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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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fall out boy pista concept
Thread started by ruinedbyidiots at 06.5.07 - 7:55 pm

would you buy your little sister one of these?


Better get used to it....
The comodification of bicycle culture is gonna be as revolting to us as similar corruption cycles were to the skateboarding or surfing crowd during their respective eras.

Eric Hair
06.6.07 - 12:05 am


Hell Yeah! Everybody on a fixed gear or any bike for that matter.

If you don't remember, I got on a bike to help get the air clean in my beautiful city.

I would love to see your little sister or that middle age,. pot bell, nine to fiver neighbor going on the Pista to work, rather then in the corolla. I would also love to see his wife on a custome built racer bike, riding and having fun, like we all do together. Riding talking, listening and enjoying life instead staying home and watching a box with hypmotizing flashing lights telling them some more lies.

I got no love for anybody and their "ellitism"! Leave that for yourself and your masterbation. Your lame if you feel "I'm cool because I did it first". I say everybody ride a blue bike and wear blue clothes, and have major fun on a bike, why, because that what I do. It so much fun. Go buy a blue ocr1 Giant 2004. Go buy a Pista. I want to buy a Pista and hang my head proud and say "look at me I'm on fix gear", "ain't I cool!" Get over yourselves, our great grandparents where riding bikes long ago, too bad most of our parents and grandparent didn't ride like we do. They bought cars, pity them and the damage that they have done.

Via La Velorevolution!

06.6.07 - 12:35 am


You guys are so fucking easy. I love you. *SMOOCH* (<--Agape)

06.6.07 - 2:27 am


I already put in an order for mine :D

06.6.07 - 12:26 pm


Thing's a joke. someone photoshopped some frame from Fixed Gear Gallery and plastered hot topic and boy verbs nouns all over it.

That said, I'd like to own a pink and black Backstreet Boys Pista Concept.

06.6.07 - 1:08 pm


lets keep pretending that its real.

what type of person would buy a $1500 bike from a place that isnt a bike shop?

06.6.07 - 1:16 pm


Oh Sexy... I'll jerk you off whenever you want.

Joe Borfo
06.6.07 - 1:20 pm


Ok, maybe not as revolting to Sexy... : p

Eric Hair
06.6.07 - 3:25 pm


what is a fall out boy?

Giant Johnson
06.6.07 - 4:01 pm


Joe, I'll take you up on that offer. You have to wear that mask of that character, and a blue sweater when you do it.

Who cares, they bought a bike. Hopefully they will ride it.

I actually got alot of bikes that didn't come from bike shops.
My first bikes came from sears. When I got older the first bike I fell back in love with, was a Sears, that I bought at a Thrift Store.
Ok, I'm a shitty rider, but I still ride most everywhere(when I'm on my own)and I have a great time riding. My folders came from the guy who was importing them. If I had bought it from Magellans (travel store in Santa Monica, that first carried it), they would of taken it back if anything went wrong with it in the first year and had it repaired.

If its a good looking bike and if they sell it at hot topics, cool. Bianchi is a great bike. Hot Topics have fun clothes. I wished they had Hot Topics when I was a kid, I would of shopped there, instead of having a hard time, putting rocker style clothes together. If they had a bike that I like the looks of it, licenced by say Motely Crue, hell yeah I would of tried to get my hands on it, and it rocked it around the neighborhood, instead of my reddish violet Sears beach cruiser that I road in high school.

Why did I have so many Sears bikes, I Sear's surplus store was right over in San Fernando and my folks got great deals on my bikes, and they lasted. Then my parents got my brothers and sister these brand new Takar's from this bike store that opened in the same shopping center that they had their business, those things didn't last more then two years.

The moral of the story. Bike stores generally don't manufacture bikes, they are just retail outlets, that may or may not have people that can repair your bicycle properly.

06.6.07 - 4:19 pm


there are people at there that would ask, if you are truly serious about road riding, why would you buy a commerically mass produced Trek or Giant (which you and I ride) why wouldn't you have something custome built for yourself.

and another thing, ruinedbyidiots, why are you avoiding me? are you scared of a McFlurry to the head. Didn't think I would remember. It's still on Trek boy?

06.6.07 - 4:37 pm


*sigh* Good effort RBI. Yet another thread smothered to death with Sexy's long-winded and slightly off-topic posts.

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 4:55 pm


Yeah I think Sexy is more familiar with Off-Topic than Hot Topic.

Zing!! I just alley-ooped to myself!

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 4:56 pm



I about shit myself when I first saw that ad because I thought it was real. I totally fell for it.

But yeah I wonder if fixed gear culture is the next subculture to be degraded and raped by hype-capitalism. Somehow I don't think it will be as bad a Fall Out Boy pistas, because it's too esoteric. (Try explaining to your average coworker how a fixed drive train is different from a coaster brake. ...mmm, blank stares... perfect.) And it's not as flashy/showy as punkrock/skateboarding/surfing/other subcultures that got co-opted.

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 5:04 pm


If that's a joke, it's inspired!

