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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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New Cell Phone
Thread started by brassknuckle at 05.26.08 - 8:57 pm

Does anyone here have a old Cingular or AT&T cell phone they don't want? A friend of mine broke her phone and needs a new phone. She's just looking for an old one that she can use.


you're such a good person, dan.

i love you.

05.26.08 - 9:32 pm


I've got a cingular. Good condition. want?

05.26.08 - 10:54 pm


that could definitely be a way to make peace

(it's alesa that needs the phone ;)

05.26.08 - 11:09 pm


Richie pissing off the ladiez like no other.

05.27.08 - 12:54 am


you're such a good person, dan.

i love you.

05.27.08 - 1:01 am


it's for alesa?? pshh nevermind.


juuust kiddin'

She might have to wrastle for it though...

05.27.08 - 1:31 am


how's her noggin doing? It definitely looked painful when she hit the ground.

05.27.08 - 1:41 am


F@#$ DAN!

Joe Borfo
05.27.08 - 5:51 am


thanks dan and michelle and richie...i guess.

thanks, though


05.27.08 - 12:43 pm


i like that in your profile picture, we can see the large knot (on the left) and the inflictor of the large knot thats realistically on the left, on the right (me) pickin my wedgie. Lovely.

so i'm assuming you no longer need a phone?

05.27.08 - 1:03 pm


yes, i still need the phone, homey.

dan's making you drop it off at his, i think.

thank you.

--it doesn't look like you're picking a wedge...more like you're searching for what isn't there. ha

05.27.08 - 6:32 pm


Ritchie has a really nice penis.

Trust me, I saw it. At Jared's.

Perhaps you couldn't see it from where you were sitting.

05.27.08 - 6:35 pm


you're such a good person, dan.

i love you.

05.27.08 - 6:36 pm


Big Bike Dan -
"You're such a good person, Richie.

I love you."

05.27.08 - 7:48 pm


"... in his mouff"? ehhh ummm errr

he looks ready hahahaha

05.27.08 - 7:55 pm


no...i was referring to his sense of humor.


05.27.08 - 8:46 pm



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