Hit an drun last night

Thread started by
TheRaquel at 08.14.09 - 9:15 am

I was hit by a car last night on my way home from DTLA bike polo...bike is 100% ok...
on fig and 52 less than 1/2 a block from my home...
i didnt get any of the plate # or anything i just know the car was white
man raquel i am so so so sorry,,,, we're there any witnesses or anything?
we need to get that fucker who hit you :(
are you okAY!?
Thegirlinglass08.14.09 - 9:24 am
yeah i am ok for the most part...i have a work meeting then i am going to the hospital to have my face sewn shut...all is good
whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger right...fuck cars...
i am trying to keep my spirits up as you xcan see
TheRaquel08.14.09 - 9:25 am
Wow..... u should get that check up.... some spots have cameras u should check that out
ThunderCunt08.14.09 - 9:34 am
That is so awful... wtf is wrong with people! It really churns my stomach to see so many posts here of people getting hit. Recover soon. :(
dusky08.14.09 - 9:54 am
That sucks. I hope you feel better.
Foldie08.14.09 - 10:00 am
Damn Raquel!! That looks bad. What's the details on this? I know some are thinking in the back of their minds if this was intentional or not. Hope you're doing better than the pic shows.
User108.14.09 - 10:21 am
jesus, i'm glad to see you're in such good shape considering. im sure it didnt hurt that you were wearing a helmet.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by TheRaquel
08.14.09 - 10:34 am
_iJunes responding to a
comment by TheRaquel
08.14.09 - 10:36 am
Jesus! Seriously, I'm glad you're ok!
et08.14.09 - 11:11 am
OMG, that totally sucks! I hope you get better soon. Fucking hit and run drivers should die.
X-Large responding to a
comment by et
08.14.09 - 11:25 am
i like your attitude. you're a trooper. feel better !
meow08.14.09 - 2:17 pm
That's a damned shame, knocking you out of the saddle and then taking off like a dickless, fruitcake!!
Get better and keep some ice, or whatever the doctor told you to do to make the swelling go down.
As for everyone else, keep your line of defenses open!!!
bentstrider08.14.09 - 3:29 pm
ima go pay you a little visit...
this is ridiculous. hope you feel better soon.
rayrayray08.14.09 - 3:29 pm
wow... two blocks from where i live. i wish i would of been there to get the plates.
but get well soon =)
andres8408.14.09 - 3:31 pm
Sorry, that was from me. Forgot to sign out of Ray's.
imachynna responding to a
comment by rayrayray
08.14.09 - 3:32 pm
fucking hell, that sucks!
i'm glad you weren't hurt more seriously. i hope you feel better and heal up soon!
coldcut08.14.09 - 3:36 pm
look at it this way. You could have lost an eye. ur in one piece, thats what matters.
TIMESARECHANGING08.14.09 - 3:36 pm
from raquels twitter...
TheRaquel In the er. just got ct scan. Waiting for results
19 minutes ago from txt
funanu08.14.09 - 3:41 pm
Raquel is very fortunate to have sustained on minor injuries. The car that hit her made a fast left, without braking or slowing, into a parking lot. Raquel was passing the driveway when the car T-boned her, and she slammed into it, face first. The car kept going.
Cars are deadly weapons...why most drivers don't understand this is beyond me. I'm really, really glad you're OK Raquel. I hope you left some blood, dents and scratches in that car...I hope the driver gets what's coming to him. Karma, you've got work to do!
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by funanu
08.14.09 - 4:14 pm
Just heard from Rachelle, she got the results, she's fine, no broken bones or brain damage. Her eye is pretty swollen, and she's getting a pretty good black eye.
The cops are talking to the 7-11 to get the security camera footage, hopefully they can get the plates.
FuzzBeast08.14.09 - 4:26 pm
I really hope they can get the plates. Fucking coward piece of shit driver.
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
08.14.09 - 4:30 pm
I don't know you but I feel for you. Ouch! Heal up girl.
indigis08.14.09 - 4:30 pm
I wish you a speedy recovery Raquel, your attitude after what went down is commendable.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by indigis
08.14.09 - 4:42 pm
I am so sorry to hear this Raquel!
Please heal up and take care of yourself,
I hope you feel better soon..glad you are still with us.
puglife08.14.09 - 5:57 pm
Fuck that driver... they get whats comming to them via KARMA!!!!!!
Hope to ride with you soon raquel... you are a F'n trooper!
DeKadenzy08.14.09 - 6:05 pm
God damn... I am glad you are alive and not worse off.
TheDude08.14.09 - 6:22 pm
Oh Raquel i'm so glad to hear you are ok. Oh man... Heal up quick. We're here for you.
Roadblock08.14.09 - 7:23 pm
Man that sucks!! I hope your doing OK and felling better :)
sal72508.14.09 - 8:55 pm
wow that sux my hope your getting better
TORE_81808.14.09 - 9:47 pm
Raquel, glad to hear no bones were broken. Heal up fast!
I don't know how you're fixed for medical insurance, but if you've got car insurance and you've got uninsured motorist coverage, that may be able to cover some of it.
Good luck!
JB08.14.09 - 10:17 pm

