MR selling out.
Thread started by
aksendz at 09.11.10 - 1:20 am
all of this feels like it is starting to get dirty
the shirts and the donations
its become like a fucking accessory
watch, hot topic will be selling this in a couple of months
i mean they're cool and everything but do we really need it?
shit has changed since the past 2 years =/
dude relax no one sold out.Im sure its to support the website.
Huey55509.11.10 - 1:34 am
I haven't been here long enough to compare so I'll ask,
has the change been good or bad?
I personally think it's benefited the riders and raised awareness about us.
Specifically our right to share the road.
I got tired of moving to the sidewalk every time some asshole honked at me,now I stop and tell him him to make me.
As for the merchandise I've only seen Roadblock selling them.
Ninja biker09.11.10 - 1:56 am
who gives a fuck if MR sells out or already has sold out . As long as I ride my bicycle I am ok.
palucha6609.11.10 - 1:57 am
I want the black spoke card.
How come I don't see in the store?
Can I pay with Mark der DDR?
GermanguyfromtheEast09.11.10 - 2:01 am
you gotta keep the site running some how. Plus, there already was a post about this :)
Gav09.11.10 - 8:02 am
I hate these threads that so easily and without any good explanation try to get at RB.
If you can't give a good explanation, why are you guys ready to air someone out like this? It's border line childish and it's definitely lazy. It's tabloid really... I cant make out anything you're trying to get across. "its become like a fucking accessory "?? Shirts and medallions for the most part are fucking accessories. The rest is a slippery slope... and RB has always asked for donations, just less elaborate. Hate to break it to you, but t-shirts have been around for a while now.
shit has changed since the past 2 years
haha.... 2 years...
md209.11.10 - 8:51 am
we have become very used to things being "free".
facebook and google are "free" but not really, when you go there you are selling them your profile and in exchange they let you use their service (while they bombard you with ads).
Midnight Ridazz is "free" too. Or at least most of us feel that way because we go online there is (an ad free) website to use, rides to go on, adventures to have, spoke cards to collect, and its all for "free".
But somebody is paying.
Great! A city, a culture thrives on communal generosity.
Its awesome that people devote their time and money to have fun, make others happy, and create something special in their city. Musicians, artists, activists, do it all the time. Its great for a kick-start, but how sustainable is it?
There is a reason this is not the MR or the MRDC of 2 years ago.
Lots of people get into it for a while, then burn out and move on.
Why not remind everybody, that just because MRDC is free to use does not mean that the bandwidth and maintenance are free or that copies & lamination are free.
Why not give people a chance to donate a little money so more of us share the burden of MR's expenses?
Why not have a home grown shop where artists from our community can make some money selling their designs?
I'm glad MR is changing. Its becoming more sustainable, which increases the odds that it will be healthy and awesome for many years to come.
trickmilla09.11.10 - 10:49 am
he spent as much time thinking about that post as he did copyediting it.
trickmilla09.11.10 - 11:37 am
running a site can be very expensive and time consuming. RB should be able to do WHATEVER the fuck he wants to.. lol
godmode09.11.10 - 11:41 am
It's a SINGLE link at the top navigation.
I don't see any other type of advertising other than the "Chiropractor" thread..
godmode09.11.10 - 11:42 am
i smoke weed cause it gives me knowledge
godmode responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
09.11.10 - 11:52 am
OP broke rules 1 and 2
Foldie09.11.10 - 11:53 am
i saw roadblocks face on tv yesterday. the drop down donation bar and donation button at login are kind of in your face but im sure roadblock is getting much deserved money.
larsenf09.11.10 - 11:54 am
lol i saw the commercial aswell
godmode responding to a
comment by larsenf
09.11.10 - 11:55 am
Ride on Roadblock. Dont listen to this Juvenile hater. He was probably stoned when he made this lame ass thread. MR has been around more than 2 years btw, and has been evolving since it started.
JOKER09.11.10 - 12:38 pm
GTFO! Roadblock made this shit and can do what he wants to with this shit so get of his nutzz!
