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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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SMCM Rocks Ass
Thread started by skd at 06.7.08 - 2:14 am

The best Santa Monica Critical Mass in a long time.
SMPD was absent tonight. Either they have given up or were ordered to leave us alone. We rode through Santa Monica unimpeded. It was awesome. Jericho1ne, Alex Thompson, Boogalooshrimp, great route, great ride.

SMCM returns with a vengeance!



Santa Monica Critical Mass?!!? What is up.
Tonight, your collective followed true Critical Mass ideals...
The route was great to start, and then it became a completely different ride. It... transmogrified... into a being that observed the current bicycle revolution- grasping it in both depth- and stamina. Tonight, Santa Monica Critical Mass was a force to be reckoned with. The cops were (literally) nonexistent. I will definitely be back for more next month, Santa Monica Critical Mass, and I will enjoy the rocking ass aspects of your offerings, again.

What the fuck just happened?? Was that actually a critical mass in Santa Monica?

06.7.08 - 3:09 am


They must have heard I'm in Ojai.

06.7.08 - 8:06 am


Yeah that was weird. the few cops we did see were always just passing by, barely interested in us at all...saw a lot of little ones and parents too.. that was cool..

06.7.08 - 11:21 am


im going to la in 30 minutes franz. do you need a ride?

06.7.08 - 11:22 am


where the photos at?!?!

06.7.08 - 12:54 pm


It was downright... serene. The traffic circle with the grass and the bike-trees was a perfect stop point.

06.7.08 - 2:41 pm


That traffic circle up North is a park called "Egg Park" . . . Zack Beatty, the ride founder, wanted to take the ride up there sometime but it never happened. I think we should go back there again.

Alex Thompson
06.7.08 - 2:53 pm


Damn I just looked at my ticket from the previous SMCM and the court date was friday so I missed it. What do you do at that point?

06.7.08 - 8:07 pm


Ouch. I think if you miss a court date, they can issue a bench warrant for failure to appear and/or charge you an additional fine. But I've also heard that if you request a new court date right away (before they issue the bench warrant) you may be able to avoid the warrant and fine. I have no idea how this works out in practice, though...

06.7.08 - 9:02 pm


Go turn yourself in franz.

06.7.08 - 10:50 pm


I wouldn't say the police were no existent I almost got a no headlight ticket on the way back but it was fine. It was the same cop that was giving us dirty looks when we were passing by third street promenade.

Bicycle Funk
06.7.08 - 11:18 pm


In that case, carry around a 1,000,000 CP floodlight in your bag.
If Officer Leroy pulls you over, just tell him you're putting on the backup.

06.7.08 - 11:28 pm


That ride was so chill, it was eerie. I never got to pass out my CVC cards to the cops...

All it takes to get out of that sticky downtown area is about 10-15 minutes, if the group is swift to cork when necessary. I'm not sure if Downtown Santa Monica was littered with traffic lights to make it a tourist trap on purpose, but that sure makes car AND bike traffic inefficient.

06.8.08 - 4:46 am



get your ass to the court house monday AM and go to the clerk. the clerk will tell you what to do. don't bother asking for anything. it's they who will be telling. if you do this fast you may save yourself a thousand in fines. not pretty.

06.8.08 - 5:56 am


Great news about SMCM. Sounds like it's time to give it another shot.

06.8.08 - 5:57 am


06.8.08 - 10:02 am


HALT... watcha doing without lights!!

06.8.08 - 12:30 pm


Franz, my experience with watching this happen with other people in court, is that the court will release the bench warrant and any related charges/fines if you agree to plea guilty and pay the original fine.
I never saw any extra charges, but the defendants ended up not being able to contest the violation..

Maybe if you get there and tell them something why you forgot it, they might let you pay the bail and fight it. I never seen or heard of anybody doing that, but it worth a try.

06.8.08 - 1:04 pm



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