Thread started by
User1 at 08.31.09 - 9:49 pm
Journey Behind the Orange Curtain, Coastal Edition Ride
This Saturday we venture where no rida has ventured before. This night will be known as
The Journey Behind the Orange Curtain, Coastal Edition Ride. We'll be riding all night, from 10:30pm to 5am the next day. There will be a minimum of 50 miles, with options to bump it up almost 60.
here and more info to come.
Orange County, why do they even have County in the name?
They might as well just call it the Orange Protectorate, I mean, if they're so high and mighty as they claim to be.
Although I will admit that most of my beach trips prior to 2006 were to Newport and Corona Del Mar.
Ah, fishing for parking spots along the that one street that goes by the beach.
bentstrider08.31.09 - 10:00 pm
The beauty of living near the beach is cycling past all the cars waiting on PCH for a parking spot to open up on a hot summer weekend.
It really is sweet.
I'm hoping I can do this ride. Looks like it'll be a blast.
Creative Thing08.31.09 - 10:40 pm
Lincoln Park is a good meet-up point, except for all the folks who call that park home.
If you feel guilty about people asking you for handouts, bring some spare change or ramdon food items to donate.
Creative Thing08.31.09 - 10:43 pm
Never rode that area, I'll have to swing down for this.
braydon08.31.09 - 10:56 pm
great idea, sounds like it'll be epic! unfortunately i cannot ride this weekend... unless something changes.
tfunk40808.31.09 - 11:59 pm
This ride sounds damn awesome. I really hope to make it. I SHOULD make it.
Allan, is there crazy climbing on this route by any chance, or should it be a chill route?
imachynna09.1.09 - 12:08 am
It's flat as a pancake! The most climbing is one overpass. Two if we go to the port. And the pace will be a moderate chill. Figure an average of 10 mph with stops. So we'll be riding 10-15 mph.
User1 responding to a
comment by imachynna
09.1.09 - 12:26 am
My dad's birthday is this weekend, but I'm thinking it's still possible to make it on Saturday. I'm damn stoked for this ride. Sounds awesome.
imachynna09.1.09 - 12:41 am
This looks fun. Maybe we should set up a meet spot in DTLA and head over to the Pico blue line station.
Foldie09.1.09 - 11:21 am
wow, this looks like a fun ride. Im def down for it. Lets set up a dtla meet to ride to the blue line.
twindc2309.1.09 - 11:45 am
The Blue Line starts at 7th/Flower in DTLA
braydon responding to a
comment by twindc23
09.1.09 - 11:58 am
i'm down! who wants to start a ride for westsidazz from crank mob park to dtla for the blue line?
superblueman309.1.09 - 12:44 pm
There you go. Hell I might be down to ride that just for the fuck of it (I live downtown).
braydon responding to a
comment by superblueman3
09.1.09 - 1:24 pm
I have a friend that offered to do vehicle support. Personally I'm not crazy about having vehicle support, but I thought I'd throw it out there and see if anyone wants it.
Also the way back is the same as the route to the end. So if someone is not up for riding 50-60 miles, they can stop and wait for us to return.
User109.1.09 - 11:32 pm
IDK ill see its looks like im into this ride alot but idk if i have to pick some one up at the airport
@twindc23:... a dino what up with the glendale ride??
BLAHER responding to a
comment by twindc23
09.2.09 - 8:28 pm
I am definitely down for this.
Foldie responding to a
comment by BLAHER
09.2.09 - 8:32 pm
I don't have a boda bag, but I'll be there Saturday night.
Looking forward to this, Al.
Creative Thing09.2.09 - 8:58 pm
Did the scouting for the port part of the ride and let me tell ya, it's gona be, how do the kids say? "Off the hook"? I went to bat for you guys tonight too. My fellow Smut Pedallers didn't want me to add this part of the ride. They thought just doing the LA>LB>OC was plenty, but I told them that you guys were some pretty tuff customers and you guys have some pretty high standers. Needless to say, they are pissed at me. I'm hoping they have a chance to cool off these next couple of days. Kinda tuff balancing everything in your home town. Now you know why I never do rides in LB! :-(
User109.3.09 - 1:54 am
its on for this friday. i cant make it though. but somebody will be there to start the ride off. not sure what route you guys want to do. But have fun!! you guys should lamprey the fullmoon ride. it should be fun!
twindc23 responding to a
comment by BLAHER
09.3.09 - 1:32 pm
Bonus for using Lamprey. Great word.......
Foldie responding to a
comment by twindc23
09.3.09 - 1:35 pm
Man fuck working 6 am on sunday. I wish i could do this.
buckchin09.3.09 - 1:38 pm
I'm in! This is perfect, I wanted/needed a long ride! I may be coming down the San Gabriel River from Whittier area to meet up in LB....
marleydog09.3.09 - 3:30 pm
This ride sounds awesome. I'd do it for sure if my brother wasn't visiting this weekend.
