NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
I'm going! I'm going to take that bike away from you, shove it up your ass and squeeze the trigger until it goes 'click'!
Can't wait to see the costumes!
we will also be having a performance from the b:c:clettes so please spread the word. these ladies will be coming from vancouver so we need to show them our appreciation.
Hey -
Borrowing from the "ridazz public image" thread - is anyone down for making up some leaflets for this friday's ride and taking corking responsibility to pass out said leaflets...?
Dude.... don't have another white russian and put that toke away.... BC is in another country..... last I heard, seattle was still in AMERIKA.... forgein gurls on bikes.... gotta be there
Kyber, you got to fly, before the oil runs too low and too expensive to travel any way but bike or camel.
A Saudi man said this about peak oil,
My father and his father traveled by Camel
I by car, My sons ride in the Airplanes
and my grandsons will ride by Camel.
anyone know where the end point is gonna be and around what time-ish? I can't make the start but I'd love to try and catch up for the B:C:Clettes show..... they're epic.
also - anyone know if they'll be around tomorrow night for the Big Ass Ride?
didnt take too many, as I got to the start just as they were leaving (union station to the ralphs in just over 12 min), got left behind while in line at the ralphs (needed liquid and something to eat), then had to haul ass to catch up with the main part of the ride... so, no photos from the first stop or the start.