Want 2 Kittens?

Thread started by
Joe Borfo at 08.6.07 - 9:08 pm
I have two, cute, clean, potty-trained, and loving kittens that need a home.
Sasha & Anton - brother and sister.
I will provide litter, a litter-box, toys, food and a carrier if you take them.
email me at
joe.borfo@gmail.com if interested.
What? This is bike related, I found them while riding with Tren Way.
Hurry before Russell exploits them into LOL cats.
it's probably too late for that...
man, I wish I could have a pet, stupid management company and their stupid rules.
FuzzBeast08.6.07 - 10:35 pm
I got plenty of room in my backyard for those little adorable beast.
You can take all that stuff back to the store, they will strive just fine in the wilds of GH. If not they will parish. Bring them over. My neighborhood cats will test what they are made of.
sexy08.6.07 - 11:52 pm
i just dug two holes in my backyard.....
mandingo08.7.07 - 12:02 am
did any Vietnames resturant owners come by for the cats yets?
sexy08.8.07 - 3:17 pm
which one's male/female.
I used to have a fluffy, male white cat, but it ran away and was probably eaten by a desert coyote.
bentstrider08.8.07 - 4:59 pm
White one is female, they are definitely siblings.
I'm going to Europe next month. They need a good home.
Joe Borfo08.8.07 - 5:25 pm