Thread started by
sexy at 11.6.06 - 8:05 pm

Is txtmob.com something that the LA bike riding community could use?
to check out more about this www.txtmob.com
TXTmob lets you quickly and easily share txt messages with friends, comrades, and total strangers. The format is similar to an email b-board system. You can sign up to send and receive messages from various groups, which are organized around a range of different topics.
TXTmob was first developed by the Institute for Applied Autonomy for protestors at the Democratic National Convention in Boston and the Republican National Convention in New York.
I have used it in both of the above name situation and it was good for notifiying poeple of things happening when they happend. If the police where harrassing someone, or if an event was going to start at a location. Instant messaging to your phone.
I think about the times, people are late for rides and call to find out where it is at. Maybe the organizer of the rides could text it out as soon as the ride starts and people could know where to go to possibly meet it. Orgainizer could use it as a last day promotion, those that sign up will want to have these messages sent to them.
How could these be done? Would be open to everybody or to just those that are invited........read below
A group is a collection of TXTMob members who share TXT messages via cellphone. There are currently two types of groups:
Public: a public group is one which any TXTMob member may join.
Private: membership in a private group is limited by the group's administrators. When you first join a private group, your membership will be listed as "pending." Once an administrator upgrades your membership, you will be able to send and receive messages. Depending on the group (and the personalities of its administrators), this process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several days.
Secret: secret groups are similar to private groups in that membership is restricted by the group's administrators. However, membership in secret groups is by invitation only; secret groups do not appear in group directories and uninvited members are unable to sign up for "pending memberships".
In addition, groups can be "Moderated," in which case messages may only be sent by the group's administrators. An unmoderated group, on the other hand, allows all group members to send messages to the group. In any case, TXTMobbers can only send groups of which they are members.
Also from the web site...how to send messages
Sending Messages
From the TXTMob website, click on the "Send a Text Message" link (on the profile page). This will take you to a page where you may enter a message, and select which group to send it to. Simply click the "Send Message" button, and your message will be delivered to all members of the selected group. Please note, you may only send messages to groups of which you are a member. If a group is "moderated," then only administrators may send messages to that group.
You may also send a message directly from your phone. Simply address your message to [GROUP_NAME]@txtmob.com.
To view all messages that have been sent to one of your groups, click on the "History" link next to the group's name in your profile page.
NOTE: if you want users to send messages from their phones, make sure your group name is short and doesn't include any blank spaces.
So if you read this far, what do think? Useful, or fuck off and show up time, or maybe for some things? OR...........