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Ride for Freedom: Say NO to injunctions



2pm Today Saturday Oct 26, 2013

Map of the Ride

Brought to you by STAY Standing Together Advocating for our Youth

RIDE DIFFICULTY: It is a mellow ride, there are some hills and the beginning of the ride is the hilliest part. We are aiming to ride at the pace of the slowest rider. We are 'crussing'. If you got a geared bike, bring it!

Tentative scheduling, please check back for updates:

2pm-2:30pm: Donation base bike mechanics! PLUS bike check up.

2:30: we ride, PLEASE BE TIMELY

2:30pm-6pm: We ride! We are scheduling pit stops and points of interest during the ride. Bring a bottle water and some bucks to get snacks. Here is the map of the ride ->http://we-stay-free.tumblr.com/post/64894355560/map-for-the-anti-injunction-ride-we-are-taking

6:00-8:00: Final destination fro RIDERS AND NOT RIDERS! We are gathering at Echo Park Ave. & Park Av. @ Echo Park Lake to enjoy a street performance brought to you by Youth Justice Coalition. The Echo Park Film Center will be shoeing a couple of short films on gentrification and the racist injunctions. There would also be an open mic, music and food thanks to Comida No Bombas

Bring water, a WORKING BIKE .Bring some CASH to support local vendors as well as donate towards the legal cost for bail money for youth that are already being WRONGFULLY arrested and also to cover the cost of legal fees to contest the injunction in court.



like us: https://www.facebook.com/Echo.park.united

website: http://togetherwestay.org/

tumblr: http://we-stay-free.tumblr.com/

WANT TO GET INVOLVED? CONTACT US TO togetherwestayfree@gmail.com


Thanks to everybody helping out! Special thanks to : Echo Park Film Center, Bici Libre, Bikesanas del Valle, Ovarian Psyco-Cycles, Comida No Bombas/Food Not Bombs, Masociclistas, Youth Justice Coallition

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Posted by sexy

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