Thread started by
skano at 12.5.07 - 10:54 pm
C'mon kids VOTE for BBD!
go to the bottom of the RoTW+Big BIke DAN thread....RB made it really easy.
You guys haven't noticed about the link above? It shows that the person clicking has already voted, even though they haven't. You need to post the other link that was above this one. Just show the ridazz where the photo is located.
User112.6.07 - 12:28 am
You sure it wasn't because you voted already? When I switched to other web browser and used link, it showed up fine with link to vote. Not that I'm using more then one web browser to vote or anything...
GarySe7en12.6.07 - 12:57 am
Yeah cause it showed that I voted on one link and not voted on another. I had two tabs open and I never voted.
User112.6.07 - 1:18 am
BIG BIKE DANNNNNNN??????fuck that, "RECOUNT!!!!!"
eddieboyinla12.6.07 - 2:10 am