you can post your scheduled for us and all the stalkers on the internet, yeah?
Regarding Dave's ability to do HTML. He may not have his HTML skills down, but his photoshop skills are impressive. Nice work PS the trials bike in! I thought maybe this pic was in Europe or something since practically no one knows or is interested in trials bikes, but nope, this pic is from the good o' USofA. Nice work Dave! Can you PS our gov on a trials bike?
User105.27.08 - 3:34 pm
Dear PC,
Yes. I know it is not 3:05am yet, but I must inform you that I will not be available to slightly amuse you this evening. I actually have to work (believe it or not)!
meandmybluebike05.27.08 - 11:19 pm
Well, thank you for the advance notice, but I'm pretty sure that bike brakes don't have to be adjusted every night.
(They don't, right, guys? Right?)
PC05.28.08 - 4:13 am
It's nice to know you all are here, the next time I have insomnia. Lately I've been sleeping like a baby...
alicestrong05.28.08 - 5:51 am
au contraire, pc.
shout it from the mountain tops!
"EVERY NIGHT! 3:05!"
meandmybluebike05.29.08 - 12:01 am
aha! you were spared that time...
I'm not through with you yet.
Joe Borfo05.29.08 - 12:20 am
Fewer botched "internetisseriousbusiness" links. More swoon porn.
PC05.29.08 - 3:53 am
If i were to create a 3:04 AM Thread, would that be analogous to:
1. 7 minute Abs vs. 6 minutes Abs from 'Something About Mary'
2. The debate between two Chinatown Rides starting 1 night apart?
stevo405.29.08 - 6:15 am
I love to talk shit to bikers n hold hands with them via the cab I'm ridng in
NOOZY responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.8.10 - 2:33 am
Ths cab driver almos hit me at the light on glendale under the sunset brdge by that taco bell so I conned him into gvin me a ride !!!!! It was so cool
Smoke weed!!!!
NOOZY responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.8.10 - 2:56 am
About to top off a late PM workout with some benching, then hitting the Jacuzzi.
After spending most of '09 in an extremely butthurt state, I figured it's time to focus on looking like a fugitive.
Cut and not shaven, ragged but not beaten.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by NOOZY
04.8.10 - 3:00 am
"it's time to focus"
{it's time}
TheDude responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.8.10 - 3:04 am
My other phone kicked the bucket, now I could follow a hot debate on this MyTouch3G while burning it up on the Pre-Cor for 2 hrs.
And to think I thought tech was only go to go as far as heavy cellphones and beepers.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by TheDude
04.8.10 - 3:15 am
You dunno wat rum is? Rumpastilskin??? Postve mental attitude my fran
NOOZY responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.8.10 - 3:16 am
Can't sleep.need some entertainment
Debut21304.8.10 - 3:32 am
What the FUCK are you people doing in my thread?
PC04.8.10 - 4:27 am
I don't see no physical claim-stakes or "No trespassing" signs, so it's open range!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by PC
04.8.10 - 5:16 am
You can adjust your brakes again now.
angle responding to a
comment by PC
04.8.10 - 6:10 am