Hey I am ok!
this is what i look like today...
nothing broke, not brain damage...as soon as i can see fully to the right and my hand isnt swollen then i can ride again!
wierd i have to say is that i hope i still have this black eye at Burning man...
TheRaquel08.17.09 - 9:05 am
That pic mad me really sad.
what a crappy way to pake up.
Pursue this shit to the fullest!
I know its a long shot. But when you are up to it do any investigation you can think that might help the cops.
I rather see this asswipe collecting his Karma in the pokey.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by TheRaquel
08.17.09 - 9:17 am
What? Hey ASSHOLE. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're a pathetic piece of shit for saying that about ANYBODY.
I fucking dare you to say that to her face. And I hope I'm there.
the reverend dak08.17.09 - 9:40 am
you know, all things considered, you're looking in great shape. i'm sure you'll be riding again in no time.
heal up soon!
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by TheRaquel
08.17.09 - 10:15 am
I'm going to find out who the fuck you are, and I am going to fillet you. FUCKHOLE!
Joe Borfo08.17.09 - 10:18 am

you may be anonymous to most end users on this forum, but your IP address will reveal who you are, dummy
spiraldemon08.17.09 - 10:29 am
wow raquel that's terrible. looks like you're healing up nicely though =) glad it wasn't worse and hope you have fun at burning man!
tomato08.17.09 - 10:41 am
You should make a flyer with this scary photo and the description of the car and put them all over that 7-11 and around that neighborhood. It's probably not the first or last time that guy has gone there for cigs. Maybe his friends will see it and turn him in. Maybe he'll see it and get scared and turn himself in. In any case, heal quick and (everyone) be careful out there.
-xo Frumble
frumble08.17.09 - 11:11 am
@revdak @borfo @spiraldemon i ♥ you guies thanks
TheRaquel08.17.09 - 1:32 pm
A cyclist was hit this afternoon on Santa Monica and Formosa (one block west of LaBrea) the same way Raquel was. Only this time the speeding car took out the bike and the rider. The cyclist was lifted onto a stretcher as I arrived. He couldn't get up on his own, but was conscious. The bike was a mangled mess trapped under the front of the car. And this was broad daylight. Luckily this driver couldn't get away, but I really hope the rider comes out OK...I didn't recognize the guy, but he was Hispanic and young, maybe in his 20's. The bike was a black track-looking bike. Not a great description, but it is what I could get.
Struck in the light of day!
I thought of Raquel right away, and how fortunate she is (and we are) that she sustained only minor injuries. And her bike's fine too!
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by TheRaquel
08.17.09 - 5:58 pm
Hope you're feeling better today, let me know if you need anything. <3
dannyzuko08.17.09 - 9:18 pm
2 years later I'm still kickin!
Thank Angelopes for helping me celebrate!
Honey badger for life
TheRaquel08.14.11 - 5:33 pm
Was this incident reported to the police?
We can only get a law enforcement response if we let them know what's happening.
Did anyone dial 9-1-1 at the scene? Did the police roll to the scene to interview potential witnesses?
Even if the car got away, if the police broadcast a description over the radio immediately after the crash, there is a chance they may catch the driver before he has a chance to sober up, fix the car, come up with an alibi etc.
Even if the police aren't able to do anything, you should at least make a report ASAP that way it goes into their statistics and at some point they will have to explain why there are so many unsolved hit & runs against cyclists.
Be Proactive!
cascandal responding to a
comment by TheRaquel
08.14.11 - 6:28 pm