Thread started by
icarus at 03.29.11 - 2:20 am
when running a group ride, if cops pull you over, what do you do?
I've found that despite all my belly-aching about the police, if you act responsibly, the police will leave you alone. I'm not saying you should give up your freedoms or whatever, but if you obey traffic signals and stay to the right, the cops won't bother you.
If the police do pull you over, chances are they have a real reason. Talk to them politely, find out why they pulled you over, be peaceful and friendly and they will more than likely respond the same: peaceful and friendly.
If you approach the situation with a fight-or-flight attitude, the cops will be on edge and more likely to act against you. Show them you have nothing to hide, that you're just having fun on your bikes and that you don't mean to cause any trouble.
outerspace03.29.11 - 10:21 am
+1000 outerspace
I have only led a couple rides, but in my experience on many many group rides, this is what works.
First take control or your ride and don't get pulled over in the first place. Second as a ride leader you should be the first one to talk to the cops RESPECTFULY. Take responsibility for your ride, and find out what they want out of your group, AND DO IT! Most likely it will be to obey the law which you should be doing anyway. If they feel you can control you group they most likely give you a warning, and be sure to pass that message along to the group. Also have a couple friends that stay in the middle and rear to keep is safe.
Riders, don't be a douchbag! Shut the fuck up! Don't yell "F*CK the police" It's not worth a fine or a trip to jail, just cuz you think it will impress ppl around you WHICH IT DOESN'T!
If you don't want to ride with lights on you bike, If you want to ride on the other side of the road, if you want to ride stoned or completely drunk, do it on your own! You just make the rest of us look like a-holes.
ToddAlmighty03.29.11 - 11:15 am
unfortunately, you are the only one of a few with any brains on this list.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by outerspace
03.29.11 - 11:25 am
ask aktive hes a cop and will give you the inside swoop
dudebra42003.29.11 - 11:41 am
with misfixed what I have done is, I tell everyone to SHUT The Fuck up and let me do all the talking. usually stops all the " f the police" comments from coming out. both time the cop just tells us to ride safe and stop running red lights.
AIDS6603.29.11 - 12:13 pm
thanks for the advice everyone, i'll definitely be obeying the law and everyone on my ride better as well. you guys are the best.
keep on ridin!
icarus03.29.11 - 1:06 pm
what AIDS66 said. shut. the. fuck. up. and let one reasonable humble and articulate person talk to the police. be non confrontational in fact be overly courteous. the cops really just want to see that you respect them. only serious dumbasses talk shit to the police. what's the point? you arent going to change the "system" by talking shit, they may cuff your dumb ass, detain you for an hour on the curb and give you a ticket that will cost you time and money out of your busy schedule. the main point is that you want the interaction to be SHORT so you can move on with your ride and continue to have fun.
get over the fact that the police have power over you. you arent going to change one single thing about that by talking shit to them. If you want to do something about their power you have to do it through political means - good luck with that but dont decide to take your stand on the night of your ride cause you wont win..
Roadblock03.29.11 - 2:11 pm