++ Scraper Bikes ++
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Eric Hair at 01.10.08 - 11:59 am
Love it. The wheels are rad. Some friends in Oakland said this is the rage right now.........I CAN SEE WHY!! Tape on the wheels I think...?
Here's the link if the embeded one fails like usual.
Scraper Bike Video
Even though this is a year old it's still fresh. SCRAY-PAH- BIKEZZZ!!
So it's tape? I've always wondered.
Joe Borfo01.10.08 - 12:05 pm
Only in Oakland.
Can you get whistle tips on a bike? Ghost ride the bike!!
hatehills01.10.08 - 12:10 pm
I searched the MR site and found no reference to scraper bikes so I thought it was loooooong overdue for some of our rides to start looking..
hella retarded
If not tape it might be contact paper, the stuff you use to line your pantry and drawers and such......comes in lots of flavors from Target to your local hardware store...
Eric Hair01.10.08 - 12:35 pm
fuck yeah! i was thinkin about doin that to my wheels anyway.....or some variation of it
Instead of spokecards we can have spokefans!
Eric Hair01.10.08 - 1:19 pm
I'd love to jazz up my wheels for the Doo Dah parade!
I love the video!
thinkpeace01.10.08 - 1:50 pm
that video was actually the inspiration for C.R.A.N.K. MOB
onethirtynine01.10.08 - 2:23 pm
Holy Crap! Someone post a friggin Scraper Bike Ride!
NEWB31001.10.08 - 11:45 pm