06.6.07 - 5:15 pm



06.6.07 - 5:15 pm


I'm going to blaspheme and say:

I would actually welcome it if Cycling as Transportation "sold out," got co-opted, or became "mainstream." Anything to make the roads safer and more friendly!

06.6.07 - 5:20 pm


sorry for my contribution. Make sure everybody writes that City Hobgoblin, is going to be reading, this and I won't join in. It is better to not explain where one is coming from, when reaching a conclusion.

06.6.07 - 5:22 pm


A bunch of 14 year old emo kids cruising around on $1500 brakeless track bikes they just bought this afternoon at Hot Topic doesn't make the roads safer.

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 5:23 pm


that band sucks but theyve got cred.
just think, your bike could also be ex-racetraitor, vegan reich, and killtheslavemaster.

06.6.07 - 5:28 pm


Maybe, but I'd rather have them crash into me learning to skid than crash into me in daddy's car. Plus, some of them might even figure out that they like riding their bikes to work or play instead of driving.

We weren't all born into toe clips. If it takes a trend to bring about change, so be it.

06.6.07 - 5:33 pm


cabhauler, good points. Let's meet in the middle: hype sucks, bikes are cool, so hot topic bikes are maybe ok.

@sexy : P

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 5:43 pm


@ RBI: or a GG Allin bike. It would come with a barbed seat post and no seat.

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 5:45 pm


Agreed. Nobody likes to see their culture co-opted, and Fall Out Boy/Hot Topic-branded anything is the lameness.

06.6.07 - 5:54 pm


the gg bike would be a piece of shit (literally).
with that said, i have a frame that will be built up and turned into either a thin lizzy themed bike (named emerald) or a motorhead themed bike (named bomber).

06.6.07 - 6:01 pm


I vote motorhead. With bullhorns that look like tusks.

edit on the GG Allin bike: no seat, with the seat post shaped like a microphone. And yes, instead of grease in the bottom bracket and hubs, human feces.

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 6:04 pm


holy crap @ the pursuit bars idea!
ace of spades will be the only spoke card put on the bike.
theres a midnight ridazz logo i made with that graphic uploaded in some thread on this site.

06.6.07 - 6:07 pm


Sexy for President 2008

Joe Borfo
06.6.07 - 9:26 pm


Borfo for speechwriter. Dude knows how to post.

City Hobgoblin
06.6.07 - 9:49 pm



Down at the Scoops joint me and the boys were stompin'
Bippin' an a boppin' an' telling a fluffer joke or two
In walked this chick and I knew she was up to something
So I kissed her, right there, out of the blue

I said "Hey baby, meet me, I'm a tough guy...
Got my Pista outside, you wanna try?"
She just looked at me and rolled them big eyes
And said "Ooh I'd do anything for you

"'Cause you're a rocker!"
That's right, I'm a rocker
I'm a roller too, honey
I'm a rocker

06.7.07 - 3:51 am


06.7.07 - 11:34 am


hype sucks, bikes are cool, so hot topic bikes are maybe ok.

WOOO, I like this sum-it-up approach. I'm sold!

Eric Hair
06.7.07 - 1:15 pm


Sum it up -- it's what I do!

I like what I've seen of RBI's record collection.

Yo Hair, when are you going to get a NJS frame and join me and Johnny's new K-town pimpy track bike crew? Not only is Johnny the founder, he's also the mascot. We listen to Fall Out Boy and ride to the Glendale Galleria Hot Topic to hang with 14-yr old goths. Yay!

City Hobgoblin
06.7.07 - 3:29 pm


in two or three weeks when i do the next wolfpack ill bring you a cd of deep cuts from my extensive audio library.

06.7.07 - 3:54 pm


There is no way Bianchi would do that.

-Enzo Gucci

Team Bearclaw
06.7.07 - 6:39 pm


With Johnny as the mascot I'm game for pretty much anything. As long as it's drunk, shit-talking Johnny. (and as long as he's air-sexing dirty moves at the 14yo's mother) Yuuh

Eric Hair
06.7.07 - 10:16 pm


@Hair: Well hells bells, get yerself a new whip, and we'll grab Johnny and go find some 14yrolds and their mothers.

@RBI: I won't be at the next WP, but I should be at the one after that. Make sure the mix is fukkin' vile! Do your worst!

@Bearclaw: "There is no way Bianchi would do that. " Pthbtbtbt! Bianchi doesn't mean shit for shat anymore! All those Italian's sold out their hundred-year old reputations for tig-welded Taiwan sewer pipes (except maybe Gios.) Italian carbon-fiber wonderbikes are no better than the top notch Treks and C-dales, and as for steel, fuck it! It's all about Japanese keirin and custom American frames. I poo-poo on the red white and green! All they got to offer is Pinarellos with wiggly Hetchins rip-off stays. No thanks!

(I await your fiery response...)

City Hobgoblin
06.8.07 - 2:46 pm


I'm with @Bearclaw. Bianchis are only really cool if they're from the 50s or 60s. They made and still make some fine bikes but they aren't any "cooler" than Trek.

06.8.07 - 2:54 pm



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