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Thread Box:
Anybody get chastized for not driving a car??
Thread started by bentstrider at 02.11.09 - 9:22 pm

My mom's been yelling at me ever since I got rid of my Bronco II back in '05.
I ride everywhere within a 10-15 mile radius of the house and usually get things done a lot quicker than when my mom, or others I know of drive to perform the same tasks.
Anywho, I've recently been having to pick up/drop off bratty, little sister at school, and perform a few other, car-related things to kind of get her off my back about it.

And then recently, one of my few friends I have up here in the desert said I should reconsider getting a lifted-truck.
Nearly drop-kicked him for labeling me as a "bruh".

Does anyone else ever face this type of bugging on a consistent basis?


my whole family makes fun of me cuz I ride a bike. they make jokes about how I would pick up a girl from their house for a date and shit. I laugh cuz its funny.

02.11.09 - 9:31 pm


Yet, another excuse for people not wanting to ride a bike.

"Oh, but no chicks ever going to dig me on two wheels, bruh!! You ain't got no chance of getting laid on that bike of yo's bruh!!!"

When the fine honey stomps you with her stilleto's for being drunken, little boy, you're going to be feeling a little EMO, bruh!!!!

02.11.09 - 9:35 pm


my mom gives me so much shit about it at first. I stopped using my car this summer and I also stopped paying insurance. My mom was so pissed that she bought me insurance behind my back so I could do shit for her... oh Mexican mothers

02.11.09 - 9:43 pm


my moms tried something similar... but then the battery died and the tags expired and it was more moniez than she thought. ha!!

some days, i actually miss it though... at least the times i would just drive to the middle of nowhere listening to music just to clear my head.

stress levels have gone waaaay down since i've stopped driving.

Jazzy Phat Nastee
02.11.09 - 10:59 pm


My Mom I think is detached a bit from what I'm actually doing. I think in her head she envisions me on segregated bike lanes everywhere and that somehow wearing my helmet gives me a force field. She was reluctant to the idea of me selling the car, but I wasn't driving it more than 2 or 3 days a month.

So far few have hassled me about it, and if anything I get a lot of awe from friends and family particularly because of AIDS LifeCycle and the fact that many in our family have health problems, and I am super healthy. My new doctor actually flipped out over my blood results and wasn't sure they were real at first. Anyone who thinks you can't pick up a date with a bike hasn't heard of tandem riding. I love having a cycling girlfriend!

02.11.09 - 11:04 pm


+1 on a girlfriend that rides a bike.

02.11.09 - 11:09 pm


I just got the two for one special at the temple- the first was the standard "But bikes are so dangerous!" and the second was- get ready for it- "What? Why do you need to talk to goyim? There aren't enough Jews for you to be friends with?"
I'm not sure whether I should be laughing hysterically or crying.

02.11.09 - 11:15 pm


bump for the gf thing

02.12.09 - 12:00 am


"What? Why do you need to talk to goyim? There aren't enough Jews for you to be friends with?"

story of my fucking life, sarah.

in those exact fucking words. Add in that my father thinks i'm into girls because i haven't brought home a nice jewish boy to the shabbat table.

MOT forever.

02.12.09 - 12:08 am


02.12.09 - 12:10 am


in those exact fucking words. Add in that my father thinks i'm into girls because i haven't brought home a nice jewish boy to the shabbat table.

My mom and others in my family usually give me those same exact thoughts.
I'll then counter it by reminding her that there are eight of us to lay that prospect on.

Besides, if a woman turns me down for my choice of transportation, I'll just suck it up and think back to those Spaghetti Westerns I watch before StarGate.

"I'm just the Man With No Name, that Drifts through High Plains!!"

02.12.09 - 12:37 am


+1 for being jewish :P

, start hijack

if you guys wanna go to israel for free for 10 days tell me. its funded by zionist orgs but who cares and just enjoy the drip :P.
email. aksendz@gmail.com

' end hijack

02.12.09 - 9:17 am


Bump on this topic.

Still getting badgered daily and as I complain about the shit-weather and lack of friends up here, my mom sees this as the only solution.


04.3.09 - 3:55 pm


Heh, I never hear anything about it, but that's cause my dad drives maybe 3 days a month as it is. My family is all cyclists, in fact we badger my sister for driving...

However, I have lost out on job opportunities because I don't have a car.

04.3.09 - 4:00 pm


I get nagged by my mom when I say I'm going to school and she sees me taking my bike.

04.3.09 - 4:01 pm


My Grandmother keeps telling me no one will want such an inproper young lady. That I need to calm down with my restless blood.

