Thread started by
Roadblock at 03.12.08 - 7:56 pm

This West Sida has been quietly organizing and creating rides and action on the West side for quite some time. not only does he deserve recognition for coming up with the ROTW idea itself.... but Ever wonder who is making those beautifully hand sewn cut and printed bootleg Ridazz bicycle caps? that's your man. maybe after nominating him I might even get one in my size. please?
my personal favorite moment involving this man is the West Sidazz ride for which a bicycle drag race adventure on the beach the cemetery and my beer mug proved an amazing time.
oh yeah and those Wolfpack Hustle All City Team Race Caps were THE SHIT. Wish I could get one of them too!!
i saw alec getting food in venice somewhere last week. i knew it was him because the all white tall bike was propped up outside.
ruinedbyidiots03.12.08 - 7:58 pm
Thread started by Roadblock at 03.10.08 - 4:34 am
These weeks are now a total of two days.
sexy03.12.08 - 8:24 pm
or you could of just emailed him a request for a hat.
sexy03.12.08 - 8:25 pm
Haven't spoken with this guy personally, but I'm quite sure I've mentioned him in passing and may have not known to whom I was refering.
However, all those that work hard backstage, make it all shine bright when the product is finished.
For quietly, yet seemlessly going about your required and extra-curricullur tasks, the VVBentCyclazz Association commends you.
bentstrider03.12.08 - 8:46 pm
++++1 for ALEC.
Anything to get Dingo off of the front page!
Joe Borfo03.12.08 - 8:59 pm
Hell Yeah i thought of alec RTOW from the moment i saw him start the thread. Alec for Prez!
skano03.12.08 - 9:40 pm
Sexy, Just wait yur turn Big Homie..
skano03.12.08 - 10:13 pm
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Free ideas- $10.95
alec03.12.08 - 10:20 pm
Alec, can i judge the quality of the free idea and then pay for it according to the value of said idea?
e-rock03.12.08 - 10:35 pm
Alec is king of the Tall bikes. I was even fortunate to witness him try Richie's (now Borfo's) Triple and as if he were getting on a regular bike, he was able to climb on the bike while rolling the very first try. No leaning against a pole or side of building. What talents!!!.
stevo403.13.08 - 12:19 am
Alec was doing Westside Ridazz rides way before it became a theme of everyone putting on rides. He was even threatened that his rides could not be called ' Midnight Ridazz'! Alas, he continued to push for fun and eventually he won over the hearts of those trying to limit the wonders of fun and bikes. Now everyone and anyone can put on an MR ride and that is due to this kid's devotion.
bike punk03.13.08 - 1:41 am

[the pastor said:] ' the name of jesus'
[ and the ridazz church responded: ] "AMEN !!!"
eddieboyinla03.13.08 - 2:14 am
"Alec was doing Westside Ridazz rides way before it became a theme of everyone putting on rides. He was even threatened that his rides could not be called ' Midnight Ridazz'! Alas, he continued to push for fun and eventually he won over the hearts of those trying to limit the wonders of fun and bikes. Now everyone and anyone can put on an MR ride and that is due to this kid's devotion."
yes well put, sadly, but triumphantly this is true. for the record I was not one of the haters but at the time it was not my business nor did I have much say in the matter.
Alec, what inspired you to do your own west sidazz ride? has CRANK MOB taken over as your true west side love? Los Angelelopes? Cub Camp?? what is your favorite ride of all time?
Roadblock03.13.08 - 2:38 am
yes roadblock you might not have had any say in the non sense that is or was midnight ridazz politics of exclusivity. You do have a say in what you post.
Posting a new rider of the week every two days, well I guess you have short weeks. Listen folks, don't blink your eyes, you too may become ROTW and might miss it, because you didn't read the threads that day.
maybe you should call it the ROTRM
ROTFM= RIDA of Those Five Minutes
sexy03.13.08 - 9:35 am
ALEC you are/have been a huge inspiration to so many people, myself included... I brag about the Pier Pressure hats, westsidazz energy, and los angelope spirits because of you!
On the last Los Angelopes Ride a rider was asking me about why he didnt get a spoke card for the rides because . I told him that we dont make cards and "tough shit", basically. Alec over heard, and I noticed him starting to write something. By the time I was done being a jerk (not really), Alec had custom-made the rider a spoke card!
Alec is ALWAYS looking out for others' f.u.n., no matter who or what or how small.
Even this thread is a show of that spirit. (HE CAME UP WITH R.O.T.W. man, Sexy-S.T.F.U.!)
How long have you been a vegan slut?
What made you give up your carnivorous virginity?
You work at a daycare, you like kids, are you my daddy?
Have you ever been really drunk and thrown a kids bike into the ocean (yet)?
SKIDMARCUS03.13.08 - 9:50 am
It was a bunch of riders that came together to do the westside ride (witch was known as 310 for most of its life). I won’t name names because I’ll probably forget someone. I often get credit because I bossed everyone around telling them where to go and made them race me on bikes they could barely ride. Being asked not to be called Ridazz was my fault. I thought a bike gang should have rivals. Midnight Ridazz was the only other gang at the time so I talked shit on them. Yes, C.R.A.N.K. Mob is where my energy goes these days. It is all about gang wars. So far everyone gets that the wars are all for fun (more fun than Ridazz where formerly allowed to have). More later…
alec03.13.08 - 9:51 am
I decided randomly ten years ago to become vegetarian. It was several years later before I even read anything about being vegetarian. I was given a pamphlet on veganism while buying some punk patches on Venice beach (I was living there at the time just like many of the current FUNsiders). It was my mom’s ongoing struggle with depression, my dads losing battle with cancer, and living in a hospital for three months that made me really research food choices. I’m currently over a year into a raw vegan diet (plus some insects).