Buuuuut, I've got a spare bike, so maybe I can get him to come out!
nathansnider09.3.09 - 4:30 pm
Hit me up. I'm riding SGR trail from El Dorado Park to the meet-up.
When I answer the phone, I go by "Leslie"
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by marleydog
09.3.09 - 4:50 pm
Perfect!...will do. I am getting fired up for the ride! The moon is going to be awesome!
marleydog09.3.09 - 10:19 pm
Oh yeah, did I mention that part of the route is going to the green race track we here? Or as motorist like to call it,
The Green Monster!*
"We're drawing attention from other professionals around the country because what we're doing here is innovative, and this sharrow program is part of that. Long Beach is one of the first cities in this nation to use this tool to reduce the conflict between motorists and bicyclists."
Charlie Gandy, the city's new mobility coordinator.
*I kid, I kid
User109.4.09 - 9:56 am
I am excited about this ride. Looking forward to riding the green wave for a few blocks.
Foldie responding to a
comment by User1
09.4.09 - 10:33 am
sweeet! a few of my friends and i will be there. looks like a fun ride!!
twindc2309.4.09 - 12:25 pm
Thinking of posting a meet up in DTLA so everyone can meet up and take the train.
Foldie09.4.09 - 4:36 pm
There's basically three train you can take. You can take the 9:05pm train, 9:25, or the 9:45 train. That's leaving at the 7th and Flower station downtown. The last train will make you 9 minutes late. We'll more than likely will leave like 15 till, so you'll have time. Get off the train at the LB Transit Mall, which is on 1st.
If you're driving, there's parking all over.
User1 responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.4.09 - 7:32 pm
Spoke cards are done and they look bitchin! Chrome paper!
Also it maybe hard to believe, but it maybe a little chilly tonite. A low of 63 is forecast for tonite in Huntington Beach.
User109.5.09 - 10:05 am
so is there any consensus on DTLA --> LB on metro? Should the group plan on the 9:45pm from 7th street metro station?
nolikedrive09.5.09 - 12:23 pm
I'm totally new to this but this ride sounds like a lot of fun. I'm in.
ScooterHayes09.5.09 - 1:22 pm
For those that want to get something to eat when we get back to LB, we'll stop by this 81 yr old donut shop in LB. There just wasn't any breakfast shops open in LB until 7am other than Denny's. Anyways the write ups on this donut shop sounded rad. I've been in this shop, but it's been years ago.
Colonial Bakery on yelp
newspaper story
User109.5.09 - 3:07 pm
Im definately in i been looking for and all night GROUP night alone isnt ass fun i realised... but looking forward to it if their is no meet up in dtla imma drive down their... so any people metting up and at what time??
BLAHER responding to a
comment by User1
09.5.09 - 4:42 pm
I'll see u there Gio. Im driving down there with Brian, Ray, David and another friend. This will be fun!
Bring extra tubes people. Much quicker than patches.
any music trailers?
twindc2309.5.09 - 5:51 pm
yea im driving down their too soo you their dino
BLAHER responding to a
comment by palucha66
09.5.09 - 6:26 pm
to use them on Palucha.......yesssssssssss
Foldie responding to a
comment by imachynna
09.5.09 - 7:34 pm
I posted a meetup for DTLA -> the start of Journey:
This is a meet up from DTLA taking the metro blue line to Journey Bahind the Orange Curtain.
Lets meet outside the 7th Street Metro Center (Corner of 7th and Flower in DTLA)
Meet up at 9:00 pm to go inside and catch the 9:25 train
Metro tix = $1.25
So pumped for this ride. Get excited.
nolikedrive09.5.09 - 7:48 pm
so maybe the link didn't work but you get the idea.
nolikedrive09.5.09 - 7:49 pm
Take the train you wimps!! If a 100 # chick from LB can take the train, certainly you can too, yeah?
And tunes will be provided via big bike dan's music trailer.
chop, chop, get to it!
User109.5.09 - 8:03 pm
Just messing with you Palucha.......Ride like the wind....zoooom weeeee
Foldie responding to a
comment by palucha66
09.5.09 - 8:06 pm
Ill be conspicuously waiting outside the metro station. hope to see some ridaz before 9:20.
nolikedrive09.5.09 - 8:33 pm
Don't need no stinkin u-locks!
User1 responding to a
comment by imachynna
09.5.09 - 8:33 pm
Head west, you'll see a park a half a block away.
User1 responding to a
comment by Dropkick_bruce
09.5.09 - 8:58 pm
Wow that was one of the best rides I have been on, User1 did a great job of putting the ride together with great spoke cards. Good turnout and ridazz were real kool. Met some interesting locals in Newport that joined us for the last leg and then ran into some ridazz in Huntington beach on the way back that joined us to LB.
