Thread started by
TonyBologna at 10.27.12 - 5:12 am
1/8th of kind bud and other perks to the first person who emails us the
Last name, phone number and home address of the skinny hipster with glasses and black jacket who disabled the gate of our compound on Jefferson. Yes this is serious. Yes we are looking for you. Give us your shitty track bike before its disabled...
Bouty or bounty, same thing, black jacket with red and green stripes metrosexual facial hair and glasses. We were nice enough to let you come back and get your back pack...
Give us your shitty bike as retribution or the next time we see you it will be taken from you
TonyBologna10.27.12 - 5:31 am
You know, come to think of it, I guess there are some discussions that would be better on Facebook.
PC10.27.12 - 5:32 am
yes we will take links to facebook profiles.
we just want your bike bro, it will have a nice life as a freak bike, and then you wont have to look over your shoulder on ever ride....
TonyBologna10.27.12 - 5:42 am
Hey guise, if he doesn't give his bike up, can I throw up on him? Please?
Rosiekins10.29.12 - 10:43 am
his name is really Marc... Los Angelopes PI is working on his home address, first person to post it here gets the bounty!
TonyBologna10.29.12 - 11:01 am
I heard he did this because someone knocked his beer over? OMG are you serious??
The guy who kicked the beer doesn't even live there. What a moron for fucking up my house for no reason.
Can we get a photo of this dude? I am the one working on fixing the gate, it is my baby and I even hacked in an open by text message feature. It's more than a gate to me, it's a passion and a lifestyle.
This fucking douche is going to get personally called out if I see him on any ride or anywhere near any of my other electronics projects. Photo, post it up!
jonnyboy10.29.12 - 12:34 pm
I hope this dude inhales fix-a-flat and can never open his mouth again.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
10.29.12 - 12:55 pm
That's actually really mean. I really just hope to throw up on him.
Rosiekins10.29.12 - 12:56 pm
1. He tried to start a fight during the party.
2. Stole July's iPod at another party
3. According to some, he sprayed the gate sensor at the Hacienda with paint, making it unable to close. Although no one saw it.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
10.29.12 - 3:54 pm
It was wet (dripping) with some kinda alcohol based fluid, someone suggested it was fix a flat and that sounds about right to me.
Something is fucked up in there, I will prolly have to take the whole thing apart and clean it. Good thing I have mild OCD and it sounds kind of fun. Still ain't right though.
Or I will have to hack together my own box to control it, it is kind of a retardedly simple circuit really. Then it would be easy to install a goon deterring system... maybe a disco ball to distract them...
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by palucha66
10.29.12 - 5:32 pm
...or the next time we see you it will be taken from you
theft is the new tall bike
andres84 responding to a
comment by TonyBologna
10.30.12 - 4:21 pm
Pics please, so I know who to kick out of any event that I am part of, go to, or at.
p.s. not looking for a fight. But assholes need to be called out, because they're not used to being called out on their bullshit, and they'll probably want to fight because they'll feel like a stupid little brat. Don't be a fucking little brat.
the reverend dak10.31.12 - 3:49 pm

I think this is the guy
sexy responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
10.31.12 - 4:16 pm