Yes I can be a dick and I don't give a FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
louisiana09.11.10 - 1:59 pm
Specially this part:
"It was getting a little scary because people started to suggest that some shit was going to go down eventually and that if anybody needed to be held responsible it was going to be the people organizing. Kim, MaBell [another of the original octet] and I, by that time, were the ones in charge, and we decided to step down and let other people take it where they wanted it to go."
This might well have been nowhere if it weren't for the towering figure of Roadblock, who devised a new approach for Ridazz: No more e-mails or fliers promoting the original second-Friday-of-the-month ride; a wiki-style website on which any member could post his or her own ride theme and itinerary; and an open call for remote Ridazz to start new, smaller franchises in their own neighborhoods.
As far as I'm concerned RoadBlock can do whatever the fuck he wants.
He's earned it.
Ninja biker09.11.10 - 3:26 pm
Props to Comrade Roadblock for taking advantage of our capitalist system.
God bless America.
Dedicated81809.11.10 - 5:02 pm
you are filmy. How does it feel to be 'filmy?'
tren responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
09.11.10 - 5:13 pm
has there ever been an MR account deleted by RB before??? if there hasnt DO IT RB!!!!
andres8409.11.10 - 5:14 pm
op has a point though. this circus sideshow shit is getting corny super quick. people like alex thompson are putting nails in the coffin faster than haters like i am.
see you at the next bicykillers, where lycra is the new "im a grown ass man drawing stupid shit over my face with a sharpie."
ruinedbyidiots09.11.10 - 5:36 pm
louisiana responding to a
comment by andres84
09.11.10 - 5:47 pm
LOL sharpies are bomb when yer friend passes out drunk
Ninja biker09.11.10 - 6:18 pm
What's so wrong with cycling becoming mainstream? Isn't that what we want? Everyone on bikes, safer streets, culture change, better air, etc.?
danceralamode09.11.10 - 6:47 pm
Figures you like your Lycra. Tea Bagger's the Koch brothers own
Lycra brand
Foldie responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
09.11.10 - 7:32 pm
"I'm glad MR is changing. Its becoming more sustainable, which increases the odds that it will be healthy and awesome for many years to come"
It would be sweet if MR lasted for a long, long, very long time. In fifty years from now, I want to remember tall bikes, crazy music trailers, 4am afterparties, bikepolo, bands playing at the stops, beach madness, crankmob, and everything else that MR has brought us
speedybrian2000 responding to a
comment by trickmilla
09.11.10 - 11:34 pm
You know if you had the chance you would probably do the same thing so stop being jealous that he has an opportunity to make money whether it is to support the website or for himself, go make your own website if you don't like this one
Tupapi09.12.10 - 12:30 am
I am confident Mr. Block will soon clear up the "Medallion" confusion. Beware to all those who might pilfer from a worthy cause. Though the monetary loss is a mere trifle, the principle shall follow through and justice will be served.
Those who would lead must follow truth.
tivu09.12.10 - 12:44 am
Truth can never be bent.
July responding to a
comment by tivu
09.12.10 - 12:48 am
Some try to prove that maxim false. People have skills of all types honed over a couple years or even thousands. We'll see what happens.
tivu responding to a
comment by July
09.12.10 - 12:56 am
never really gave a fuck about this fuckin aksendz character .still dont know who the fuck he is .and as far as the rest of you,dingo doesnt give a fuck what you think midnight ridazz is or is not.its what ever he wants it to be.
mandingo09.12.10 - 1:43 am
I didn't care to read the whole thread but arn't you a republican? Isn't selling out your Modus Operandi?
Frozen Fingersss09.12.10 - 10:13 am
I think I'll pass the jug when yall go to drink the kool-aid...
dave09.12.10 - 10:44 am
In my mind Selling out is so much different than raising funds for hosting and improving this website. The site ran out of file space under the current plan a few weeks ago. so I deleted a bunch of files and disabled the image posting on replies as a temp fix. But in the next couple months this beast is going to have to be moved to a new server. It's going to be ugly and it's going to take some money to do it. So far 2 people have signed up for yearly subscriptions ( thank you!! )
I decided to sell the shirts because people want them. It's a trickle of orders every week but the extra dough helps me pay the bills. If you order a Fuzzbeast "make new friends" shirt it will help him out too. :)
Roadblock09.12.10 - 11:10 am
Thank you RB. Support you community. Support MR, you local bike shops and coops. Haters gonna hate......
