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Thread started by pleasekillme at 07.13.07 - 7:18 pm
Hey everyone. I'm still new to this thing we call urban cycling, and I need a little advice. I keep feeling kind of stupid for rocking messenger style when I am not now nor have I ever been a messenger. I didn't go out of my way to do this, it just happened. I think cycling for transportation is great, but I feel like I'm part of a fashion show sometimes. I think everyone can agree that bikes are very trendy now. Can anyone relate? Save the clever remarks for your myspace blog. Serious advice/anecdotes will be greatly appreciated.
I used to have a problem with this, being all caught up about whether I look too much like a messenger wannabe. Really it doesn't matter. Don't be too self-conscious about it and just ride. Do some research and see what people are doing now and in the past. Ultimately you will find what works and doesn't work for you and you'll get your own steeze. When you dial this stuff in it makes riding more fun and the miles will just add up!
For instance I used to rock a Chrome bag. They are great bags but I found out that I hate carrying stuff on my back during long trips. These days I use panniers if I'm carrying lots of stuff. If I don't have to carry much I just use a hip bag to put my flat supplies and a U-lock holster.
I used to just roll up my jeans but I hated being wet after riding up the hill to my place. These days I ride mostly in summer wool knickers, they breath and wick way better. My next move will probably be to switch to light wool shirts instead of cotton.
Everyone has their own style. Some might like certain looks while others don't care.
I mix and mingle with all people. If you so happen look like a "messenger" I don't think you should feel stupid. I ride cause I wanted to get in shape and get off my fat ass. I put on some cargo shorts, wicking shirt from Wal-Mart, my black socks (cause they blend better w/ my shoes), helmet, eyewear w/ mirror, reflective ankle wraps, and the whistle... and I'm good!
I just think the "messenger" look is what so happens, works for a lot of people. Like messenger bags. I've seen Franz carry a 18 pack in one of them. Since they have one strap, you can swing them around to get stuff out oppose to a traditional backpack.
You've got people that have piercings, rolled up pants, skull caps and you have the other extreme where they wear stuff close to a professional cyclist. Then you've got people in the middle.
Some people like wearing those skullcaps or hats cause keeps their hair out of the way and it looks good. I'd like to wear a hat but I'm freaked out so I stick to the helmet. I did the UFO ride a while back and notice my eyes were tearing cause of the wind. So now I bought glasses. I've got a whistle cause I like making noise and freaking out people as they get out of their parked car. I'm sure it doesn't make me "cool" but I don't care what other people think. It makes me feel comfortable and safe... and that's just me.
What it really comes down to it is... whatever works for you.
Sure if you start out w/ a mtb you'll notice that dang those road bikes are fast. Whoa those fixie bikes look awesome... so light. That's how those people probably got into it.
I've got to wrap this up cause this is going long...
You shouldn't worry what people think. Do whatever you need to do ... to make you feel comfortable. If someone doesn't mingle with you cause you don't look like them.. .well tough cookies for them cause they're the ones missing out. Just as long as you ride. It doesn't matter how you look like or what you're riding. Just as long as you're out there... Ride on!
Yeah, I wear now what I wore before I rode. Way back i the day I was doing rpetty much nothing but long distnace bicycle touring, and I used to look like some sort of half assed roadie type in spandex and all that, then I realized, it really wasnt doing much for me, and just decided to wear what works.
My only fashion suggestion, a couple decent pairs of cycling underwear, it can really save your ass, really.
eh. dont get caught up with a style. I ride a very uncool bike and still have a 909 area code for my cell AND STIIILL have socially acceptable seriously we're kind of a big deal.
most of the time, most of the stuff is utilitarian...
but that's not to say you can't just dress the way you like...
a fedora? a wig? a giant fuzzy bear costume? whatever!
I would recommend wearing what's comfortable, and whatever's appropriate for the distance and destination of your ride...
a messenger bag is definitely very utilitarian as it's lighter than a backpack, and just fits better when you're riding...and most of the time you're not carrying a ton of stuff anyway...
as for lycra and high end cycling clothing...well, that's utilitarian also, that's usually used for longer, harder rides, when you want better wicking and more supportive gear... yeah, those tight lycra shorts...I wear them, but only on my road bike, when I need the extra support for the thigh burn...
the rest of the time, when I'm riding around town on my single, I wear breathable shorts and a good wicking tshirt or whatever's comfortable...or whatever's good for my destination...I mean, I can't wear my cleats to go have dinner...
well, I could, but I hate the click clack sound
and well, cycling caps just look cooler than other caps, in my opinion
I think a lot of what comes of as messenger style is just an evolution of "street casual" adapted for cycling.
I was mistaken as a messenger before wearing the exact same gear i used to wear pre-bike with the exception that my pants were cuffed.
(I've long prefered over-the-shoulder bags aka. man purse).
Figure out what works for you. If you feel comfortable and confidant on your bike ... you really won't give a fuck what people think because you'll be wearing what is comfortable, pracitcal, and good-looking to you.