Thread started by
ingipet at 10.18.07 - 1:38 pm
Why is my name being slandered on the sexiest photo thread?
Please immediately cease and desist with the posting of this slander.
Remove it immediately.
I have had absolutely enough of this aggressive bullshit.
as agent orange clarified.....what BBB is doing is technically
LIBEL. Not slander.
I just received some information about who BBB really is.
And I've definitely never met him. I consider this whole thing to be beyond creepy. Harrassment in fact.
ingipet10.18.07 - 2:10 pm
I don't think this thread should be buried right now.
redridinghood10.18.07 - 2:38 pm
I gots to weight in.. I hate it when a thread gets deleted.
It's like the history of this board and what we do and say is erased.
All of this makes up, a conclusion of where we have come to at the present time. Unless it is a real good reason to delete it like, I'm looking for trainer, or something of unimportance (actually, I now see the value of keep even that up) I don't see why we should delete anything.I
If something caused a problem, it should be there to see how it did what, and why. If we said something we didn't like, we can reflex on how we may have grown from that point.
sexy10.19.07 - 12:42 am
I agree with sexy. We should had let the thread die by ignoring it and let it get buried. I know some people were slandered but still deleting a thread seems too drastic almost like censorship.
I can relate to being attack on this forum because I have been. I once posted a thread regarding getting the OC Riddaz together for a ride. While most of the responses were favorable. One fool, who will remain nameless, started slamming me just for being in OC. First I tried reasoning with the guy to no avail. Finally I just ignored the guy and the thread finally died.
BTW, I still see the guy in some of the rides and he has spoken to me and several of my friends from the OC but has no idea how big an idiot we think he is.......until now. Ultimately our only revenge was laughing at his ignorance.
sc_nomad10.19.07 - 1:14 am
I dunno - I hear yah on the censorship thing and usually I'm not for deleting stuff but this situation seems a bit different in that the slander is really hurtful and Ing should not have to have it be on the board if she's not comfortable with it...
but I guess it doesn'tt matter now cuz it looks like it's been deleted.
redridinghood10.19.07 - 1:39 am
well it does matter, if she was slandered, the slander should stand as what it is. The person who said it, will always be there with the fact , that they slander the person. It's happened to me, I think it was pretty ugly, but I would hate to see it removed, because it is on record for what it is.
If she wanted it off, who him I to say that it shouldn't be off.
The reality is that whoever that person is, said it and is now not held accountable for their words, because those words are gone. I don't think we heard the last of the person who said those words, I strongly doubt that they will be gone long. Maybe not under the name they posted as, but under a different name, and the same non-sense that is killing the joy of this web-site, will come back.
If the person does come back, I hope they do a strong personal inventory first, as they said they would. The reality is, that it is hard for a tiger to change their stripes. That kind of deep seated whatever you want to call takes lots of soul searching to change it.
sexy10.19.07 - 2:23 am
if she was slandered, the slander should stand as what it is.
Um, no.
PC10.19.07 - 2:29 am
I say delete it!
There is no reason what so ever to keep bullshit like that up.
Unless of course you like bullshit, which I happen to know a few people on here do. Well, they are all actually the same person. Two of them that are one are on here right now.
I agree with you, there is no fucking reason to keep something up that is in blatant disregard to everything MR stands for, let alone in poor taste with total disrespect and just plain morally wrong.
Ratt_Bones10.19.07 - 2:58 am

Take a close look at the very poor spelling and grammar within a couple of profiles. Then compare them to BBB
Just proving a point, or trying to.
Ok, I'll shut up now.
Ratt_Bones10.19.07 - 3:13 am
Umm, why?
Because it's toxic by its very nature. Because having it out there is, or at least can be, distressing and damaging to the person libeled.
Basically we have competing interests at stake here: your interest in preserving the "history" of MR (and to equate the history of MR with what gets said on this website is dubious in itself, but let that pass) versus the libeled person's interest in not having hurtful and defamatory statements available on a public forum where they can continue to cause pain and damage a reputation in perpetuity. I think that ethically speaking, the libeled person's interests win out. Legally, assuming for the sake of argument that libel took place, they absolutely do.
PC10.19.07 - 3:15 am
Thank you for your answer. I appreciate the civil tone, in which you responded.
Make sense, I still feel that preserving history is important, but if it is the person who is victimized wishes that it be removed, I do agree that the request should be granted.
sexy10.19.07 - 3:40 am
I appreciate the civil tone
Now you know what the "C" stands for, muhfucker. Are you coming to the Observatory Saturday night? You have two days to get your BMI down.
PC10.19.07 - 3:48 am
You come with it, you come casual, I mean correct with.
I have a better chance of riding with you Sat, then getting that BMI down. As for my chances of riding with you, probably slim to none, still haven't found somebody I'm comfortable with to take care of my business.
Although I could hang if I was able to join you. I got the trainer set up in the living room with a little Dn/FSTV to get me through it. Now, if I would only go to sleep at a descent hour instead of staring at this screen
this is getting too personnel, email me with the ????'s next time.
sexy10.19.07 - 3:55 am
"Are you going on a ride" is too personal? Well, sheesh, I was about to ask you out on a date but you can forget it now.
PC10.19.07 - 4:50 am
I didn't get to read the libel. In my opinion it's a good thing, that thread was supposed to be about me, not Ingi. Get your own defaming threads, stop copping mine. Anyway 14:00 time to get up.
franz10.19.07 - 7:04 am
(out of his life savings)
PC10.19.07 - 1:38 pm