"What? Why do you need to talk to goyim? There aren't enough Jews for you to be friends with?"

I might not be jewish but I get the same thing from my latino friends. Just change the "goyim" and 'Jews" and its all there.

04.3.09 - 4:11 pm


then again, how many of us talk to non bike people, cause well, why would you need to talk to them?

04.3.09 - 4:15 pm


I just saw my dad after like 2 years of not seeing him. As soon as he hears about me riding everywhere he gives me shit for it. Its not safe. Its not necessary. I tell him I get everywhere so much quicker and he just mumbles under his breath. He was tripping out about me going to bicykillers yesterday. "Why do you need to ride at night"...to which I replied. "Why not??"

04.3.09 - 4:18 pm


I have a car (that collects a lot of dust and parking tix) but I still get shit from everyone of my peers. they think I've gone off the deep end or that I'm having financial problems.... the truth is that in bicycle riding I've found the fountain of youth... I feel more energetic and athletic than I have since I was a teenager. I'd hate to quit bicycle riding now and give all that up.

04.3.09 - 4:26 pm


who cares what other people think?

04.3.09 - 4:28 pm


Nobody tells me anything about my biking hobby. I do what I want when I effing please im a grown ass man... If people give you shit for thinking green and not polluting or getting some excersice tell them to go suck a dick not unless its your mom of course...

04.3.09 - 4:30 pm


@ rbi I do.

04.3.09 - 4:30 pm


Haha too true. I had a bunch of non-bike people over last night, it freaked me out quite a bit. Seriously- 9 people came over, and there were 5 cars in the driveway. It didn't go over quite as badly as I had expected, but I was missing my bicycle and you guys the entire time.

@Tarsis- yes, none of us want your improper self. Gosh, why do you even bother? <3 It's not like we love you for it or anything.

04.3.09 - 4:30 pm


damn that sucks sergio! My family supports my love for Wolfpack wholeheartedly

My mother encouraged me to sell my car. I have no need for one at the moment. My parents aren't overly concerned about my safety either, as long as I wear a helmet. They are well aware that I can handle myself on a bike.

People always tell me it seems so dangerous. I tell them that I feel safer on a bicycle than a car. In LA, anyway.

la duderina
04.3.09 - 4:31 pm


At school I wouldn't say I get chastised, but definitely uhh looked down upon? or pitied? all the kids in their mercedes 'aww she rides her bike to school' hah fuck em

la duderina
04.3.09 - 4:34 pm


it does suck but no use dwelling in it. He just doesnt get it. Ill keep on riding and hell just keep on trying to convince me to get a car.

04.3.09 - 4:45 pm


I went out on a date with a BMW drivin' blondie and she didn't know I rhode my bike untill, we went outside for her to get her car from valet. While we were waiting she asked were I parked and I pointed to my bike locked right behind the valet booth. The valets thought it was so cool they let me lock it right up front for all to see.

Lets just say I got an e-mail from her friend who set it up and never got a call from the girl.

I could totally see here mind change as soon as I told here I rhode to the date. I lived like .7 miles away. Never told her I had 2 cars at the time and a BMW motorcycle. She didn't need to know that. BITCH.

FU$K HER!!!! or I guess someone else will now.

04.3.09 - 4:50 pm


What a bitch......

I dont respect men who cant ride more than 7 miles. If you have to sit down and drive anywhere you can bike to....for shame.

Hey Sarah. I am aware taht you will never love a vagabond such as myself.


04.3.09 - 5:00 pm


I'll admit that the Bronco II that I had was an alright vehicle, but after I nearly blew my brains out trying to fix the transmission and the diagnose the poor combustion cycles of the engine itself, that was it.

Then of course if I do cave-in, I might just get some old, pick-up truck with a 4-speed and either an inline-6, or 350 V8.

Only thing is that the last time I looked for one of those, good running ones were $4,000 and up.

So, we'll just say that the proverbial cave will still remain safe-to-enter.

04.3.09 - 5:16 pm


Ill tell you, I've gotten shit from people because me and my wife share one car. I always get the question, "What do you do if you both need to be somewhere at the same time?" My response is always. Well, I ride!

04.3.09 - 5:32 pm


I took my bike into my English class today and was quickly asked how far I had ridden to get to school. 6 miles I say, and they began to cry. ?? when did an hour or less of exercise become unheard of in LA, where body image is #1 for so many people?

