NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
All right, everybody, I'm taking this one on. Here's your chance at imortality. If you want to be on the "Warriors Ride" spoke card, send me a photo of yourself in the Warriors gang attire of your choice and I'll put you on the card. If you're unsure of how to outfit yourselves, look here:
There'll be lots of different cards, depending on the number of photos I get, but I need them by next Tuesday evening at the latest. If I don't get enough photos from you, I'll have to resort to cheesy stills from the film itself.
E-mail those pics to: mr.rollers AT sbcglobal dott net
"Bicycle gang" is an oxymoron for overgrown kids.
This whole thing is a total joke to me; it's all about having fun. Sometimes that means having a laugh at my expense. But the SFV peeps are getting touchy on the subject. It's mostly Dak and Borfo who won't let go of the fluffer thing. It's getting old: ArmaDildo, TrendGay, Fluffer, whatever. Yes, Anonymitytheif, it is a guy thing. Like a term of endearment for the too macho crowd.
You might know me from all the rides I do, but you don't know BigBoyPhil. So, you haven't earned the right to call him names, yet. I suggest you don't make enemies of strangers who ask nicely that you don't call them derogatory names.
I been resisting posting this, but I (as usual) can't help myself
Roadblock you got to be Cyrus for the spoke card. Now I would never wish my receeding hairline on anybody. If Roadblock had my hair line, that would be the perfect Cyrus picture. Maybe I should be Cyrus, i have the hair for it, then you could be Luther, and shot me. Luther is too short for you to be, so maybe you could be whatever you want to be
sure thing, Dak!
I know the perpetually flaccid TrendGays are in serious need of my mad fluffing skillz to keep it up.
I'll take on all of your little, limp dicks at the same time.
man.... that shit kills me I dont know why. it's just so exactly what a bicycle gang should be. c'mon Spiral yeah, it's maybe embarassing for 10 seconds but then it's actually pretty legendary. i be people would sport the t-shirts if you guys made em. like I said big dog, I have an idea for a logo for you.
and all this shit talkin... I bet a real rumble goes down on.....
I got to say, I agree with the humor of the Fluffers. Ii don't claim no gang affiliation. Armadilos, been riding with them before the inception. They are all my homeboys, they consider me an honorary member since I won't claim them. The RSR, I'm in the valley so of course it would seem natural, and I do roll with them. Trenway, well wait until I crash, and we will see. I'm a one man show, a man who refuses to grow up. I even got a Fairy on my side. Iif you know what I'm talking about, you know who I'am P.P.B.P.G. (let see you make some funnies out of those initials). If all the RSRs would go with the Fluffers name, I might just have to claim it. Fluffer's is just too precious, like The Orphans, not The Rouges.
If they did go with that name, Fluffers might have to steal those bunny outfits, being fluffy and all.
Check out this link to this movie trailer to see how important fluffers are
These Fluffers have high self esteem
As the fluffer in the movie, states "just think of what fluffers could do for World Peace, if a dictator or world leader got a great fluffing once in a while"
About a rumble, bring it on. Gang vs. gang on bikes. Jousting, foot down, bike polo, whatever else can you think of. I hope that one gang brings its kickball. What happen to that crew?
Of course Bicycle "Gang" is for laughs. Like the Reverend said half of our gang is female. They like the fact that they are acting "bad ass". I guess it's not worth explaining if you don't get it...
I suggest at the finale we organize a bike ditch, a tall bike joust, or just a regular bike joust. Not everybody has to do it. It's more like entertainment, like the pinata...
I'm sure you guys have all seen this, but this is what I am all about:
nah man, none of that violent bike shit.... too much work too much injury Choppercabras are the only ones who bring the fury like that.... I got a better plan.... MUAHAHAHA
I think you hit the nail on the head with the rabbit theme.
I mean we already have 'dillos, wolves, and badgers and hey,
porn stars fuck bunnies.
I'm thinkin' Skunks for H.Wood/ Silverlake
cause lets face it. My neighbors like to look fancy, smell like weed, and of course, we have actual skunks running in the streets.
but hey,
we rarely get to pick our nicknames
for instance ... in some sectors of la jolla i'm known
(behind my back) as "The Dude"
Speaking of Choppercabras. If you're not up for the poetry slant of tonight's RIDE-arc, the Choppercabra's ride is also tonight. They've mixed it up a bit. It's now Bike Ditch Nights. They will be playing tonight on the CSU Northridge campus TONIGHT. It's a LOT of fun. It's basically tag or hide and go seek on Bikes.
I ment to say that porn stars fuck *like* bunnies.
nobody with a respectable carreer in the industry would openly engage in intercourse with a bunny.
back to the spoke cards, does anybody have a picture of big bike dan
that they could call him Mozark on it. Like Rembrant was to the art of the warriors in the movie. Dan is the music to Midnight Ridazz
I'll be making spoke cards Thursday night about 7pm at my place in Echo Park. I could probably use 4 or 5 volunteers. I'll have the printing done by then, but if anyone wants to bring laminating sheets, beer or whatever, great. Reply to: