M.R. Las Vegas - OWN THE STRIP!
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Eric Hair at 01.2.07 - 6:39 pm
Midnight Ridazz take over THE strip of strips!!!
I propose that sometime between January 16 and January 19, the Midnight Ridazz converge on Las Vegas, Nevada and show those neon signs how it's really done.
We're not riding there, but car-pooling and bringin' the bikes.
Why these dates???
It's one of the cheapest times of the year for hotel rooms.
Get your best rates at www.sidestep.com
Someone wanna second the motion??
damm it..great minds think alike..I had this idea and was running it thru some friends but around the summer time. Fucken cold in Vegas in winter.
Let's see what you pull off..It would be a great ride
deesimple01.2.07 - 6:44 pm
eh, no colder than it is here in LA LA land.
Besides, throw on a few layers of liquid insulation and everyone will be gravy. So gravy.
Eric Hair01.2.07 - 6:51 pm
do we have any contacts with locals out there that a couch surf could go down? bike shop contacts?
Roadblock01.2.07 - 6:58 pm
can we make it a 3 day weekend thing on MLK weekend? i think thats more realistic for everyone? who y'all got bike racks?
superfish01.2.07 - 7:02 pm
how about we did a more local converge on say....the unhappiest place on the planet...disneyland hahahah...just a thought...
superfish01.2.07 - 7:11 pm
Sorry Johnny Johnny.
From what I've heard and read, the MLK weekend can be very brutal on the wallet. Prices on the weekend are already substantially higher, add a national WEEKEND holiday like MLK is gonna cost you your toes.
Be brave! Miss work! Ride the strip!
Eric Hair01.2.07 - 7:13 pm
i'm a high roller...uh huhhh...haha..yea thast true..but harder to get work off we just get a 3 day weekend
superfish01.2.07 - 7:15 pm
I have NO contacts in LV besides the fabulous folks that take the reservations at the hotels.
You can stay at the Stratosphere for $37 a night!!!
Throw 4 people in the room and that's $9.25.
Throw 8 people in and...well...gooses to gold..etc.
Eric Hair01.2.07 - 7:16 pm
My GF and I just booked at Tropicana!! 16th-19th.
Eric Hair01.2.07 - 7:24 pm
damnnn...you all quick in the booking... hhmmm...so tempted...
superfish01.2.07 - 7:26 pm
damm it..Don't have a GF, once I find one..then I'll book too
just trying to keep it consistent
deesimple01.2.07 - 9:54 pm
could we make a camping trip out of it?
Joe Borfo01.2.07 - 10:37 pm
i am down to pay for gas and share a room with 8 people. i will sleep on the floor. ftw.
ruinedbyidiots01.2.07 - 10:43 pm
So what night would be the ride? Every night or are you just down to spend a few days there? The only thing about those night, not one is a weekend night. I've always wanted to go with some friend and get around on bikes. This time of year would be kinda cold as was discussed. I say if it all works out, they will be another Vegas ride in more desirable weather. People always want to do something that already happen agian, because they didn't know about it the first time. This will be legendary
sexy01.3.07 - 1:47 am
gotobus.com is also an option for transportation.
$40 round trip.
Mr. Raymond01.3.07 - 9:33 am
Sheesh, I was just there last week. Its cold but not nearly unrideably cold, should have brought my bike.
The strip has some SERIOUS traffic but there's plenty of side streets etc. all around. Forget trying to ride on sidewalks, I'm not sure if that's even legal there. Noticed some (a couple of) commuters and other bikers pedaling through traffic though.
Keeping a bike with you in your hotel room might be a problem since they probably frown on wheeling it through the casino, but you could leave it with the Bell captain or Security I'm sure.
I'm takin it next time I go. There's supposed to be a 25mi. or so scenic route just outside of town to the west through the desert and hills, I'll look for the link and post it if I find it.
fwiw, I won 300 (and put it back) and my wife won 800...
dave01.3.07 - 9:58 am
I have a cheap spare tire rack if anyone is interested.
cured101.3.07 - 10:21 am
Yeah, I know about the weekend problem, but I'm just taking a chance and testing the waters.
I know there has got to be other people who are between school and finding jobs.
It might end up being just me riding around Vegas, but I'm doin' it.
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 11:17 am
down for a Vegas ride...
down to cruz the strip drunk on a bike....
down to carpool (might have access to a truck for bike transport)....
down to split a room with some stinky cyclists....
.... and if things get tight, dibs on the closet floor....
420LaHaRR01.3.07 - 11:21 am
I'm not sure which day we would ride.
I posted a CALL ALL to the Las Vegas Craigslist for local cyclists to aid in finding routes, meet points and general assistance.
PS - If anyone knows of any Las Vegas specific bicycle forums or groups, let us know so we can get in touch with them.
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 11:27 am
This sounds good. shit, I might just go. Whats the Plan?
Joe Borfo01.3.07 - 1:24 pm
Nothing solid yet Borfo, but preliminary ideas are as follows.
Looking for lots of suggestions and assistance from all the ridazz fo' sho'.
If we can't get any local LV cyclists to help define a route prior to our arrival then we will have to ride around LV and define one on January 16th during the day.
We could then make route cards and aim for a ride on the night of the 17th.
We should deffinitely ride the strip at least twice.
One way and back again.
Does anyone have friends or contacts in LV that can propose a route?
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 1:54 pm
Maybe we can be mountain bikes too and visit Bootleg Canyon http://www.bootlegcanyon.org/ . I'm sure several of the OC Ridazz have mountain bike contacts, since we met a few during Interbike. I'll ask around.
sc_nomad01.3.07 - 2:05 pm
Sounds good Nomad.
From what I've read, it sounds like the desert area has some really excellent rides for the fat tire crowd.
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 2:09 pm
Do I see a midnight trail ride in the making?
420LaHaRR01.3.07 - 2:10 pm
Hahaha......may as well make the most out of such a trip eh.
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 2:22 pm
man..you can party all night and ride alllll night....bars never close...woooo weee
superfish01.3.07 - 2:24 pm
I'm sure a midnight trail ride can be arranged if we get enough interest.
sc_nomad01.3.07 - 2:28 pm
if it passes o'shea's I might have to duck in for some $5 craps.
Roadblock01.3.07 - 3:45 pm
$ 5 craps AND $ .50 drafts......good times
420LaHaRR01.3.07 - 3:55 pm
vegas ridazz need a website but it's tough to get anything done when you're constantly neck deep in hookers booze. we're always down to ghostride the strip though.
here's a list of key people to get in contact with via myspace for more info:
i think the perfect jump off point would be the strip side of the fashion show mall. perfect concrete for skidding as well as smashing faces.
i'm down to help designing flyers, printing and distributing.
vegas ridazz are itching for an event like this.
haha matt01.3.07 - 7:02 pm
shoot... let end their wait and make this happen...i'm going to try to get extra days off work...not sure how many days though
superfish01.3.07 - 7:27 pm
damn this sounds like fun, too bad I start school on the 16th.
FuzzBeast01.3.07 - 7:30 pm
Thanks MUCHO HaHaMatt!!!
I'll contact those people you listed.
What size of groups do you guys usually pull together when you ride?
Thanks for volunteering for spoke/route cards. I was dreading spending time in Kinkos or some such place trying to bust last minute spoke cards.
We seriously need a route too if you can suggest one that you've used in the past or something...or even a new one would be cool.
Yeah I'm familiar with that mall thing that you suggested...SOUNDS FUCKING GRAND!!!
You can contact me directly for further collaboration:
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 7:33 pm
im in vegas i am down to ride and throw out some suggestions on where to ride.
kylemontoya01.3.07 - 8:35 pm
Thanks kylemontoya.
You might want to talk to HaHaMatt since I guess he's a LV local too.
You can also just email me directly. (i posted my email a coupl'a posts back in this thread)
Our rides are usually around 20 miles long, what do you suggest for that area?
HahaMatt was suggesting that the ride meet at that outdoor-mall abomination on the strip. Sound cool to you?
Thanks mucho.
Eric Hair01.3.07 - 10:02 pm
i vote for a critical mass style ride up and down the strip... that or we can ride the strip down to one end and back, then down to old downtown/ art district which should be an easy 18-20 miles.
haha matt01.4.07 - 2:30 am
now these dates are more workable .... so are we going to be doing some "ghost riding da whip" with our bikes?? hhhheallll yeaa
superfish01.4.07 - 7:44 am
What the hell does "ghost riding the whip" mean!!!
Eric Hair01.4.07 - 12:29 pm
this sounds good, I've done that ride a couple times. It's not cold here, it never gets cold here. Vegas NEEDS this!!
I'm in.
organimike01.4.07 - 2:14 pm
Yo Im game . Kyle .. Matt .. Hit me up .. Gather the crew .. Let's just hope I don't have to work.. Vegas!!!
bryannovelo01.4.07 - 2:53 pm
Glad to have you NV locals on board.
We need someone to print and passout Las Vegas flyers tomorrow at Santa Monica CM...I'm in SF otherwise I would do it.
Eric Hair01.4.07 - 6:07 pm
okay so I believe we've finalized the dates/times...
instead of fri/sat, were running thurs/fri with a possible wildcard ride saturday night
thurs jan 18th - 9:00pm - front side of fashion show mall
fri jan 19th - 9:00pm - in-n-out at I-15 and tropicana
*wildcard* sat jan 20th - tbd
as for the route, theres alot of drunk drivers and pedestrian casualties on the strip so we'll play it by ear depending on traffic.
sound good?
haha matt01.4.07 - 11:46 pm
i will seriously stab someone if they attempt to ghostride their "whip." i am a fun killer.
ruinedbyidiots01.4.07 - 11:54 pm
Thanks Matt.
YES!! More stabbing, more "whip" riding for all.
Haha, I might run INTO someone's whip, that strip looks so packed.
Get ready to slice and dice that bumper to bumper!!
Eric Hair01.5.07 - 10:53 am
Ghost ride
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Ghost ride the whip)
To ghost ride, frequently used in the context of "ghost riding the whip" (a "whip" being a vehicle) or simply ghostin', is when the driver and/or passengers of a vehicle exit while it is still rolling and dance beside it or on the hood or roof.[1] Ghost riding is one of the latest trends to be popularized by Hyphy culture, which originated in the Bay Area of California. The act is one of the highest forms of "going dumb" and a representation of the style of Hyphy. The term "ghost ride the whip" was given nationwide exposure in E-40's 2006 song Tell Me When to Go. However, E-40 was not the first to use this term, as it was coined much earlier by other Bay Area rappers such as Mac Dre.[citation needed]
Ghost riding as a term also has a history in motorcross and stunt cycling. The rider typically jumps off the back of the bike then runs after it and jumps back on.[citation needed]
As with car surfing, ghost riding can be dangerous and has resulted in at least two deaths in the United States.[2]
superfish01.5.07 - 11:04 am
i just moved to LV from LA 2-3 months ago and this would be fantastic. i posted on craigslist a while ago to get something started out here. but it seems like the only ones that ride bikes are hardcore mountain roadies and the guys flicking the cards that don't speak english! also young kids that would get in trouble for living like Ridazz. this would be great. but i dont know how the police and enforcement would deal with this, if they can.
possibly a route from SouthPoint Casino to Downtown LV on Las Vegas blvd and ending at Fremont.
but that seems like a short and simple ride. there isn't much to the east or west of the strip, just tons of homes. we could ride around the arts district. but the best time for that would be on a First Friday. as every First Friday there is an arts and music festival. crowded streets and tons of people around.
it runs from 5p-10/11p and here's the map of the festival and a listing of things that go down.
sanserif01.5.07 - 12:20 pm
Haha...thanks for clearing that up Johnny.
I thought people were getting too excited by the upcoming Ghostrider movie.
Ghostriding, as used in reference to motocross, is also a move performed by Kevin Bacon in the movie Quicksilver.
We call it the Bacon Dismount!!
Eric Hair01.5.07 - 4:48 pm
Hey Dingo, you said there was punk rock bowling the weekend we'll be in Vegas
Where is this...it might be a good after-ride destination for one of the rides.
Eric Hair01.14.07 - 6:01 pm
Hella stoked to see this coming out to vegas!!!!! I have to miss thursday nights ride but am coming out on friday and hopefully there will be a ride on sat.. I propose on saturday we ride from CHUBBYS PUB to RED ROOM taking the scenic route. Myabe something like flamingo rd to maryland pkwy to tropicana down the strip to sahara?? Chubbys pub is a local hole in the wall with 1.50 killians irsih red on tap.. The Red Room is a bar with Local Dj's Roccanova and Mike Attack! spinning from 11-4am. It has been an epic bozze infuzed dance party for the past four saturdays or so !
email me with any thoughts on this
dennis_porter01.18.07 - 10:41 am
I will be there Saturday, I was under the impression there was a tentative ride then. ANYONE DOWN FOR SATURDAY?!!
SKIDMARCUS01.18.07 - 7:07 pm
i'll post up a thing on craigslist for an encore ride saturday.
how's 9:00 at fashion show mall sound?
haha matt01.19.07 - 1:04 am
tonight will be a night to remember.... $1000 on Red, please.
superfish01.19.07 - 8:55 am
man I was totally bummed not to make last night's ride... i was hit by a 17 y/o girl on 1/10 and don't have a bike anymore, and her insurance is dragging ass on taking care of it...
i am going to try and find one for tonight/sat. , if anyone has any ideas feel free to email me at mynumbsmile@tmail.com
mynumbsmile01.19.07 - 11:23 am
I heard this was Friday's general route:
I also heard there was about 70 Ridazz taking over the Strip!
Kudos to you all who had the balls to actually go. Unlike me.
Viva Los Vegas Ridazz!
Joe Borfo01.20.07 - 10:24 am
Yeah...that looks just about right.
The route was fun for all, even the valets. ; )
Eric Hair01.21.07 - 2:59 pm
MANY thanks to all you Ridazz for showing up and making this happen.
Special thanks to HahaMatt & friends for scouting our Thursday route for us.
We'll have to start doing this at least once a year.
Ride On.
Eric Hair01.21.07 - 3:12 pm
Speak up and tell us more. We are all wondering what happen.
How was it? How many people from LA and how many from Vegas?
Did the Vegas Kids say they where going to start their own rides?
Was the cold barable? How was the ride? How was traffic? DId you stick together, cork, flats? Did you all party together? Make new Vegas connections/friends? Did you have spoke cards? Any trouble form police, or cars?
Report back please, we want to hear
I'm sorry I didn't go, the compo of the cold and my exhaustion from a hard week kept me home, but Sins' and sprokets kicked ass, the weather was nice, plus the races at ADT center was exciting and fun to watch.
Hell yeah we should do this again in spring or summer.
I know your reasons for planning it when you did Erichair, I think a weekend with good weather would bring so many more out. Lets get a thread out there to work on a date. Watch for conventions not happenings so room rates are more resonable. Also Folks could get together on big Two bedroom suites at lower end hotels. that would make for fun parting. Super 8 Downtown has two bedroom sutes with two queens, a king and common area for $125 a night
sexy01.21.07 - 4:26 pm
Ok ok.
Pictures can tell lots, so check out the gallery, and hopefully all the other folks that were taking pics will get 'em up soon.
For everything that the pics can't tell:
Thursday night ride:
I was optimistic, but was still thinking that a showing of maybe 10 people would be fine with me. I was blown away when I rolled up at 9pm and there was already at least 15 Ridazz there. I was more blown away to find out that as we reached our max of about 40 for that night that they were all VEGAS locls. There was one dude from LA who had moved to LV recently, and he took lots of pics, hope to see 'em up soon.
The cold was COLD, but bearable. Some of the fountains on the strip had turned to ice. Brrrrr. No one in vegas had ever done a ride like this and all were just as excited as us on OUR first MR ride.
Traffic was very easy going, less agressive and hostile than LA, in part due to the 4-5 lanes that are available on the strip, but also because we kept turning into the valet round-a-bouts and terrorizing the bellhops, taxis and limos. This gave traffic time to pass us up.
Cops...did anyone even see any??? We were not hassled one bit. Even on the Friday ride with about 70 ridazz....AGAIN all mostly LV folks with about 6-10 of us holdin' it down for LA.
Both rides stayed together quite well, with little orbiting BMX bikers and mountain riders pulling insane shit over curbs, benches and such.
The first night (thursday) we had ridden less than 200ft. from the start and I heard what sounded like a gun shot. Turns out someone blew their tube+tire, DAMN!! He came back the next night with a new tire.
LOTS of partying. Everyone was much more inclined to drink on the strip than some folks are likely to do in LA....some folks ; )
Even at the end of the first night's ride the Vegas Ridazz had already set plans to meet at the first friday of every month for a ride. At the end of the second night I could tell once a month was not going to be often enough.
Sounds like Las Vegas Ridazz has been born.
Wish more of you from LA could have showed, but hey...at least we know there's gonna be a next time; and hopefully warmer.
Eric Hair01.22.07 - 7:52 pm
really amazing that you guys did 70 Ridazz on the first try that's fucking awesome! the Zeppelin of love is spreading!!
Roadblock01.22.07 - 8:01 pm
sounds like it was a good weekend for first rides in general... damn this thing is spreading like a computer virus...
FuzzBeast01.22.07 - 8:07 pm
I made it out to the ride Thursday night and I was blown away by how many people showed up. We have all tried to put together rides in the past and only a handful would show and over time the crew got less and less. Maybe it wasn't the right timing for Vegas but now seems to be a great time to get more and more things started. Thanks to Matt for being a big part of this. For him just recently moving to Vegas he's already got people hyped and Im stoked. Sadly I wasn't able to make it to the ride Friday night. I was busy losing my mind to Dillinger Four but from the pictures and people I've talked to I hear it was another great ride and lasted a bit longer. As far as the police the only thing they seem to worry about in cyclists here is lights. Please post more pictures and let's do this again.
bryannovelo01.23.07 - 8:45 am
More pictures:
Joe Borfo01.23.07 - 10:14 am
About 500 pics, many of them really great.
