Too bad Pee Wee didn't have his bike stolen in Japan...
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chunk at 03.28.07 - 3:24 pm
if he had it would the police would have taken his request for a dragnet seriously. but then again, he'd have never met large marge.
this is a pretty interesting story about bike theft in japan from today's la times...,0,2599881.story?coll=la-home-world
I really enjoyed that article, chunk! Thanks!
richtotheie03.28.07 - 4:42 pm
Makes me realizes how fortunate we are to have the LAPD. I would rather have the police berate, and question me in a manner that a bicycle theft is my fault (if not just look completed look like they are being bothered and there time is being wasted), rather then to have the police try to get my stolen bike back. Those Jap cop could learn a thing or two from our fine officers in blue.
sexy03.28.07 - 5:24 pm
When I visited Osaka Japan I was just tripping out for a few days I thought that NOBODY locked their bikes. It was like being in some kind of surreal utopia. I noticed later that most people use a simple lock that with the press of a button puts a little bar through the back wheel. And as the article suggests, I've been told the only reason to lock your bike is so some tired drunk doesn't take it (although drunks have been known to return bikes the next day) But yeah ... everybody cycles at all hours, security is a bare minium, if you forget something it will be there when you return, bartenders and food servers give the most amazing service, yet dont accept tips ...
A strange society indeed.
trickmilla03.29.07 - 11:42 am
wow sounds like a very nice place. leave anything here and it'll be gone real quick~! security is bitch too. something about control.
t.bone03.29.07 - 11:52 am