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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Folding Bike, after The 10 Bridges Ride
Thread started by sexy at 09.12.07 - 2:50 am

Remember that folding bike that miraculously was bestowed upon us, as we where fixing all of Big Bike Dan's Flats, after the Bridge ride?

That bike ended up at Big Bike Dan's apartment. Lo and behold, Someone from the Bike Kitchen hears about it and approaches Dan, and tells Dan that he has to have that bike. Dan is like alright, I'll bring it to you. before Dan brings it to him, Dan tells me about this person wanting it. I ask Dan, isn' this suppose to be a community bike, I remember someone saying it was going to be donated to the bike oven. I don't really care what becomes of it, but there was other people there that night, that might feel it should go, or belong somewhere. I tell Dan, I post a thread on here and see what people say.

As I remember, it was me, Big Bike Dan, EddieBoyinLA , Kyber, Rev Dak, 420 La Har, RedRidingHood, Fuzzbeast and Linda showed up later in the morning, is there anyone else I'm forgetting?

What do those that where there, think about this?


Maybe we can barter for the return of randy's Schwinn. feh.

Anyway, nahhh. We should just keep it in our circle. Maybe keep it around as a loaner bike. But to just give it away to someone seems kinda silly. Especially since they didn't have to have the "misfortune" of dealing with 4 flats w/ 5 punctures in each tube in order to get it.

That's my take anyway.

09.12.07 - 2:59 am


I agree, but where do we keep it? that is, if we all agree with that idea

09.12.07 - 3:19 am


my place is always willing to house a bicycle in need.

09.12.07 - 3:54 am


Keep it at the oven. It's got a rack so they can use it as their shop bike (food/beer runs). Maybe loan it out for the spoken art rides?



09.12.07 - 4:07 am


Just curious as to what brand of folder it is.
Is it anything like the Montague/Hummer y'all see me sporting everywhere?
Or, something else??

09.12.07 - 4:45 am


it's a late 60's early 70's Chunhua (chinese bicycle company which I cannot seem to find any information on) folding bicycle, looks to be a pretty blatant rip off (common in cold war era china and russia) of old raleigh folders, north road style handlebars and everything.

I say it should be a community bike.

09.12.07 - 12:32 pm


The Oven would be a good spot. That's neutral ground. Very true that we could use it on spoke n art rides as well as beer runs.

09.12.07 - 12:39 pm


The oven is central. More so then Rich2ie, or my house. Make sure it ok with the collective, to keep it there. I vote it goes there as a loaner, for visitors or whoever needs it.

09.12.07 - 6:00 pm


Keep it at the Bike oven, is my vote.

So far we have four in favor of keeping it as community bike. no opinions as of yet from Rev Dak, RedRidingHood, BigBike Dan, or EddieinLA.
Please voice your opinion, you four.

09.12.07 - 6:10 pm



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