"This is so great! I can totally smell your shampoo! I love spring!"
"Which one of us is supposed to steer again?"
"Everybody says I'm pretty, but really, I think you guys are a little prettier."
"Oh, that's sweet! It's so great to have nice, pretty friends to ride a big circular bicycle with!"
"Boy, I'm sure glad I wore my special cycling sandals today! The retention cleats are the best!"
"Let's stop for a break, so we can all lie down and let the languid summer breeze caress our nubile legs underneath our sheer sun dresses!"
"Yeah, let's!"
"Hey, look! Another big circle bike, with eight boys on it!"
"Even though they're three hundred yards away, I can tell that each one of them will be compatible with one of us! Hooray!"
"Let's never stop doing this, even when we get old!"
PC06.17.07 - 11:05 pm
"Let's stop for a break, so we can all lie down and let the languid summer breeze caress our nubile legs underneath our sheer sun dresses!"
I love the imagery. Do you write erotica?
kyber06.19.07 - 11:56 am
If by "write erotica" you mean "struggle with unattainable fantasies about carefree, pretty girls on bicycles in pastoral settings," then yes. Yes, I write erotica.
In fact, I'm "writing erotica" right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PC06.19.07 - 4:45 pm