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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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MAY 11th CASH RACE! 3 OF 3
Thread started by 13skids at 05.3.07 - 11:40 pm

Use this space to talk about this event. Any questions? Ask em here...


All Midnight Ridazz are encouraged to come early@ 8:30 to see this race, and then we will take off after it ends for The Dada Ride!

See the Calendar.

Joe Borfo
05.4.07 - 10:50 am


can you be your own four man team? just get all the packages your self.

05.6.07 - 8:40 pm


motherfuckin BUMP!

City Hobgoblin
05.11.07 - 3:01 pm


I was shooting digital of the finishers and I just noticed that the timestamp has seconds... here are my calculations based on the photo finish for the race:

1 st place: 0:55:40 geared Spandex Team (what was the name!)
2nd place: 0.56.55 (-1:15) Jack Cache Megan Nate
3rd place : 0.57.36 (-1:56) team Wolfpack Hayden Ken Kyle MikeBike
4th place: 0.59.04 (-3:24) Knuckles DTLA crew

05.12.07 - 11:02 pm


The men in tights were none other than Chet Bearclaw and Co.

-Chet Bearclaw
-Dick "The Danimal" Neptune
-Doyle Diamond
-The guy from Argentina

Respect the stretchy pants.

Dick Neptune
05.12.07 - 11:48 pm


Chet fuckin' Bearclaw & team Bearclaw. Respect.

Team Bearclaw
05.13.07 - 12:11 am


The Argentine: Chegemelion (sp?)

Doyle Diamond
05.13.07 - 12:32 am


can we put an asterisk next to our time, noting that Megan was pulled over, and talked her way out of a red light ticket, losing more than 3 min, and we still pulled off second. big ups to Cache, Nasty and Megan, for hauling ass!!!

05.13.07 - 4:31 pm


Uh oh, if Megan didn't get pulled over for 3 minutes, going by RB's times, team Jack-Cache-Megan-Nate would have beat Bearclaw... that sounds like contraversy. Re-race!

BTW where the hell was Nick Brandt Sorenson huh? You can't put videos on Youtube and then not show up.

Seriously though, NY that was an awesome kick ass event. Thanks for putting all that shit together. Fukkin cool.

City Hobgoblin
05.13.07 - 6:05 pm


You can put an asterisk next to Team Bearclaw for being IL CAMPIONI, PER SEPRE!

Team Bearclaw would have won no matter what, because that's what we do. You can tell by our sweet stretchy pants that we are the real deal - no messin' around here. We had over a minute lead for most of the race. We could have gone faster and won by even more, but why?

There is a rumor that Chet stopped during his leg of the race, competed in an underground break dance competition, won it, signed some autographs, made out with some sexy bitches, and then got on his bike and rode to victory.

That's how it is.

Dick Neptune
05.13.07 - 7:43 pm


Team Tights won. They were cool enough guys about it. The Eastside Armadillos crew got beat down, but seeing the fear in Bearclaw's crews eyes when they realized the ride was on an open course with cars, and people almost getting hit by buses, and police, etc. made the defeat worth it. Way to go stretchy pants. I will no longer doubt your magical powers.

05.13.07 - 7:48 pm


Yes, Team Bearclaw definately did not know what to expect when we arrived at the event. I was our first rider. My brain instinctively translates "red = stop" and "green = go". Like the good citizen I am, I slowed down at the first red light to look both ways and be a safe-Sammy. While I was doing this, pretty much all of you crazy bastards blasted past me and darted through the light. I was stunned and impressed. You are bike ninjas. Dick Neptune is used to long peaceful rides on mountainous roads, enchanted by the song of the sparrow and the spirit of the buffalo. John Denver on the iPod. What are these "traffic lights"?

Ya'll fixies are either damn skilled, crazy, or both.

We enjoyed the night very much. Thanks.

Dick Neptune
05.13.07 - 8:18 pm


I will type out the offical standings when I get home of all 3 races. I have already noted and error. Knucks team did not come in 4th place as noted above, I believe they were 5th

05.13.07 - 8:30 pm


my bad I thought knuckles got fourth.... the time should be accurate regardless.

congrats to Team Bearclaw!

05.13.07 - 8:59 pm


As Team Bearclaw's lead dietician and style/image-manager, I can tell you that they were not comfortable running red lights, as it is not part of their bag of tricks... yet.

Bike Ninjas indeed.

Team Bearclaw is accustomed to closed courses with no lights and no traffic.

Respect to those on fixies. You make it look easy, but we know it isn't.


After the race, I determined that Team Bearclaw was a facing a deficiency in pizza, pasta and beer. All of that was dealt with at the post-race dinner.

Team Bearclaw
05.13.07 - 9:45 pm


I also forgot to mention that Chet Berclaw was unable to find his red sequined skinsuit (figure skating team issue) I was very upset about this, and even considered pulling him from the race, but I determined it was in the teams best interest for him to race, even though he was unable to do so in 100% style.

