when riding your bike...

Thread started by
eddieboyinla at 01.23.08 - 4:15 pm
...we should always try to enjoy our surrounding stimuli, and strive to be the best that is humanly possible, it sure is interesting to "see" all that life has to offer and show us, WITH THAT THOUGHT IN MIND, LETS GO RIDING IN THE RAIN!
"...we should always try to enjoy our surrounding stimuli, and strive to be the best that is humanly possible, it sure is interesting to "see" all that life has to offer and show us"
thats why we are riding to pornstar karaoke!
speedybrian200001.23.08 - 4:25 pm
check out the Barchopz thread, but it looks like we are gonna have to plan out the karaoke for next month. We might get rained out on the ride next wed!
speedybrian200001.23.08 - 5:04 pm
It flooded here a few months ago,and when riding it was like you were on a jet ski.The water flowing down the road had debris in it too,making the whole event like some sort of video arcade obstacle coarse with jumps and shit...........WAS FiCK'N AWSOME!
Little Evil Eddy01.23.08 - 7:33 pm
ya i know the feeling, just got back from riding to dt, and i'm soaking wet, feels like i just came back across the border!
eddieboyinla01.23.08 - 9:27 pm