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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Sexy, 420, wtf...
Thread started by FuzzBeast at 03.22.07 - 12:37 am

WTF guys, what's with the posts consisting of nothing???


ya fuckers. HARbdliddlefart.

03.22.07 - 1:33 am


A post, about nothing?

03.22.07 - 3:08 am


what is the logocentrism of 420laharrrrrr?

03.22.07 - 10:40 am


isn't it better that way? I feel like I got to speak my mind and, you didn't have read my nonsense.

I wanted to see that Posting I said let die, Die, bring it down the list.

This is fun, it's like somebody cleaning up your room, and they don't throw anything away, they just put it where you can't find it. When you find it, you think to yourself, there it is. You realized you never really needed it, but you feel better knowing that it still there.

So nothing got thrown out It, all still there, just not as it was yesterday.

with lots of .s

03.22.07 - 11:22 am


dots dots dots so dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots sexy dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots where dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots is dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots the dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots party dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots gonna dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots be dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots this dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots time? dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dot dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots com dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots

the reverend dak
03.22.07 - 11:39 am


that's what I thought you were doin, just wanted to make sure it wasnt some weird board glitch or some sort of spambot got ahold or your account or summat.

03.22.07 - 12:35 pm


dots dots dots dak dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots the dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots party dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots the dots is dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots everywher dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots just dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots like dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots we dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots are dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dot dots dots dots dots dots dots on dots dots dots dots dots dots dotsdots dots dots dots dots dots bikes dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots of dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots course
dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots dots

03.22.07 - 2:01 pm


ahhggghhhh You Got me

The Party is everywhere! Just like us, on bicycles, of course.

03.22.07 - 2:02 pm


dot com

Joe Borfo
03.22.07 - 2:20 pm



03.22.07 - 2:32 pm



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