Foldie responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.12.10 - 11:45 am
Rb did not invent midnightridazz. Rb was one of the founding fathers of it. He was just the one who was smart enough to make a site and own the rights to this beast.
Debut21309.12.10 - 12:18 pm
Which brings up another point which most likely RB has already considered and acted upon. Trademarks and Copyrights. Duet before someone else does.
I'm waiting to see when the "MidnightRidazz Edition", or "Wolfpack the Hustle" Track, TDF, and Commuter bikes hit the market. Maybe the MR branded riding apparel as well. Oh wait...
Or would the MidnightRider branded clone products sell just as well?
Its bound to happen, this is America after all. Someone from this community should capitalize and profit on the popularity and brand name before someone from outside the community does. I'm surprised RB hasn't done this sooner, so I'm sure he's struggled with the philosophical issues already.
dave responding to a
comment by Debut213
09.12.10 - 12:42 pm
Words spoken by the true genius himself, rock-on and kick-ass!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mandingo
09.12.10 - 12:49 pm
so you say people have signed up for yearly subscriptions, where do i go to check this out, sorry i dint know whats going on at this point but deffenitly would like to know..more...thanks
SONNY responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.12.10 - 2:06 pm
log out and log back in. you'll see it.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by SONNY
09.12.10 - 2:11 pm
I want my shirt in size medium.
John responding to a
comment by Roadblock
09.12.10 - 3:22 pm
from Monica Howe
to ""
date Thu, Jul 13, 2006 at 9:59 AM
subject [Ridazz] Ridazz pumps lead this Friday
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hide details 7/13/06
"You're a real fun ride."
"What's that?"
"You're fun."
"I'm fun? Maybe I got this all wrong, 'cause I'm a little fucked up; what do you mean I'm fun, like the way I talk?"
"No, no, like the way you rock that bicycle, you know"
"No I don't know, you said it."
"Like how you do a ride."
"Midnight Ridazz does a good ride? Is Ridazz a clown? Does Ridazz amuse you? Is Midnight Ridazz a clown here to fuckin' amuse you?!"
Midnight Ridazz presents:
Friday, July 14
Meet 9:30, Ride at 10
Pioneer Chicken, Echo Park & Sunset
Ending in Hancock Park
Rules of Ridazz:
No Rida left behind – stay together and help each other out.
Respect our communities; don’t trash them.
When we say Midnight Ridazz, you say Ride On!
Midnight Ridazz happens the 2nd Friday of every month.
To subscribe:
09.12.10 - 8:00 pm
I remember that ride well, getting chased out the park by 8 LAPD cruisers and being followed up the street by a searchlight from a helicopter.
It felt like Midnight Ridazz as I knew it was coming to an end that night.
How young I was.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by dave
09.12.10 - 8:29 pm
And this was back when I practically felt no need to leave the desert and LA was just a posh town.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by mr rollers
09.12.10 - 8:34 pm
I recall when the first patrol car showed up on the soutthwest end of the park and tried to assert itself, and then it seemed like literally everyone shouted "ahhhhhhh" toward the car and then cop car just slowly backed up and drove away. Then more came and the helicopter, and they pushed us out...
That was a fun ride...
md2 responding to a
comment by mr rollers
09.12.10 - 8:55 pm
All ya'll quit your bitching about selling out. This site takes time and money to run, so blow the dust off your wallets give up a few bucks! Drink one less beer or take one less toke and pay up suckazz. This site is largely responsible for uniting bike community in this town, so do your part, host a ride, print some spoke cards, or donate a few $$$. Contribute the community or shut the fuck up!
ToddAlmighty09.12.10 - 10:11 pm
wow never received so much hate for a drunk post.
but its interesting to know how everyone is open to discussion.
so from what I understand, everyone bitches about others exploiting the community but when some one within does it, its okay?
and when money and everything is involved, this gives a no leader community a face - so is RB that face now who will be held, to a degree, responsible?
i'm just curious to see how all of this will play out.
see you at the next ride
and can I get a shirt?
aksendz responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
09.13.10 - 1:31 am
so from what I understand, everyone bitches about others exploiting the community but when some one within does it, its okay?
