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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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Cub Pack
Thread started by trickmilla at 03.4.07 - 7:44 am

I spoke to a friend who got dusted on last weeks Wolfpack ... But he hasn't had enough. I've spoken to others who have suffered the same fate. And now its my turn.

If you've ever gotten left in the wolfpack's dust, this is your week.

Show up and try to keep up
but if you get left in the back
you can always roll with the Cub Pack !!!!

10 at Tangs
definetley don'y be late
cubs dont need a handicap
Start in the front, end up where you end up.
Bring your heart and your hustle and keep your ego in your back pocket.

C U B P A C K !


LOL brilliant!! I love it! Will we get a Cubpack Spoke card too???

03.4.07 - 12:17 pm


i am so down for the cub pack

03.4.07 - 12:27 pm



03.4.07 - 3:16 pm



I've been talking about doing this for at least a month now.

The only difference was i wanted to call it...


any takers on THAT name?

Eric Hair
03.4.07 - 3:53 pm


I'm In!

03.4.07 - 5:03 pm


yeah! wolf droppings!!!

03.4.07 - 5:36 pm


fucking awesome. see you guys tomorrow....

03.4.07 - 5:39 pm


Ah, now this sounds just about right for my return to the pack.

03.4.07 - 6:12 pm


Any takers on the Turtle Ridazz?

The average swimming speed of a turtle is 10 to 12 miles per hour - sounds about right according to my cycle computer.

03.5.07 - 1:03 am


Wolf Droppings...
definitely Wolf Droppings.

03.5.07 - 4:33 am


if I get off work in time tomorrow, I'm there.

03.5.07 - 4:45 am


sounds fun. where do u guys ususally ride to and what time do u guys usually finish?

03.5.07 - 8:30 am


Maybe the Wolf Droppings will be the ones who get dropped from the Cub Pack. Or perhaps Wolf Droppings will be considered the Beta pack bucause the name has a tougher ring to it.
Either Way ... I hope to see a Wolf Droppings spoke card!

03.5.07 - 8:49 am


No time for Wolf Droppings spoke cards today, not from me at least.

Next week fo sho.

Eric Hair
03.5.07 - 4:37 pm


it's a good thing you'll be making spoke cards for wolf droppings lol maybe it'll get the wolfpack to make more spoke cards...RIGHT DON? hahahah

03.5.07 - 6:14 pm


Cubpack spoke cards are finished!
they are suitabley smallr than most spoke cards
and the asthetic is a cross between National Geographic World and Norwegian Black Metal.

Theres only 8 cards avilable
and they will be for those who get stuck in the back !!!

Don't give up !

03.5.07 - 6:18 pm


CUBPACK rode hard last night!
2 of us got dropped after the long climb up Colorado to Figueroa.
And worked our way back to the finish line a bit early.
What an amazing ride.
Awesome vibe, amazing streets, and greuling pace.

Respects to the Wolfpack !!!

I won't be Cubpacking next week as I'll be outta town.
But Cubpack shall definately ride again!

dont look back
(there's no one behind you)

03.6.07 - 10:37 am


Sounds rad, sorry I missed it.
I've been nursing a bum knee since friday.

NEXT WEEK, Wolf Droppings RIDES HARD. (but not too hard)

If anyone comes across some imagery for a spoke card, send it my way.

Eric Hair
03.6.07 - 1:03 pm


Damn life has been getting in the way ...
but the OG cubpack rides again tonight.

04.9.07 - 1:03 pm


i have 2 spokecards to slow ass wolfpackers
ride tonight if you want one and the back wont be so lonely.

04.9.07 - 7:17 pm


The Cub Pack Report back for April 9, 2007
Made two legs with the big wolves
got left for two legs
Completed the run

total run 34.46 miles
max spd 31.4mph
Avrg spd 15.8 mph

Spoke Card: very cute

04.10.07 - 4:48 am



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