Praise to the Photog'
Eric Hair01.26.07 - 4:32 pm
You guys ever hear of Interbike?
Coupla years ago we had 500+ going from North to South and ending at the Double Down for a sesion with Lane 8, Jeff Holt's punk band that kinda started at Linda's Doll Hut and Bike Beat when Jay and Sue owned it before moving to Austin and keepin' it weird.
Downhillers attempting the Evel Kneivel jump over the Ceasar's Palace fountain is part of what I remember from the back of a Bob Trailer.
That and a few confused police officers.
Wild Bill01.26.07 - 10:11 pm
anyone know what happened with the third guy taking pics from his girlfriend's vw?
fucking awesome turnout btw... big thanks to eric for helping out and giving vegas ridazz a good medium to advertise on, i wish more l.a. ridazz could've attended though.
also huge thanks to all the people who got the word out and helped pass out flyers.
haha matt01.27.07 - 11:59 pm
whene is the next ride 1st friday?
spumoni01.29.07 - 3:01 pm
yep, there's a ride this friday @ 9pm
meeting point is Downtown at the Art District on the corner of Casino Center Blvd and E. Charleston.
See you there!
haha matt01.31.07 - 12:20 am
just got back from riding VEGAS and hitting the clothing expo a lil gambling and.... getting our bikes impounded at the Venetian?!
yep... we locked our bikes to the railing - completely out of the way of traffic and foot traffic... there were no bike racks anywhere near the entrance of the expo center we were rolling into... the only bike rack it turns out was waaaaay over on the other side of the venetian which owns the expo center where we locked our shit up... sure enough security clipped our u-bolts locks and took the bikes. they dinged up hayden's new front rim and scratched up my carbon fiber forks. not an apology nothing, just treated like the small people we are... still had a banging time though. the strip is fun when there's bumper to bumper traffic but when it's wide open and traffic is moving fast and chaotic.... time to pull over and duck into O'Shea's!
Roadblock02.15.07 - 7:44 pm
that's ANNOYING!!! i'd be al kinds of mad and plotting ten kinds of revenge. but it would mostly involve peeing on things and dirty looks.
neverclever02.16.07 - 10:55 am
oh man for real! Hayden was just beside himself with rage. I personally have been througha few of these type of little man vs. giant money interest fuck you in the ass type of situations and I decided it wasnt going to be good for my peace of mind to even try to get into it... basically they flicked our bikes off the front of their building like specs of dirt.
we did the whole drill too, called hotel management who then transferred us to "Risk Management" who then basically said "fuck you we dont care about your silly bicycles take us to court if you have to" hahaha oh man. to top it off the security guards invoked the 9/11 defense.... so any hope of getting a sympathetic ear was gone right from the beginning... being that we kick it with al qu3da and all...
Roadblock02.16.07 - 11:10 am
we took our bikes into the hotel ..we asked the bell clerk if it was alright he said it was..and then the security dude told us to take our bike out...but then we told the security dude to go talk to the bell clerk ...the security dude got bitch slapped by the clerk..haha
superfish02.16.07 - 12:21 pm
the argument was pretty simple too... we weren
t trying to say they were fucked up for removing our bikes... sure if they are in the wrong area then fine take em. we dont even care about the locks.... it was did you guys have to fucking damage our bicycles so zealously in the process of removing them? the damage was more than scratches it was pretty dinged up on hayden's bike... I think they first tried to crowbar the shit off and then when that didnt work they probably brought another guy out (there were three maintenance men on the job) with the bolt cutters.
Roadblock02.16.07 - 2:55 pm
Next time we join the Vegas Ridazz we'll need to bring a couple of extra things..
1. 5 sacrificial steel bikes of the heavest order.
2. Hardened truck chain. Enough for days of bolt cutter damage.
3. A handfull of newspaper vending machine locks.
3(a). A portable arc or mig welder can be substituted for locks.
Oh yeah, paint the whole mess with gold spraypaint.
And as a final fuck you, become instantly incontinent in the high-roller room. Say around 8pm.
Eric Hair02.16.07 - 5:19 pm
one of em better be a NEXT, fuck those pieces of turd.. but make sure it's got a half tacoed rear wheel and a chain that can be heard 4 blocks away
FuzzBeast02.16.07 - 5:54 pm
Eric You are such a devils avocet
spumoni02.16.07 - 10:33 pm