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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Please Shoot Me Now
Thread started by indigis at 07.2.08 - 8:25 am

What the fuck!!! I'm told I have to go watch this dreck tonite and miss another Ktown Forge and Gorge Ride. And even worse, I have to chaperone my 85 year old father and his new 30 year old girlfriend.

On the phone right now trying to pawn off the ticket to my 16 year old niece. If that doesn't work, I humbly ask one of you to put me out of my misery.


Your Dad must have something going for him (if not taste in music). Rich, or just an incredibly sexy bastard?

mr rollers
07.2.08 - 9:04 am



07.2.08 - 9:07 am


Flintlock, cap'n'ball, or them new-fangled cartridge designs?

07.2.08 - 10:25 am


Take a lot of something fun and hit on that girl.

07.2.08 - 10:38 am


ride in all sweaty with your bike in cyclist attire and hope they don't let you in! then scalp your ticket to some guy named guido in some alleyway nearby.

07.2.08 - 10:39 am


holy crap indigis, this sounds like a sit com!!! i say roll with it! (and fill us in on the hilarious details... OH and photos!)

07.2.08 - 10:50 am


just do this all day, its what I do instead of work
Thanks Marino

hartwick, youre a pussy
07.2.08 - 10:54 am


Maybe you might get lucky and it will deevolve into an onstage performance of "You Got Served"!!!
Dialogue and acting were shitty, but the dance moves were all that held up that movie.

07.2.08 - 10:56 am


^^^Great scene from one of the best Jean-Luc Godard films.

07.2.08 - 10:57 am


great godard movie. but i have a feeling tonight might be more of a bunuel.

07.2.08 - 11:47 am



Joe Borfo
07.2.08 - 12:42 pm


H'mm, never heard of that Jean Luc.

07.2.08 - 1:07 pm


Only one Jean Luc you need to know.

07.2.08 - 1:08 pm



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