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Custom Bikes
Thread started by dave at 08.1.07 - 8:09 am

Here's one for you, speedy and rev106...


yeah, ok, choppercabras is already there...

08.1.07 - 9:31 am


hey dave, thanks for looking out, i already have had this link a year ago!
Also, i am making a 2-person trailer, was wondering what your thoughts were on that as far as a mounting system??

08.1.07 - 12:49 pm


I'm close to finishing the design for my pvc pipe bike trailer, with my own hitch design, in fact I'm ready to start busting out the glue. The preliminary drawings (gif format) are available.

There's several diy bike trailer sites. Do a google search on bike trailers. Most will sell their hitch set-ups separately (about $20), in case you had more than one bike you wanted to hook up.

Let me know if you want to look at my drawings.

08.1.07 - 1:07 pm


These chariots rule, but they're prolly too nice to use at a Choppacabras event:



08.1.07 - 4:09 pm


haha, I was talking to someone about building chariots earlier today...
Screw tallbike jousting, lets get some gladiator shit going...

I've got a better design all set to go, I'd just have to scrounge the materials....

08.1.07 - 4:21 pm


Check it out here

12.11.07 - 10:53 pm



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