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why is that? maybe because there is no coverage on the mainstream media?
fuck wall street. I'm tired of bailing out a bunch of rich fat cats. I say let them fall flat on their faces. Don't hit the window sill on your way out the 86th floor.
like I said on FB... Love how Fox news covers a bunch of crybaby UCLA students who are protesting the apron parking ban and totally ignoring occupy wall street. UCLA students need to park daddy's bimmer somewhere else or ride a bike! disabled people need to use the sidewalks!
Roadblock responding to a comment by Gizzard
09.25.11 - 11:37 pm
Take BREAKING THE SPELL for an example. I thought that was a good documentary. I'm not sure if it was one sided... I guess people say it was a propaganda film, but I don't.
Anyhow, this wallstreet vid is just a quick summation video from a protester's perspective. I'm glad people are taking to the streets. I'm bummed at the nil media coverage. People need to organize better and make it more effective.
Joe Borfo responding to a comment by Roadblock
09.26.11 - 12:08 am
that was my point.the fact that the mainstream media is not covering the protests IS an example of thier POV. The commercial media ignores a LOT of important shit. That is the bias that isn't always obvious.
Roadblock responding to a comment by Gizzard
09.26.11 - 12:45 am
Yeah, I'm pissed about two people killed in a week in Pasadena, as well as everyone killed over the last year.
I don't know what to do about it.
I want more goddamn sharrows everywhere. Green Striped Wide Lanes with Sharrows like in LBC and now, hopefully, Boyle Heights. Call me dense, but I think they are effective. There's national DATA out now to prove it.
Nice subject change, btw.
Joe Borfo responding to a comment by Roadblock
09.26.11 - 1:04 am
"speaking of which... when can we riot over all the cyclist and pedestrian deaths this year? isnt anyone remotely pissed?"
I'm down. For the right reasons I'm willing to go to great lengths at making a statement. One that most likely will be omitted or not broadcasted by the media at large.
July responding to a comment by Roadblock
09.26.11 - 1:39 am
The rest of the world is probably providing coverage for their people the same way we were for the Ghadafi situation and the Egyptian civil unrest.
Where are our molotov cocktails? Where are our rocks? If the cops want to fuck with us, let's give them a reason... fuck getting fucked with for no fucking reason.
July responding to a comment by mikeywally
09.27.11 - 5:07 pm
why are you trying to push that documentary so hard? do you have something against Andre "3000" Benjamin acting? are you trying to link Midnight Ridazz with the violent Eugene anarchists? sounds suspicious to me.
Goldman Sachs is the arch duke of our country now and we all gotta learn to live with it.
My advice is to go rack up as much debt as you can on several of those pre-approved credit cards that always show up in the mail before they make it a crime. Gorge yourself on cheap credit and don't even think about paying it back, its the American way!
and sarcasm aside, I've lived with two people in two different states who have done this and the only negative repercussion has been debt collectors calling their relatives. (also you wont be able to get a loan to buy a home or car for about 7 years, but why the fuck would you want one of those?)
If you're really pissed off at the "1%" this is no doubt the easiest way to take some of their money back.
I've been doing just this for the past 4+ years. I started out with every intention to pay it back... but now not so much. And yes... these collectors are fucking amazing. I mean, from 7 am to almost 9 pm, I shit you not, they call and call and call. They're relentless. But caller ID takes care of all that.
And I know it's as simple as calling each one and telling them not to call anymore (seriously, it is) but I just don't want to deal with any of them.
Hail Goldman Sachs.
July responding to a comment by newarkhouse
09.28.11 - 11:50 am