Great ride. good times and Fun.
Time for sleep.
Foldie09.6.09 - 9:25 am
Dam man good turnout and great ride,,,, the coastal ride back in LB was nice.. and the donuts pretty good im down for the next ride
BLAHER responding to a
comment by Foldie
09.6.09 - 4:19 pm
i just woke up. It was a great ride. Although we had a small group everyone was able to stay together. It was worth it.
palucha6609.6.09 - 5:30 pm
Props to User1 for putting this together, and to Big Bike Dan for coming down with the music trailer. Dan had to leave early (let us know how you're doing, man), due to some funky medication.
Hauling a bike and a 100 pound trailed through the metro stations is no picnic, I can assure you.
Thanks also to Harry Limefly, who I understand helped with the music mix.
Nothing like a little Chumbawumba at 4 in the morning to keep me focused and upright on my bike!
Creative Thing09.6.09 - 6:27 pm
W T F....i hate me self, i really want it do dis ride must of been lots of fun ......
SONNY responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
09.6.09 - 8:35 pm
woohoo!! def a fun night!
bikes, full moon, peer diving, donuts, great people!! def will do it again.
Thanks Allen for the great route and Dan for the music trailer. Hope u feel better. And thanks for all the good vibes that everyone brought. it was fun!!!!!
twindc2309.7.09 - 10:49 am
Well if you guys are not gona bring it up let me how about the girl riding her bf at the beach!!! =D
ThunderCunt09.7.09 - 11:04 am
thanks for organizing such a chilllllll ride!!! i learn something new every ride... which means next time i should bring some fenders. cleaning out sand from every where is not fun. esp falling from stupid shit like a metal grate/grill in the road going slow. ugh! i think my fork got very very slightly bent and my wheel got out of true. ugh...
but it was so worth it!!
AWESOME spokecard! to everyone that didn't go... you hella missed out!!
i didnt get to see the sex on the beach...
feetpower09.7.09 - 12:27 pm
Great ride! I only wish I could have take pics. Those guys jumping off the pier was fucking classic!
ScooterHayes09.7.09 - 12:45 pm
Great riding with everyone! I was really surprised at how many turned out for the ride really. I mean you make extra cards cause you don't want anyone not having a card, but I gave the last of the 32 cards to Dan yesterday, to give to Harry. The ridazz that rode from Corona and joined us at Huntington Beach got one too. Thanks on the card goes out the Eric Hair on this one. He basically did the whole thing. I just helped on the text and lamination.
Dan is feeling fine. He came by and got the trailer. That thing was kinda fun to pull. Great way to workout! We set a world record of 50 miles on that trailer too. It shattered the previous record of 23 miles!
It was way cool meeting all the locals we met too. I dug the peeps we met at New Port Pier. Pier jumping was definitely whack!! LOL You guys are nuts! I missed the sex on the beach. I was too busy watching the trail is my excuse! Next time we'll roll earlier and slower that way everyone will be able to spot it. Maybe even get some video......hmmmmmmm..........
All in all it was a great group we had. Everyone was really respectable to one another, which is the way it should always be. I hope the girl that ran into that drunk bike rider is ok. I'm sorry but I don't remember her name. Please post up and let everyone know.
Look forward to doing this again!
User109.7.09 - 3:28 pm
Epic ride! I finally got to see my bike today, it was covered in dirt, sand and who knows what else! Thanks Allan, it was a way cool crowd, and everyone seemed to have a great time. the pace on the way back was great fun just being in a pack with everyone running the same speed enjoying the miles. the guys at the pier were crazy! Nothing like still biking while the sun comes up...seeing the early morning riders, and them saying good bout good evening cuz we haven't slept all night! This is the way i remember the early ridazz rides, lots of love, no drama, a kick ass route...What else can I say, but...Thank You!!
marleydog responding to a
comment by User1
09.7.09 - 11:42 pm
User 1? where are thou. This has to happen again!!! Summer is here and this has been one of the single best rides ive been on. It really need to go down again,
palucha6607.16.11 - 5:27 pm
same goes to you! Terminus was fucking sick! I miss those rides!
palucha66 responding to a
comment by X-Large
07.16.11 - 9:50 pm
I'd be ultra down to do this again. sik spokecard too; still have it
nolikedrive07.17.11 - 12:45 pm
I have the spokecard right in front of my desk. I look at it everyday. It was an awesome ride.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.17.11 - 1:30 pm
Bump. Due to the absence of YooSir One. Ill will be conducting this ride soon. All Credit will go to him. Because this has to be the best ride Ive ever been on besides Terminus.
palucha6607.17.11 - 10:20 pm
He may even surprise us all and show up for the ride.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.17.11 - 10:51 pm
Ive been waiting for your response!!! Can you tell him to contact me.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
07.18.11 - 8:57 pm
PP08.25.11 - 5:13 pm