NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
That is one retardo study. I think most people don't wear helmets because they are worried about not looking cool. I ride over 300 miles per week, and wearing a helmet has never bothered me. Sometimes I take it off on long climbs on hot days so my head can cool down.
Helmets may not go with your cool outfit, but its better than being a retard in your cool outfit because of a head injury..
They should do a study to figure out what makes those shit heads in the big trucks punch the gas and go VROOOOOM!!! everytime they pass a cyclist. And then 10 ft later they hit a red light and you pass 'em, and then they catch back up and it's VROOOOOM!!! all over again.
Is it my boyish legs and cut-off jeans, or perhaps my cycling shorts peeking above my waist line that arouses them so?
I seriously believe that those types of motorists really do feel inadequate and secretly wish they were cool riding a bike with us too. So in order to make themselves feel better they go, "vrooom-vrooom!", and we all shake our heads and feel sorry for them...
Here is an interesting observation, it's purely anecdotal but might have some bearing.
I showed the WP Midight Drag Race video to some riders. While I got the same initial reaction for almost all riders on how crazy and fun it looks. Most roadies/club riders second comment is why were we not wearing helmets? Other riders commented on other things, like Hayden really needs to stay on the saddle and spin then maybe he would had beaten Cole, but almost never brought up the helmet issue.
I appreciate the research it is super narrow: one rider, one city, a short time frame, 1000+ cars.
With that, I think this statement is completely overblown:
"The implication," Walker says, "is that any protection helmets give is canceled out by other mechanisms, such as riders possibly taking more risks and/or changes in how other road users behave towards cyclists."
1) cyclists have crashes that do not involve cars (mechanical failure, road conditions, operator malfunction)
2) some cyclists do not take more risks with helmets on
3) some accidents are caused by drivers that do not see cyclists at all
4) some bike/car crashes are intentional driver assaults
5) some bike crashes are caused by drivers that are drunk and or lose control of their vehicle
The researcher would have to support that enough fatal accidents are caused by drivers getting too comfortable and driving too close to cyclists to eclipse many other potential crash situations to support the above statement.
The research in no way goes into how and why people actually get hurt cyclicing, but, makes a broad conclusion about the effect of the use of a single piece of safety equipment and it's effect on drivers.
Look back 40 years ago and see how many cyclists were wearing helmets, especially kids on Sting-Rays. Out of all of the crazy shit we pulled on our bicycles as kids, not a one of the kids in my 'hood ever sustained a head injury.
For our purposes this study (also cited in SA is probably more apt.
In brief:
1 in 3 bike fatalities in a Maryland study involved drunk cyclists.
95% of injured drunk cyclists did not wear hemets
56% of accidents occured at night
according to the study a rider BAC of .08% increased chances of a bike fatality by 2000%
smoking a "fat bowl" is not known to increse bike fatalities but puts riders at increased risk of taking a wrong turn, getting lost in an abstract thought, or making wtf observations.*
* my own 1 person study. I am wating till i have 1000 rides under my belt before publishing though.
There was a time when Wise was not so wise and did not wear a helmet. Then he woke up with a broken clavicle not having the foggiest idea what happened. He has never been on his bike without a helmet since. Just two weeks ago his trusty helmet was pulverized at the Devil’s Punchbowl Road Race when the fool in front of him knocked a traffic cone under his wheel. Said helmet facilitated a quick recovery and sixth place finish.
Who gives a fuck what you look like. Wear the dam thing.
My homie rolls without lights and I kinda gave him the "have you ever seen what a bike with out lights looks like in a car" and his marijunana fueled response was to ask if I ever considered that cars might actually be attract to the light.
"like moths"
"that's rediculous"
one night later (friday the 13th) a drunk cyclisit rolled off the sidewalk ramp and veered about 2 or 3 feet to his left, to crash into me while I was stanging over my bike at the stop sign on Heilotrope at Santa Monica.
He asked if I was OK and slurred an apology and then as a feeble excuse he said that he had seen my light and gotten confused and thats why he crashed into me.
Actually, drunk drivers are sometimes attracted to lights. Disabled cars on the shoulder, with their running lights on, occasionally get rear-ended at full speed by drunks who were relying on them as a visual cue for where the lane was.