You seem to have an awfully strange definition of "exploiting." Is this another drunk post?
nathansnider responding to a
comment by aksendz
09.13.10 - 2:06 am
That's the best you've got?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by aksendz
09.13.10 - 4:47 am
Pay noattention to silly haters.
But DO pay attention to the defination of "exploitation".
On may make the assertation that JLeto & his media sponsors are "exploiting" bicycle culture, that their relation to bicycle culture involves an uneven power dynamic and an uneven exhange.
But that is a very different relationship to the community than "I bike shirts" website.
And if you are refering to the donation button asking people to help pay for what they use, as "exploitation" then we are not using the same dictionary.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by aksendz
09.13.10 - 9:44 am
i guess i see it now.
i'm just uneasy about the subject of money coming into MR
like i said before, i feel like it goes against what MR is.
but somethings are necessary.
aksendz responding to a
comment by trickmilla
09.13.10 - 10:57 am
I gladly donated to keep the MR website up & running-or to whatever RB wants to do with it!
I haven't posted pix, because I shoot too much. 750 last Sat night, for example.
RB asked me a long time ago, to NOT post everything, and since I don't edit to get a few nice shots, I honor RB's request.
Looking @ the Gallery, I see some people will post anything...
I'm hoping this is the year I can get my images out to those of you who want to see them.
Gern09.13.10 - 12:18 pm
So how many free patches do you think they'll pass out during the mobile bike clinics at NoHo station with ALL that cash the Bikery gets from the medallion sales? If not that, hopefully they have some solid new tools to use at the very least. Something would be nice.
tivu09.13.10 - 8:22 pm
there's usually one in every crowd. But I think MR is especially blessed in that regard.
dave responding to a
comment by tivu
09.13.10 - 8:39 pm
You know what? Forget all this bullshit and just ride your bike. The man just needs to make some money and who can blame him? This site is not free and it doesn't run itself. But as far as bicycling becoming mainstream, guess what? It has always been mainstream. Millions upon millions of cyclists ride everyday and have never been to this website. I'm just glad to see more people riding bikes.
Velocipede09.13.10 - 8:46 pm
I just want to say...................................
sexy09.14.10 - 6:26 am
RB maybe you might get a few more $$$ if you accept EBT :)
ToddAlmighty09.14.10 - 11:40 am
This whole thread is backwards. How about.
RB. Thanks for spending a bunch of your own money to keep this website up and running. It's a big part of the bike scene in L.A. and a lot of people owe you a lot. I hope we raise enough that you can at least break even.
daymen09.14.10 - 10:19 pm
i sold t-shirts on two seperate rides two years in a row to pay for BEER, and other expenses (portable toilets, party site) to host the Toy Ride Party. no one seemed to complain about FREE BEER, so why complain about a FREE WEBSITE that we all use?
its a creative way to pay for something that we all use. just leave it alone.
Mr. Raymond09.24.10 - 2:50 am
DONATE! DONATE! DONATE!! lets keep it alive!
Huey55509.24.10 - 2:52 am
Might I say that those awesome tees and the epic party they financed pretty much kick-started the All City Toy Ride as an annual tradition, this year will be our 5th ACTR!
Thanks Mr. Raymond!
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Mr. Raymond
09.24.10 - 3:45 am
HI COPS !........ever thinking about Russia and how the police had them under surveillience......and arrested them according to .......whatevea......haha..........history i guess........repeats.............................................too the constituton and grow a pair
shotgun_mike09.24.10 - 3:51 am
remember all this when they come out with electronic readable identifications license for bicycles. Remember it will protect your bike from being stoled.
sexy responding to a
comment by shotgun_mike
09.24.10 - 6:30 am
Why do you care so much? Don't you use this service, free of charge? Are you being forced to buy shit at rides? Don't you think the proceeds go towards the cause? You would know if a MR shit would be in Hot Topic. You sound like a fucking poseur cunt.
Hippy Sippy09.24.10 - 7:13 am
I bought my MoM Ridaz patch at hot topic. It was next to a small tren way section.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Hippy Sippy
09.24.10 - 7:19 am