04.3.09 - 5:45 pm


Last week,I got bashed on by all of my friends,when instead of driving out to a party,I biked it there,they said harsh comments like "so are there actually girls that bike too that you can date?"&"have you heard that new t-pain song on the radio?"
Ahh not cool!!

04.3.09 - 6:24 pm


Fuckin', 6 miles of relatively, wind-free travel through some easy, city streets.

Shows how sheltered alot of people are, especially with what few, non-rida friends I have up here and the people they know.

I tried taking three of them on a short jaunt a few, months back and they started choking up a relatively, small grade.

04.3.09 - 6:27 pm


when did an hour or less of exercise become unheard of in LA

When it's not done in a gym. And the results are transportation + fun, not abs, burn, buns, and smoothies.

Eric Hair
04.3.09 - 6:50 pm



I have no time for narrow-minded, materialistic, shallow bullshit.

I prefer to hang with people who have the vision to subvert the dominant paradigm of this city. We see this city from angles that the regular folk never see.

Besides, you guys are WAY MOAR FUN.

04.3.09 - 6:58 pm


fuck yeah!

04.3.09 - 7:10 pm


When it's not done in a gym. And the results are transportation + fun, not abs, burn, buns, and smoothies.

On that note, I just haven't been getting to the gym much due to my work schedule throwing my sleep-patterns out of whack.

But, I'm slowly working it back up, I try to avoid the crowds during the 8AM to 10PM hours.
Too many knuckleheads fighting over cardio and muscle-resistance machines.

04.3.09 - 7:17 pm


this is the best thread I have read in a long time. Real life from the heart experiences. This has put a big smile on my face.

I remember back when. People would trip on the fact that I rode a bike everywhere. It would only take about five minutes of the harm I don't do to our enviorment ( Air, noise, and cityscape pollution) how much money I saved, how much faster it would be during rush hour speeches. How much safer it would be (for the girl) to go on a lets meet up date, or my I don't date speech, (there is a connection or it not there) before there would be dumbfounded silence (while they felt guilty and stupid) on the other persons part.

The goyim comment: that is hilarious. You can't help but laugh at peoples bigotry.

I always found BMW drivers to be the ones willing to take dangerous chance and drive in unsafe ways. Must be something with the performance of those cars.

I have found I get checked out more (in a sexually attractive way) on my bicycle then I have ever been looked over while in a car. Who doesn't like the body in motion. It totally hot!

04.3.09 - 8:29 pm


Gav I live 6.7 miles from smc and when I try I make it there in 24 minutes. When girls in my class ask about me biking and how long it takes they always go "wait, really, that's how long it takes me and I still have to park."

04.3.09 - 9:09 pm


it is somewhat difficult to find girls that wont judge a guy by their car but by their bike. If only the world was like this. Whats wrong with not having a car. I move pretty quick on my fuji son!!

04.3.09 - 11:26 pm


tarsis, pssh. girls on bikes> girls on feet

when ever I see a girl on a sexy road bike im like DAMN
makes me want to take off my penis helmet

can't wait for my new bike

13miles of freedom everyday, one way. All the way down olympic!

04.3.09 - 11:31 pm


my bike and my car are both crap.
so i hope i jsut get judged on who i am

04.3.09 - 11:34 pm


makes me want to take off my penis helmet

What the hell does that mean?! I've heard the term penis helmet before, but only in reference to condoms and athletic cups. Anton you're a funny dude.

Eric Hair
04.3.09 - 11:44 pm


...and I've never been called a bigot.....sexy, you make me cry...

Eric Hair
04.3.09 - 11:48 pm


my helmet is really dorky. and i look like a penis with it.

also know as a 'special' helmet. but thats fucked up and even I don't cross that line. ...sometimes.


04.3.09 - 11:55 pm


my ex rolled her eyes when i made a detour through the bici district.

04.3.09 - 11:58 pm


Well, no one, except for the white-collar roadies, rides anything up here so there ain't no reason to judge me on that sort of thing.

However, it was kind of cool when I was doing OTR and I would be coming from or going to my rig parked at the terminal/truckstop/loading dock/etc.,

Although up here, you would think there would be more of a noticeable cycling presence at the local college.
Guess all the kiddies have over-protective parents, peer-pressure to get with the "in-crowd", or some other rectifiable excuse.

Well, all the more reason to get my shit done and state my intent to defect from THIS desert region.

04.4.09 - 12:04 am


I get similar responses all the time Larsen. I don't know how people drive to SMC past 7:30am, I did it once and it took 30 minutes to get from Cloverfield to 17t and then there was no parking.

04.4.09 - 2:44 am



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