Earth First! Roadshow
When - Sunday at 12 noon, roll at 12:30 pm
Where - Meet at Scoops
Route - 10-15 mile social ride, then off to the roadshow at 2pm!
Discussion Thread - here
More info at
From the Earth First! Organizers’ Conference and Winter Rendezvous in the Sonoran desert this February to the Round River Rendezvous in Cascadia this Summer, a band of eco-rebels will be crossing the US empire to renew a fighting movement that can stop this industrial nightmare from choking the life out of the Earth.
The need for resistance in solidarity with the wild has never been louder or clearer than it is today; the roadshow is a great tool for growing that resistance. The origin of Earth First! itself is credited to a few roadshows that kicked it all off in the early 1980s. Building on this tradition, we are akin to a fellowship crossing Middle Earth to amass insurgents to face Mordor head-on.
This roadshow’s primary intention is to strengthen our radical grassroots ecological network. For almost 30 years, we have been an organized voice bridging conservation biology, grassroots community organizing, road blockading and eco-sabotage. In the past five years, we have seen our numbers and experience-level in the EF! movement decline drastically. Yet, our place has never been more urgent. New groups are popping up across the country, but they are detached from many of the groups, history and skills that came before them. We can’t afford to stumble and make the same mistakes over again. continues here
Earth First! A Founder’s Story
Twenty-nine years ago, three guys went on a road trip to explore Mexico's wild deserts. The result of that trip changed wilderness politics forever. Earth First! co-founder Howie Wolke tells us his story.
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.