Storm The Bastille!
START TIME: 5:30 pm
On Tuesday night we will gather at the Santa Monica & Vermont Red Line Station at 5:30 pm and ride at 6:00 pm to the DWP building for the Los Angeles Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting at 7:00 pm.
Two months ago we banged away at bicycle parking and the inverted U-Racks are appearing around town.
This time we are going to ask the DOT for support in establishing a Mass Transit Incident Investigative Unit.
If you can't make the ride, join us at the meeting.
DWP Board Room
111 N. Hope Street - Top Floor
LA, CA 90012
Message Board (click here to discuss this ride.)
Contact info for this ride: Stephen Box - 323.962.6540
Midnight Ridazz(tm), Ridazz(tm) and Skull(tm) Reproduction without written permission prohibited.