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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Thread started by C.I.C.L.E. at 04.23.07 - 10:26 pm


Saturday May 19th 10AM to 5PM at the One Colorado Courtyard in Old Town Pasadena.

C.I.C.L.E. seeking participants for the following two catogories:

FUNKY TO FUNCTIONAL: DIY Commuter Bikes Exhibit

Call for Entries: We're looking for customized bikes, cargo bikes,
velomobiles and bike trailers. All entries should have that personal
touch or flair that you just can't find on any bike.

Send a picture of your rig(s) along with your contact info by April
30, 2007 to info@bikenow or call 323-478-0060


There is no selling at this event, but we would love to help promote
your business. Do you make bike clothing, panniers, bike bags, bike
art, furniture, or even bikes for everyday transportation? Booth space
is free, and the One Colorado courtyard is an excellent place to
connect with a healthy customer base.

Old Town Pasadena is a popular shopping district, and the Historic One
Colorado houses several retail giants and restaurants -- and provides
lots of foot traffic. This event will be highly publicized.

Send us a picture of your work along with your contact info by April
30, 2007.
Email us at info(at)BikeNow.org or call 323-478-0040


Whooo Hoooo!!!

04.23.07 - 10:50 pm


Beers, Beagles, and Bicyle Trailers...Don't get more custom than that!

Oh Yeah, C.I.C.L.E. does rule.

I AM Traffic
04.25.07 - 4:30 pm


Hansome Pete!!!!!

04.25.07 - 8:17 pm


hey ladies---

so, it is official. i am going to start a bike-buddy program here in Los Angeles.

many west coast cites like San Francisco, Portland and Seattle have sucessful bike buddy programs that are subsidized by the city.

Since we do not (as yet) have that in Los Angeles, it is my intention to provide it. the system will be set up on a "for-benefit" business plan. (ask about my clever ideas, and i will tell you)

perhaps down the road, the city will pick up on it....

I'm going to call it, "The LA Bike Angels"

The idea will be to pair experienced urban cyclists with novice cyclists who are on the fence about getting on the road.

A new cyclist will be concerned with both safety and familiarity with the route and the experienced bike buddy, or "bike angel" with help them with both! they will provide instruction and plan routes on bicycle friendly boulevards.... (and not just 4SBB! :) )

thereby increasing the confidence (and the fun) for the new rider!

I've already been practicing and i'm so excited about the idea and jumping on it....especially coming up on Bike to Work Week.

can i come to this pasadena thing and promote it?

keep up the good work!


04.25.07 - 11:32 pm


Last year someone was trying to do this exact program under the name "Roll With It" and paired experience cycle commuters with newbies. I was signed up as a mentor but I was never paired with anyone and then I stopped hearing from them after a while. You might want to find out who it was running the program so you can put your heads together on this. I think it was someone at C.I.C.L.E. since they were hosting the now-defunct Roll With It web page. I think the toughest part of starting a program like this must be getting the word out to non-riders and then convincing them to be into it.


04.25.07 - 11:44 pm


C.I.C.L.E. is hosting but not running Roll With It. It is not a C.I.C.L.E. project, just one we are supportive of. However RWI is alive and well but in hibernation as it restructures itself.

Now back to the Urban Bicycle Expo starring....your bike, your trailer, your velomobile???

How 'bout it, got something funky, functional? We got a few entries but looking for more.

04.26.07 - 12:07 am


Solidarity sistah!

Roll with it, CICLE and LA Bike Angels unite!

this guy came to the So Car Free event with his awe inspiring bicycle rickshaw!! gotta find that guy!

04.26.07 - 12:30 am


yeah - that bike was dope!

05.1.07 - 1:39 am



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