Team Bearclaw
05.13.07 - 9:49 pm


I respectfully suggest that Mr. Bearclaw was unable NOT to do it (or anything else) in 100% style

Doyle Diamond
05.14.07 - 4:48 pm


team bearclaw was lightning fast thats for sure.... are any of you guys ranked? cat 5 4 3...etc?

05.14.07 - 5:18 pm


the chicken is thankful for all those that showed up to the race>>>Now can we all scream together FUCK THE POLICE..for costing us the race? Mad props to the spandex team, you guys were pretty fast>>>i wont make up excuses, but on the first lap i pulled a 46 to 50 seconds lead, and jack made up some good time. But the pigs cost us a good 3 to 4 minutes..Lets do the math now...oh well thats street racing for you, speed ain't shit without luck...Isn't it fun to run red lights with your eyes closed?...peace CACHE KRANK FOR PRIDE!!!

05.14.07 - 7:02 pm


Yo cache, was that you way off the front on the first leg? I assumed it was the team Bearclaw guy. You were haulin ass!! I was in the "chase" group (2,3,4) and we couldn't even see you by the time we got up to about 9th street or so.

So I guess that was the bearclaw guy in the red spandex who looked at me and said "This isn't worth THAT much to me" right after we watched fuckin' Metcalf go balls out and almost get destroyed by a bus at 6th street. Sheee-it!

City Hobgoblin
05.14.07 - 7:52 pm


vittoria o morte!

Team Bearclaw doesn't lose. Sexy-man-legs are strong.

Mr Diamond and Mr Bearclaw were not even riding anywhere near their lactic thresholds. As previously stated in this forum, if anyone would have come closer than a lightyear behind them, the hammer would have been dropped and they would have vanished in to the distance to claim victory.

You've yet to see us take it our way to the danger zone.

Fear the stretchy pants!

Impegno e passione al ciclismo

Dick Neptune
05.14.07 - 8:34 pm


Yes, it was I who quoted "it's not worth that much to me", after whatching a fella nearly get squashed by a bus while more sane riders slowed to watch the spectical.

This running through red lights and dodging cars business will take some getting used to for Dick Neptune. Crazy fixies had the upper-hand on the car dodging skills.

Dick Neptune might have to build himself a fixie and learn the ways of the urban bike ninja. It looks quite fun. I'm not sure you can get me out of the stretchy pants though.

Dick Neptune
05.14.07 - 8:52 pm


i dont ride a fixie, and i rocked the spandex....and running red lights is ALWAYS worth it...keep riding gangsters, we're only young once>>>>

05.14.07 - 9:28 pm


i think about bikes and paint so much, my hair is falling off..haha

05.14.07 - 9:33 pm


I've been hit by cars. Cars hurt. Not worth the $65 I won Friday night.

Dick Neptune
05.14.07 - 9:44 pm


Team Bearclaw does not want their victory to be claimed by a police officer trying to issue a ticket.

It sounds like we may need a rematch.

I am currently with Team Bearclaw member, Doyle Diamond, and he says he would be willing to race again.

Team Bearclaw is currently on a beer and pizza ONLY diet. This is a diet meant to purify and cleanse the system of any impurity.

When will the next cash race be? Team Bearclaw needs ample time to clear the schedule of all the celebrity-like events they are known to attend.

Enzo Gucci (aka The Italian)
-Team Bearclaw Image/Style Manager

Team Bearclaw
05.14.07 - 9:56 pm


Here is a pic of our manager Enzo Gucci exhibiting only a fraction of the extreme style and image for which he is famous, and which qualifies him to manage a team like Bearclaw.
Roadblock, I can't speak for the rest of the team, and normally I don't like to label myself but if I have to be a "Cat." then technically I am a Cat. 5... well, technically my title is "Cat. 5 World Champion"
USA Cycling tells me that I don't have enough races to upgrade, but everyone knows that's just the Man trying to keep me down.

Doyle Diamond
05.14.07 - 11:42 pm


it's not the money that makes it exiting, its the thought that death is always next to you..

05.15.07 - 5:46 pm


I don't think I ever want to be remember as the guy who died by running a red light in an attempt to win a few bucks. I'm trying my best to avoid having "dumbass" included in my epitaph.

Dick Neptune
05.15.07 - 8:19 pm


I forgot to add that our manager Enzo Gucci is riding a custom, one-off carbon fiber Colnago BMX bike. It is built up with a prototype Campy BMX grouppo.
He is also wearing the kit of the Italian National team, of which he is an honorary member.
They actually offered him the position of Team Captain, but Enzo declined due to the incredible scope of his responsibilities as manager of Team Bearclaw.

Doyle Diamond
05.15.07 - 10:36 pm


Did somebody finally post the full results of this thing and I missed it?

I just want to see how everybody did. I know we must have beaten somebody.

05.28.07 - 2:26 am


i saw cache in a magazine

05.28.07 - 2:45 am



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