The fist and only time I’ve been drunk there were no bikes around and no beach. I was on a road trip with a bunch of activists I didn’t know playing truth or dare. I ended up lying next to the toilet for quite a while. But someone cuddled with me so it wasn’t so bad. Drunk vegan slut! I haven’t had a drink since but I am making a vodka extract of some crazy herbs right now witch will be finished the day before CRANK Mob.
alec03.13.08 - 10:53 am
To me, one of Alec's noteworthy acheivements was riding up Fargo St. (during the annual Hillclimb) on his tall bike. I heard that at first they didn't want to give him a patch because he wasn't wearing a helmet, but they finally relented.
mr rollers03.13.08 - 11:23 am
Where all has your tall bike been?
Where all do you want to take it?
SKIDMARCUS03.13.08 - 11:37 am
I still can't get on and off of Kabuki Sky very effortlessly.
I've got to consult this Alec guy.
Joe Borfo03.13.08 - 11:45 am
Yeah . . . he looks like he was born on top of that tall bike!
mr rollers03.13.08 - 11:51 am
"Posting a new rider of the week every two days, well I guess you have short weeks. Listen folks, don't blink your eyes, you too may become ROTW and might miss it, because you didn't read the threads that day.
maybe you should call it the ROTRM
ROTFM= RIDA of Those Five Minutes"
Roadblock03.13.08 - 12:14 pm
Wait a couple of days at least . . . let Alec have his "week".
mr rollers03.13.08 - 2:07 pm
"i think it's time to give sexy those first 5 minutes."
sexy unfortunately can not be nominated as ROTW. It's in the by laws.
Roadblock03.13.08 - 2:52 pm
no need, I write all of my opinions of things you may want to know or not know on this board, whether you want to read them or not.
Plus I don't ride any more, I'm a motorist these days.
but then again, most of you are motorist too.
sexy03.13.08 - 3:03 pm
My Tallbike has been:
Up Fargo, down the beach (low tide ride on the wet sand and in the water), on the first and last days of AIDS/LifeCycle (body shaking dehydration and an IV the first night), in the Choppercabras battle royal, and has bicycle jousted at a Rev Phil event. It also has a pretty impressive alleycat record- First place in the original (Ben and Paul’s) paperboy alleycat (beat Jack!), fourth place in Thus Climbed Zarathrustra cyclocross alleycat, and one DNF.
My tallbike hopes to do more indoor riding.
google search colonic, or salad.
alec03.13.08 - 4:14 pm
That's what they all say.
Give me a carbon fiber, 700c and we'll see what wins.
bentstrider03.13.08 - 5:21 pm
google search colonic, or salad.
I did. Do those cleanse formulas really work? I mean REALLY? has anyone on here tried one??
Roadblock03.13.08 - 6:35 pm
RB yeah Those cleansers do work (So, i've heard), But the only way to keep it clean is to stopped clogging it up with Meat and live a Veggie happy green life, just check out alec's smile .
skano03.13.08 - 6:56 pm
truth or dare, i'm ready.
sexy, you know i was just playing right? cyper hug.
alec03.13.08 - 7:13 pm
You saying "'I',m full of shit?"
Why you say that
I have some major questions for you, Hopefully you won't skirt them.
I have many things to do right now. Hope I will get them out, before your two days are up.
sexy03.13.08 - 7:30 pm
Reading through this topic again:
thank you,
bentstrider-we haven’t spoken but you did push me away when I tried to infect you at CRANK Mob,
Katie- idea #1= host a den dinner and have it be an architectural theme- show us your work- many architecture fans and architects here; idea #2= cut your hair so you have really crooked bangs (diagonal),
e-rock- yes; idea= ask Katie out on a date and borrow my tandem bike (I figure if that works out its priceless),
favorite ride= impossible to answer- so many life changing moments- I’ll mention one for kicks- SMCM on my b-day- pillow fighting- bike tag- regular tag- races-pLAy,
The Wheelmen did not give me a Fargo patch- Jack gave me his,
sexy- I meant go with the flow.
alec03.13.08 - 8:39 pm
You can't infect me, I'm already patient-zero!!!
Full of contagion, but shows no visible symptoms.
bentstrider03.13.08 - 9:26 pm
Very few, usually only when I accidentally kill them, but I guess that takes away my vegan status making me just a...
alec03.14.08 - 3:26 pm
i'll never forget you as a clown on my first ever group ride (the second C.R.A.N.K. mob) I'm a clown in many rounds and felt another stab of admiration mixed with relief of kindred spritis. You shared your food with me, let me ride the tandem, and since then I've found you an inspiration.
Thank you.
vspangle03.14.08 - 9:24 pm
Wow, I didn’t know that was your first group ride, that’s great. My first few group rides where LACM- the only monthly ride at the time.
ruinedbyidiots, the beard is something I threw together for the practical reason of staying warm. It ‘s stuffed with dumpstered futon material.
I started making hats after seeing some great ones at alleycat races and not finding any I liked at bike stores or even online at the time. I bought a sewing machine just to see if I could make a cap. The first set to go out was the “MR Westside” caps I made for the westsiders riding out to the one year anniversary of Midnight Ridazz.
alec03.15.08 - 3:36 pm
Don't ferget those badass 'I Bike LA' t-shirts, I still got my OG
shirt from waaay back!
tallcans4tallbikes03.15.08 - 11:42 pm